The Bible certainly says that most of the Church will leave the faith and create a fake Church. And it also says that after this everybody else with throw in their lot with the apostates as well.
Jesus told his twelve apostles in Matthew 10 that they will be persecuted for believing in and serving him in the future and that all will hate them. He said the same thing in Luke 21. He tells his followers that they will be betrayed by close loved ones and some will be put to death and you will be hated by all men - meaning virtually all men or the near 100% majority - "on account of my name". My name means my authority more than just the name of Jesus.

St Paul wrote, "But if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away". The Pentecostals say he only means there will be no use for these gifts in Heaven. Others think he is telling us why there are no such gifts now and that those who say they have them are deluded. Knowledge in fact seems to refer to religious knowledge. Simple as that. It will be done away which to me suggests Christianity is being prophesied to fall into apostasy. Religious knowledge cannot pass away in Heaven for it would be confirmed there.
1 Timothy 4:1-3 says, "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth."

Why does he emphasise that the Spirit has clearly said this? It would stand to reason that no matter what kind of group is formed in this world be it religious or not that error and lies will creep in. The reason for the emphasis is that the apostate faith will look good. It will be a good copy. Perhaps some Catholics may see that the some is referring to the priesthood which certainly is guilty of lies and enabling lies and won't marry and keeps away from foods at times. Paul is clear the the food rules are about ingratitude to God - he knows those who make the rules claim they are about self-discipline and giving something up for God but he does not buy that.

Paul says here that in the last days, people would depart from the faith and obey the doctrines of devils. This is a prediction of a huge apostasy worse than any other for Christians have always been corrupting the faith. The last days refers to the whole period after Christ for John said that the people living in the first century were living in the last days (1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 3; 2 Peter 3). Apostasy would start as soon as Paul dies (Acts 20). Catholics would say that this refers to the small bands of heretics who left the Church during the early years. But the epistles mention that Paul had extremely serious problems with heretics before he died so when Paul warned the people about what would happen after he died even though apostasy was common before it he must have had a huge and terrible and unimaginable apostasy in mind. It must have been unique when it was spoken of as if it was worse than the apostasy that was taking place when he was speaking.
There can be no doubt that since apostasy is something that happens all the time in every sect and is the scourge of every religion that the big apostasy in Christianity must be massive and involve nearly everybody if not all. The big apostasy must be worse than any other apostasy for men are not attracted to the gospel message by nature (1 Corinthians 2:14) and because Satan is a master of deception and hates Christianity. The apostasy is so grave and obviously horrific and must seem to be about to destroy the faith that it is presented as a sign that the second coming of Christ is nigh. It does warn that most of what is presented as Christianity is not Christianity at all.
Matthew 24:9-10 has Jesus telling the disciples, "You will be arrested, persecuted and killed. You will be hated by ALL men because of me. And then many will abandon the faith." This implies that the vast majority of people will hate the apostles. If the apostles are dead, they could be hated by all men now. That would imply complete apostasy. It is clear that Matthew 24 speaks of most people being haters of Jesus and therefore apostates. They may invent a version of Jesus of their own but they still hate the real one. Earlier Jesus said that God will preserve those who persevere to the end. Jesus is only promising that. But it is possible there will be nobody persevering.
Jesus tells his Jewish opponents, You will look for me, but you will not find me; and where I am, you cannot come." John 7:34
What did [Jesus] mean when he said, 'You will look for me, but you will not find me,' and 'Where I am, you cannot come'?" John 7:36
Once more Jesus said to them, "I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come." John 8:21
So that was said to the Jews - and the same startlingly was said to his own disciples.
Jesus said, "My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come." John 13:33
Acts 20:29-31 has Paul saying that after he dies wolves will arise even within the Christian fold to corrupt the faith and he has warned them about this for three years with tears. The way Paul teaches this as so urgent and something to be constantly remembered shows that it was to be a very serious apostasy indeed and not far away. He said this to the Church in Ephesus and some use that to object that this does not infer that the whole Church will be troubled by apostasy but only the Ephesian wing. But the way he speaks in general terms of the Church of God that Jesus purchased with his blood indicates that he was telling the Ephesians what would happen to the general Church. He is speaking to the Church as a whole through the Ephesians just like the people can speak of and to his Church as a whole but directly to the people of Mexico.

