The purpose of meditation is to gain inner peace. Many are into prayer for the
same reason but that is an abuse of prayer which is supposed to be for opening
yourself up to God so that you submit to his will for you be it bad or good.
Prayer cannot be for inner peace when it demands that you consent to whatever
torments God thinks you need. It is the meditation aspect of prayer that helps
people not prayer itself.
Humanists will teach meditation and may charge for it when they are
satisfactorily trained.
To have success the following guidelines must be adhered to. Meditation must
help lift any sense of guilt for guilt is the opposite of inner tranquillity. To
do that the free will hypothesis has to be demolished. The practitioner of
meditation has to meditate on thoughts that help dispel the illusion that we
have free will. Relaxing music will be playing slowly in the background and the
practitioner will be in a position that prevents falling asleep. The lotus
position is a time-honoured one. The obliteration of the free will millstone is
the first step and it is indispensable and success will be decimated if the
meditation does not start with it.
The next sessions must cover each of the Twelve Principles of Self-love or
perhaps the Thirteenth Theorems in order. Each session could concentrate on one
principle so that it will sink in best. Once the practitioner has grasped the
principle and thought about how it applies to him or her the meditation session
can begin. He or she picks out a line or phrase that encapsulates the principle
and reminds him or her of it and uses that as a mantra while relaxing music or
sounds are being played. Some people may prefer to have no music but to have
some kind of visual stimulus. As long as the end of relaxation, joined by inner
peace and a mind freed from clutter, is achieved it does not matter how it is
done. The practitioner must not try to have no thoughts at all but to just
observe what thoughts come into the head passively which produces a sensation of
invulnerability and tranquillity. The lessons must also try to extract belief in
God to free its victims from it for God has to decrease so that psychological
balance may increase.
The objective is that the practitioner will learn from the lessons and be able
to integrate meditation into her or his daily life and carry the peace in her or
his heart all day every day afterwards. It is something that has to be
maintained all the time to have far-reaching value and to combat stress. It is
always the way people are made to feel good that attracts converts not the
message. It is when they are made happy that the teaching starts to be
significantly absorbed. That is why giving people a sense of well-being through
the teaching is the only way to spread humanism.
A counselling service must be set up that helps people derive the best out of
Humanism. Access to counsellors must be easy.
Try and use the same technique for getting into a meditative state all the time
for then when you mind is used to it you will get into a peaceful dreamy state
of mind far more easily and quickly.
Meditation is an activity that can give you everything that religion promises to
meditate and abandon religion. Meditating daily for ten minutes in the morning
and in the evening does wonders.
Use Zen Buddhist koans to raise your mind to a higher level of consciousness
that makes you feel like you have reached Heaven and have nothing to fear ever
again. The well-known koan, Hear the sound of one hand clapping” is a good one
to use. What you are trying to do is not reconcile the contradiction but get the
mind to slip into a state of awareness and incredible ecstasy in which you feel
everything is perfect and this life-changing feeling of bliss makes you feel you
tasted eternity. You will feel that even when you are dead that the moment still
exists for you so it gets rid of the fear of death. It is only decent that we
should get meaning from experiences in this life rather than hoping for some
Heaven that we might never get. If the experience is not real that does not
matter as long as it makes us happier. It gives us hope no matter how bad things
get that ecstasy is possible. As long as we get the feeling that life is worth
it even for that few moments of bliss we will be okay. Zen techniques are meant
to help you without God. Your subconscious prefers you to find meaning in this
world for it is not as sure it will survive death as that it will live as long
as the body does so the Zen methods are a necessity for living a life untainted
by vice and evil.
Meditate by relaxing and simply being aware of your breath slowly entering you
and leaving you. Imagine that you are inhaling energy that causes you to feel
like smiling. Let it fill your body. Do this exercise and enjoy it. Get into the
habit that when something stressful happens that you won’t let it get to you for
it will end for you have your meditation and relaxation to look forward to.
Do not try to stop all thoughts by meditating. You can’t do that. All you can do
is make the thoughts pass through your mind slowly and you observe them
passively but do not cause them or let them arrest your attention.