If God exists then God comes first for he made us and loves and is perfect so every waking moment should be offered to him which means that nearly everything is a sin. It is a sin to enjoy your favourite record for you will not enjoy it much if you occupy yourself with thoughts of God. God will block your progress towards true self-esteem and the belief plays a part in all the evil you do. When you release yourself from the burden you can say then that you are really trying to do something to improve yourself as a person.
It is important that we be sure what right and wrong are and are not. If we are not sure or very sure then criticism by other people will get to us for we wonder if they have a point. To base right and wrong on God and not on your own dignity results in you being less sure and that is why no matter how good a God based morality is basing right and wrong on the certainties that exist in you and which are you is better.
Feel inferior to nobody whatever their dignity is because as good as they seem
to be they might have more of a desire to become an blood drinking tyrant than
you ever could meaning you are a better person despite the things that make you
feel stupid and flawed.
Many teachers tell you that you can get self-confidence by simply believing that
God is looking after you. But that is more confidence in God than in yourself
and you are using God as a prop. If you really had confidence you wouldn’t need
God. If you try to get comfort from God rather than your own resources you are
programming yourself to believe and feel that you can’t help yourself much so
you end up need God like a drug addict needs drugs.
To say you need God is to deny that you only do what gives you pleasure which
means that happiness is in your hands. Only you can decide to be happy. God is
your belief that you have decided to believe which means that you have created
this belief in your mind. So when you have to create God to get help from him it
shows that you could do it without him and indeed should for if you really love
yourself you will help yourself in the quickest most direct and simplest way
there is. God and deity-based religion only get in the way of your progress and
so are the cause of all the evil that is done in their name even if they say
they condemn it.
There is no need for religion or God when nobody or nothing can hurt me unless I
decide to use them as an excuse for hurting myself. Keep things simple. Remember
that to worship God is really to worship yourself because if you create God in
your fantasy then you must believe that you are better than what he is. But this
is egotistic and irrational and therefore harmful. It means you secretly feel
and believe on some level that you are better than everybody else which will
prevent you from enjoying life properly for you will feel that it is beneath
yourself to help them. If you are better than the God you make you must be
better than other people for your God is better than them! Religious people
propagate their faith not because they want to help other people but because
they want to reproduce the flaws in them that attract them to religion in other
people out of jealousy. Religion is egotism no matter how much good it may do
for egotism underlies the good works.
What is the point of saying you should not make a God out of any man when men
tell you what God is and wants which amounts in practice to the same thing? Do
not be manipulated any more!
Turn the evil you have done into goodness by learning from it and trying to make
up for it by doing a good work to make up for it and then an extra good work and
this will help you deal with guilt. Guilt is trying to punish yourself for doing
wrong by making yourself feel bad. What you need is not punishing but to turn
your behaviour around. Don’t feel guilty but deal with evil in a positive way
and remember that no evil is completely bad and has a positive side. Remember
that evil is a mistake or an illness and not something to be punished for. Guilt
is useless for it tries to get the attention that is best spent on doing some
good works. Guilt is destructive. Guilt is doubled by the notion that God is
watching you and disapproving of what you have done. Atheism saves you from
that. It gives you more power to move on. God being good must necessarily
disapprove and judge and his opinion matters for he is better than you. So God
forces you to judge yourself and that is evil. It’s not what you have done that
matters but what you are going to do about it now. Self-esteem involves seeing
yourself as your favourite person which is only right for you know nobody like
yourself and nobody can do anything for your happiness but you. God should be
the favourite if you believe in him so abandon belief in him.
If you find you don’t have much energy then it is recommended that you get out
of yourself. This stops you getting bored and sitting around worrying and not
seeing how good you are which waste energy. Do this and your energy will build
up. Laziness means you are willing to hurt yourself and others by doing nothing
and it makes your mind make you feel bad.
Be humble. Being humble does not mean you put yourself down but that you have a
realistic assessment of yourself and your abilities and knowledge. Humility is
actually true self-esteem because you cannot love yourself if you divorce
yourself from reality for you need to know what is real to be happy, secure and
successful. Without humility you would not be able to improve yourself for you
will not see where you need to improve. If you are egotistical and arrogant that
is a sign that you have such a bad opinion of yourself that you don’t want to
see where you need to improve and this is not self-love and stop yourself from
really being decent and really good.
If we have a problem with worry then the very first thing we must do to deal
with it is to realise that it causes pain but does no good. Unless we realise
that we will never succeed in breaking the habit for that is all it is. The next
thing we must realise is that worry is a bad habit and we can stop doing it. The
final thing we must realise is that for each of us our happiness is in our own
hands not God’s. It is irrational to say that God is all-good and all-powerful
and so we should not worry for things that make one worry still happen and are
still possible. We break the habit by looking at the good side of everything and
by realising that we can stop the worst from being the worst and bring good out
of it. We must avoid people who say things that make us worry and correct every
remark that seems negative so that we are always saying positive things. We must
realise that nothing is really that bad and that good is most likely to happen
and when we are sad or disappointed that it is the way we react to things that
makes us feel like that not the actual thing itself.
Do not fear wealth. Work for it if you wish and welcome it. It gives you the
power to help other people. Believing that money corrupts or that it is somehow
wrong to be wealthy deprives you of satisfaction. Money doesn’t have to be bad
and believing that it is or is likely to be bad means you are programming blocks
to prosperity into your consciousness. If you are afraid of money you won’t want
a nice job or a wealthy partner and that could lead to you becoming a loser.
Teachings like, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than
for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”, are harmful.
This philosophy makes sense. We understand it and how it works. That is better
than having Gods and rules we don’t understand. The philosophy is better than
faith for it is knowledge and even if we don’t use it well we still get hope for
we know it is there and we can use it to help ourselves. We can keep going even
when things go terribly wrong.