Christ founded one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church which is one in faith so we are told.  We are told that the Church in communion with the pope is that Church.  This says other Churches have broken with it and can go astray as they don't have the protection of the Holy Spirit.  Catholicism says it is meant for every person and the Church is a gift for all but not all are willing or ready to come to it.  Catholic means inclusive and for all in that sense.  That presupposes the Church has the truth.  Other Churches supposedly make errors.  Errors include heresies such as the Bible being the head of the Church not the pope and losing the authority to perform valid sacraments such as turning bread and wine into Jesus.

Catholicism has a cultic side.  Let us look at it.

What this cult says and does

There is no faith without evidence for faith is accepting that the evidence says something is likely to be true. As scripture says faith is the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1).

Why this is Bad

But nearly every religion claims that reason and miracles support its teaching and the Church only pays attention to miracles that say what it wants to hear. For example, UFO miracles, spiritualist miracles, and even most Catholic miracle claims are all dismissed without even being investigated decently or at all! It does not believe in miracles it only uses them to bait converts. There is no evidence so there can be no faith. It is just feeling when it is not faith.

What this cult says and does

Welcoming people to the sacraments and Communion (the sacrament of unity with God and with one another!) who haven’t made peace with others

Why this is Bad

Jesus said that if you offer something to God make amends to your brother first and a promise to do that isn’t good enough (Matthew 5:23,24). The Church totally ignores the command of Jesus that a sinner who wouldn’t repent and who got a few warnings must be ostracised and expelled from the Church if he or she ignores a warning from the Church. He didn’t say what kind of sin but just “if you have something against your brother”, so he certainly wanted adulterers and homosexuals barred. Also Paul the apostle wrote that sex outside marriage is a sin against the Holy Spirit for unlike other sins it is a sin against the body which is his Temple (1 Corinthians 6:13-20). This implies that such a sin is the worst sin of all and sanctions bigotry against people who are sexually liberated so no wonder Paul put a curse and an excommunication on a man living with woman in Corinth in the hope that Satan would torment him (1 Corinthians 5). The Church spent nearly all of its existence persecuting and stirring up hatred against others and heretics so it must have been hypocritical all that time. Before Vatican II you wouldn’t let Catholics attend Protestant funerals!

What this cult says and does

The sacrament of the sick forgives the sins of the dying and saves them from everlasting damnation in Hell

Why this is Bad

Such is the fear of dying without a priest among Catholics that we can be sure that this doctrine has killed many who found themselves in a serious car accident through sheer fear and made their suffering worse for no priest was available or could make it quickly enough. No caring parent would teach their child that Catholicism is true. This faith puts faith before people.

What this cult says and does

Encouraging Mortal Sinners to praise God and pray and come to Mass

Why this is Bad

Unrepented mortal sin is rejecting a relationship with God so how can this be sincere? Mortal sin rejects God and so it rejects his people too. They might be accepted as friends but they are rejected in so far as they are his people. So the Church wants sinners to become hypocrites and claims that this is good! What kind of conversion will result from such hypocrisy? Why should such converts be believed when they say they repent? They went to Mass to fellowship with people who they reject as brethren in God!

What this cult says and does

The sacraments have the power to make us holy and cure our sinful inclinations

Why this is Bad

They don’t work too well. People that don’t get them are often better than those who do. Priests are just spiritual quacks.

What this cult says and does

Disobeying the moral teaching of the Church leads to much suffering

Why this is Bad

You assume that contraception is bad and that divorce is bad to give two out of several possible examples. You then look for the bad effects and condemn them to people for having these effects. What you are really doing is forgetting or obscuring the good. You are making it look like you condemn them for the bad effects while even if the bad effects didn’t happen you would still be condemning for they are not the reason you are condemning at all. If they were, you would be looking at the effects and then deciding rather than assuming they are wrong and then trying to bend the evidence to back you up.

What this cult says and does

The Church is infallible and never changes its doctrine

Why this is Bad

Then why do you embrace ecumenism since Vatican II while the popes and councils rejected all ecumenism before then? Ecumenism is either each religion coming together to work towards becoming one Church and each one wants itself to be that Church or it is religions agreeing to differ and be separate but friends categorising one religion as good for salvation as another. Either interpretation denies the Catholic claim that it is the one true Church.

The Church says that there has been no revelation since the apostles died and that Catholics must believe this to be Catholics. Yet she claims to be infallible but says this infallibility is not revelation or inspiration but just protection from error.

God must be revealing new things to stop the Church making errors. Infallibility is claiming new revelation and the Church knows it. Infallibility the main doctrine of the Church contradicts itself.

What this cult says and does

We believe in venial sin, sin that does not reject a relationship with God but which just damages it

Why this is Bad

God is good without limit so he hates evil without limit so he finds all sin hateful without limit so venial sin cannot exist when it is that offensive.

What is terrible is how a religion can say people go to Hell forever for some sins when it arbitrarily decides what sins these will be! That is evil in the extreme.

What this cult says and does

Capital punishment should only happen very rarely for even today there is so much corruption and innocent people could be executed on trumped up charges

Why this is Bad

The God you say wrote the Bible commanded it for nearly everything in the Old Testament and then in a day when guilt was not as easily or surely proved as today and God left a nation who he said was disobedient and stubborn and inclined excessively to evil to administer it – a corrupt nation!

