If there are good Gods or whatever then why do they create bad viruses and let
us suffer?
To suffer to do good is praised by believers but this good is made less good by
the fact that you had to suffer to do it. If God made you enjoy helping others
better it would be more good, for if it is as good as or better than suffering
to do it, God would have no right to let us suffer. But he hasn’t so belief in
God implies that happiness is a sin. God is therefore an evil concept. His
defenders say that it is better to fight evil to achieve good than to have good
on a plate which really means that the suffering is more important than the goal
so good is not the goal at all. The process involving evil is better than the
goal of goodness. It makes no sense then to say the goal is good. It makes no
sense to say that God makes us suffer so that we will be happier to do good in
future when he could make us like doing good better than we do right now and
Even to say that the divine allows suffering for a reason is to at least partly
approve when people are in anguish. If we denied the existence of God we would
see evil as something that should not exist at all full stop. So we should not
believe in God. Anybody could enact savage laws saying that God requires them to
be observed for a reason only he is aware of. This still happens a lot. We might
be able to bring good out of evil but that does not mean the evil should have
been allowed to happen. I deny my own dignity when I believe in their God
because I know that perfect happiness is my right.