All gifts to our children take second place to education. Stupidity is a cancer
and a burden. It is to be stressed that educational systems must cater for
teaching as many of the interests of the children as possible
The state can and should teach what is right and what is wrong for the first
duty of the state is to encourage everyone to be of benefit to society which it
represents and guides. It is wrong for children to be indoctrinated by religion
in schools for it is against their right to liberty and healthy self-development
and religion teaches guesses not facts. Things like maths and geography that we
know are true should be what is taught in school for it is better to study the
best verified things. The state has an obligation to take over the instruction
of children in right and wrong. Instead of religion classes there should be
basic psychology classes that are relevant to their lives and the production of
self-esteem and a bit about the justification of right and wrong and the
application of its principles. The law must see to it that sound basic logic
which will cover the truths of right and wrong is taught in schools for such is
the source of order. We will not use the public schools to propagate Humanism.
The children of both religious and Humanist parents can learn about Humanism and
different religions without being indoctrinated. They should be given the chance
to follow what faith or none they want to instead of being told what to think by
any religion.
Humanism will campaign for secular schools and will set up schools of its own.