Fanaticism is putting beliefs and social systems before people. If religion were
good it would not be fanatical. Religious fanaticism is when a religion fails to
live and believe in such a way that no harm is done if the religion turns out to
be untrue. Even going to Church or saying the rosary is fanaticism for you could
be helping some needy person instead or doing an exercise to boost your sense of
self-worth. The law protects the reputation of the slandered so religion should
change because anybody who does something that does no harm should not be
attacked by religion either for themselves or their actions. It is not too
serious a matter if a person believes in God or not as long as the person does
not follow rules just because God allegedly made them and as long as the person
is determined to live as if there were no God and does not like God.
Religion is fanatical for it distorts evidence and reason to get people to
believe in it and the only proof, miracles, does not work. In fact, there is no
evidence at all for any religion and this is why those who frown on religious
evangelism as bigoted and intolerant are perfectly correct. Religion will be
right in some things but that does not count as evidence for it. Humanism is not
a religion but will agree with those insights because they simply happen to be
What we need is a group that we feel part of that we meet every so often that
makes us feel good about ourselves and about living in this world. We do not
need religion and when religion thrives it is because of the social element when
it is not fear. Religion is evil for people fight and kill over it. It is wrong
to promote anything unnecessary that kills even if it condemns killing. It gives
evil people an excuse for doing evil so to promote religion is to promote harm.
It is better for the Roman Catholic Church for example to disband than for it to
cause one death for nothing is more important than human life.
We must be tolerant and not be disrespectful about religion to its adherent’s
faces. It is because we hate the beliefs that we have to be as nice and kindly
as possible to those who follow religion. There is no other way we can get them
to abandon them. It is important to be frank but not too offensive. Anyone that
cares about the truth will not be offended too easily.
To say God exists is to say that unbelievers are offending against the greatest
being, the being who should come first because he is so good he is deserving of
all devotion, and committing the greatest possible evil and therefore that they
have less rights than believers. It says they should be prevented from promoting
their views. We have a right to be offended by religious devotion. Religious
groups that teach that God gave only one true faith should claim that they have
the right to discriminate against one another if they are consistent.
If you belong to or claim to belong to a religion that should believe evil
things, then even if it doesn't, you are being evil and supporting evil. A
religion that doesn't understand or admit or see how evil it is meant to be is a
religion that is being praised for going against itself. It is no compliment to
praise it for you are praising ignorance and disobedience. Separate from it. An
example is Christianity which says its Bible is authored by God despite saying
he permitted parents to have their wayward drunken and lazy sons put to death by
stoning and encouraged Abraham to slaughter Isaac his son just because he asked
him to!