2 Timothy explains how Paul had nobody to take his side the first time he had to defend himself. What does he refer to? How long ago was it? The answers do not matter as much as Paul being on trial for his faith. A religion that disregards one of its major figures is one that deserves to be suspected of apostate leanings.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 states that you must let nobody deceive you by any means for the day Christ will come cannot come unless a falling away or apostasy happens first. Now the letters of Paul, and indeed lots of places in the New Testament, talk about believers who turned away from the faith and started teaching heretical doctrines including such ideas as that the resurrection of Christ was doubtful and that Jesus died and rose again so that we could sin as we wished and so on. The Church had its apostates from the beginning. Christians today would have you think that it is saying that some people will try to deceive you into thinking nobody will apostatise. That makes no sense. If you take the verse to be referring to complete apostasy then it makes perfect sense.
2 Thessalonians 2 speaks of a future apostasy of the Church with no hint that it will involve only some members of the Church and not all. It says the deceiver the son of perdition will sit in the Temple of God as if he is God. That means that those who have the true faith will be led astray by having a false teacher who they regard as infallible in their midst. The temple stands for the Church which is the Temple of God. It is a clear declaration that the whole Church will leave the faith. If this is wrong - which it isn't - then most and some of the Church will leave then it follows that the Church will still exist but be smaller. The loyal remnant would then be the Temple of God. But Paul says the Devil’s man will sit in this Temple and preside over it. What he is saying here is that even the holiest Church will go over to the Devil. The Temple of God will go over to the Devil so that it will be the Temple of God no more. There is no other Temple of God so the entire faith is apostate.
1 Timothy 4 says that the Holy Spirit says that in the latter days some will leave the faith and start listening to Devils. These doctrines include banning marriage and forbidding to eat meat. Some say this refers to those who commit these specific heresies. It describes one part of the apostasy which will take many forms. It does not imply that the rest will remain true to the faith and that the apostasy will be incomplete. It does not mean that this apostasy will take place in the distant future for the New Testament considers the whole time between the apostles and the coming of Christ at the end of the world to be the latter days or the last days. That apostasy and people forbidding marriage and meat eating in the name of Christ was happening in those days. That was the days the prophecy had in mind. To say that some will apostatise does not exclude the possibility that all will apostatise later. The same can apply to 2 Peter 2:1-3. It warns that false teachers will arise among "yourselves" and lead "many" astray. That is speaking in the present and near future. It does not say if there will be a complete apostasy in the future or not.
2 Timothy 3 speaks of how men in the last days will have a form of godliness but deny the power of God by the way they teach and live their lives. 2 Timothy 4 tells Timothy to preach the gospel fervently for the time will come when they won’t listen to it. He gives no hint that he means some and not all so he means all.  
The First Epistle of John, an apostle or authorised teacher created by Christ, taught that it was the final hour. He mentioned that antichrist was to come during the last hour. He says nothing about him being there yet. But he said that the proof that it was the last hour was the huge number of antichrists, people who denied that Jesus was the Christ or that he was a real man going about after having left the Church (2:18,19). This must have been one huge apostasy to make him think it was near the end especially when the Church had been suffering apostates from the beginning. He was certain that antichrist wasn't far off. Antichrist means not one who necessarily opposes Christ but one who stands in his place - in other words, one that acts like a Christ without his authority. The pope claims to be Vicar of Christ (one who stands in the place of Christ and who has his authority to teach and bar people from Heaven and control their salvation) and his priests and bishops claim to be other Christs. It is uncanny how there is a good match. If you believe the letter of John was written by God then you have to believe the Roman Catholic Church fulfilled his prophecy. The idea that apostasy was so great that it had to be the final hour or final time before the end of the world suggests that the apostasy will remain very powerful until the very end. It means most Christians will be fakes.
John writes that the antichrist is the one who denies that Jesus came in the flesh. The Roman Catholic Church says that the physical body of Jesus was not really his body. The real body is his substance which is not material at all. A body that has no parts or appearances is not a body at all. The Church uses its doctrine of substance being immaterial to "explain" how the priest can turn bread and wine into Jesus's body without anything physically changing. The Church is the antichrist.
Here is another way to put all this: The Roman Church says that the body of Jesus is not what saves us but a spiritual force that it falsely calls a body is. The bread at communion is turned into Jesus without any physical change taking place. This means that the real Jesus is not his body but a spiritual entity. It is this Jesus who saves us and who feeds us at communion. This matches the teaching of the heretics in the first century who said that Jesus did not come in the flesh. The First Epistle of John says that these heretics are antichrists. The Catholic Church is antichrist. It denies that the physical Jesus saves or is of any importance despite pretending that it believes Jesus came in the flesh. It pays lip-service to that teaching. It is only lip-service. John 6 then should not be taken by the Catholic Church to be saying that Jesus intended to turn bread into his body and drink into his blood.
John's same epistle said that because God lives inside true believers they don't need a teacher for God teaches them. Christianity today depends on academics and priests and theologians and pastors and popes to teach. That need is a sign of apostasy. It is a sign that the Church prefers what men say to what God says. If Peter was the rock the Church was built on, then later on he was not the only one. The papacy is a sign of apostasy for it claims to exist for the sake of teaching the people.
There is no Bible text that says there will be any believers on earth when Jesus comes. The First Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians chapter 4 says that the dead will rise first when Jesus returns and the living will be caught up to him. This can be taken as hypothetical and Paul uses "we" to describe the living believers which appears to support this. Paul was hypothesising what form the coming would take if it happened in his lifetime. Some say it does not contradict the view that there will be a total apostasy and that there will be true believers at the time Jesus returns.
The Bible says that a huge apostasy will occur. It must mean a huge apostasy of the vast majority for apostasy has been happening since the start. So the one it refers to is an extremely bad one. Perhaps a complete one. The complete apostasy idea is what fits the Bible the best and is explicitly taught.


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