What this cult says and does

We are obligated to accept the Bible as the word of God for he is its author

Why this is Bad

But you know it contradicts itself and only to read it is to see how silly it is. For example, Jesus said that he couldn’t be using the Devil to cast out demons for if Satan did that he would have no kingdom as if Satan needed to possess people to have a kingdom! (Mark 3:24). The gospel claim that the Pharisees and scribes who had been planning to get rid of Jesus for years used false witnesses who could not get their stories straight to convict him is totally absurd for they had plenty of time to plan it well and coaching isn’t difficult. It’s a damn lie.

What this cult says and does

God commands that babies be baptised which makes them members of his Church and obligated to learn the true faith

Why this is Bad

Nobody has the right to indoctrinate vulnerable children. They can be taught right and wrong and what consoles them without Roman Catholicism. They should get a broad non-dogmatic instruction and helped to find what spirituality or non-spirituality works for them. Such conditioning as required by the Catholic God is child abuse. It gives the faith an unfair advantage and causes bigotry because the children know nothing else

What this cult says and does

God feeds us with his body and blood at Mass, but you cannot receive if you are guilty of serious sin that you haven’t repented

Why this is Bad

You say it is the power of God that changes the person so what do we need to eat his body and drink his blood for? This is magic not religion. God taught in the Old Testament that pagans praying to idols was silly for the idols couldn’t protect themselves from harm and the Catholics worship vulnerable bread that is thrown out when it gets stale as God! Jesus said that to be sure you are really genuinely good, you must pray in secret and do good discreetly and here we see a rite that contradicts this. In the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, Jesus said God rejected the Pharisee for he thanked God that he was better than the publican. The Pharisee wasn’t claiming to be perfect for if he was there would have been nothing to thank God for. The message of Jesus is clear that going to communion is acting like the Pharisee.

What this cult says and does

God is not a God of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33)

Why this is Bad

Then why is nothing about your religion simple? If you have to prove for example that there is nothing stopping any intelligent and careful person from believing in the divine origin of the papacy, to choose one of several possible examples, it takes you books and books to prove it. And even then most scholars laugh at your efforts. If the pope really is the rock the Church is built on that will be plain and all that effort wouldn’t be necessary. Occam’s Razor says that it is only deceit that requires too much effort to make it look plausible. It is only a religion that is simple and straightforward that can be Catholic that is intended to suit everybody including the questioner who is not very theologically literate

What this cult says and does

The Church does many good works

Why this is Bad

The evil man does some good as he does evil for he sees that evil is good under the circumstances. We do not praise good that involves harm but we condemn it for refusing to be good enough. The Bible condemns good that comes from sources that refuse to be better (James 3:8-12; Mark 10:18). The works of the Church are just telling God that the Church will do good on its terms not on good’s terms so it is not good in intention but rebellious. What about the Church spending millions on Churches, on producing saints and investigating miracles, on fighting on public relations, taking money off the poor and starving in Africa to build churches and support priests while Christ told the rich man to give all he had to the poor? The Church answers that he was trying to break the man’s attachment to material things but you don’t need to ask for all the wealth to be given away for that and he did say afterwards of the rich in general that it is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to turn to God! How terrible it is for the Church to refuse to save the lives of the starving and claim to be Christ’s Church. You claim to have the right to bring the whole world into the Church. You say that it is your chief duty and the supreme good work to win souls to honour God. And you let them die. Are you going to preach to corpses and convert them?

What this cult says and does

Catholics should die for their faith if necessary but we know few would!

Why this is Bad

Then most are hypocrites for they would refuse to die for their faith though they claim the right to say that God uses suffering to make people better people. That is approving of the suffering and it is fanaticism and vile to say things like that about people over a belief. They need proof to have the right and they selfishly turn their backs on the fanaticism of dying for God to propound a fanatical assessment of other peoples suffering!

What this cult says and does

The Catholic Church is holy and produces many saints

Why this is Bad

How could the saints canonised by such a dishonest Church which they supported in its dishonesty be real saints despite the miracles they do to show they are saints? The top thinkers of the Church must know that the religion is deception and untrue or at least that there is nothing believable about it so what does that say about the rest of the clergy?

What this cult says and does

Racism is a sin and racists hide their prejudice by making it look like something else

Why this is Bad

Then we must take the nasty doctrines of the Catholic Church as evidence that it is a nasty religion cloaked in sweetness. We have no other way of judging people but by their teachings and works. You don’t consider a Muslim who stones his wife to death because his religious beliefs tell him to be anything other than a monstrous murderer. Belief is no excuse for evil.God does not live in babies until they are baptized for they have original sin.

God rejects the babies because of something Adam chose for them! How ridiculous and uncharitable. Baptism heals original sin and the tendency to sin, it is the new birth, we become a new creation and like Jesus and our old sin-loving nature is changed

You know that is a lie for most baptised people fall away and those that don’t tend to follow their own version of Christianity and accordingly are heretics

What this cult says and does

The Church teaches that marriage must be entered into with the greatest caution. Confirmation is when you confirm your baptism and the vows made for you. Confirmation is making an eternal commitment to the Church. Marriage is only making a commitment to a person for life. Confirmation intimately unites you with God. It is like a marriage with the Holy Spirit.

Why this is Bad

Curiously the Church teaches that great caution is necessary for marriage though it teaches that confirmation as a member of the Church is more important it does not advise such caution! When have you heard of confirmation candidates being left free to opt out of the rite? When has the Church let them read books against the Church so that they can hear both sides and decide?


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