Miracles are events, supposedly involving no trickery, like the Virgin Mary
healing the sick instantly and magically at Lourdes and Jesus rising from the
dead which, we are told, only God or a god can do for they temporarily change
the laws of nature. Those who see miracles as pointing to a deity who has the
power and desire to make life perfect are accusing miracles of being attempts to
mislead us and to enslave us to evil because that is what miracles would be
doing for this is a God who cannot exist and belief in him is a crime against
humanity therefore they are crimes too! Accordingly, they are not evidence for
any religion and if they say they are they are lying. If they happen at all they
are evidence for a malevolent force and they should not be sought. They would be
a scheme to deform self-esteem and advance evil if not directly then in some
indirect and subtle way that we will never notice.
Miracles decrease our trust in the regularity of nature because they diminish
our confidence that the person attacked with a knife in the heart will die for a
miracle could save her and so they undermine the principle that human life is of
absolute importance so they cannot be true to themselves and call us to a better
way of living. The decline may be very slight but life is so important that
nothing can be allowed to do that.
You have miracles allegedly verifying the truth of Christianity. But this cult
says that doubting the faith is a sin that calls God a liar. Doubt can indeed do
damage – like when you doubt that you should take your medicine though you have
no or little reason to and that leads you to be careless with it and getting
sick though you should know better - but it is never wilfully harmful because it
is sincerely wondering if the contents of the faith are right or not so it
cannot be categorised as sinful. It is not a feeling – it is what you think and
insincere doubt is not doubt at all. So the miracles are standing up for this
most malicious slander. If we do not doubt then we cannot learn. Religion
assaults and strangulates the reason and this is an attack on the whole person
and it has kept a vortex of evil uncontrollably spinning up and around the globe
for too long. A system of belief that proscribes doubt does not believe a word
of what it preaches. It is scared we will find out that it is wrong.
Some say that since God alone can tell the future that prophecy alone is the
miracle that verifies that God has spoken. But they say the Devil has miracle
powers and he likes to appear as an angel of light so maybe he could predict the
future and rig it to happen like he predicts. If magicians can do such great
tricks he can do better so whether he has miracle powers or not the results will
be spectacular. If miracles are unreliable as this logic states then prophecy is
no good either.
Miracles are not done by God to fix mistakes for he cannot make any. He
supposedly does them to show where his true doctrine or true religion is. A
miracle is so strange that it is wise to believe in the religious implications
of one you see yourself or one seen by people you know very well and find very
reliable in preference to even those of thousands seen by others. Anybody with a
bit of money can get academics and others to bear witness to some event being a
true miracle – a common enough thing these days - so to trust in signs with all
the fraud that goes on is really to trust people and not God and to allow them
to tell you what to believe instead of him telling you. To treat God like that
is blasphemous. We mean well when we oppose God so he would understand. He would
be happy to get such fair treatment from us if he is good so he will favour us
more than the believers.
If miracles are to be signs they need to be very rare. Scholars reason that if
somebody reports a miracle it is more likely some mistake or trick has taken
place than that a real miracle has taken place. So very strong evidence is
required. Even if you prove blood is coming from a statue, you still can't prove
its supernatural. Aliens could be doing it through super-scientific tricks. Plus
many miracle cures end up explained in time as science progresses. There can
never be enough evidence that a miracle happened. This is not saying that
miracles never happen but only saying the evidence is always insufficient.
Belief in miracles has more bad consequences than good. It leads to people
believing in the resurrection of Jesus to give one of millions of examples on
poor evidence. This demeans them for they deserve proper evidence and they
deserve help to become more rational. It demeans those who they influence. It
demeans the children they pass the faith on to. Miracle believers only accept as
true the miracles that suit what they want to believe. For example, if the
miracle of food being multiplied happened at Mecca the Catholic Church would not
believe it no matter how good the evidence was. It's a bigoted double-standard.
It shows that faith in miracles only pays lip-service to evidence and makes
itself look scientific or rational. Islam threatens unbelievers with eternal
damnation which makes the Catholic Church look totally monstrous and callous. It
is because of people's faith in miracles that so many fake prophets and gods and
seers are able to mislead them and use them for their own glorification and fame
and perhaps make money and get fast sex. It has led to some groups becoming
suicide cults. Those who question Christian miracles have to endure anger,
hatred and venom from believers especially on the internet. It is better for
everybody to stop believing in miracles than for one person to be harmed as a
result of belief.