Erotica is written or auricular or visual celebration of human sexual enjoyment.
Anything that involves force is pornographic and should be prohibited. Erotica
should arouse sexually but in a way that wants to bring happiness to yourself
and others. It needs to involve some kind of love or goodness. Erotica will not
corrupt a person unless that person is already corrupt in which case erotica is
a good thing that is abused. You can’t condemn what can be abused for anything
can be abused.
Is it wrong and unhealthy to savour erotica? Everything sexual is wrong and
should be made illegal if it is for it fills the mind with erotic fantasies.
Erotica does no harm for unlike pornography there is no degradation or turning
people into depraved monsters as violent television programmes do. Those who
blame it for turning them into practicing perverts have heard of masturbation.
They are kidding themselves.
Religion says, "Appearing in erotica is being treated as a body for the
titillation of others not as a being to be valued for being a person." It
doesn't have to be as long as it is about the beauty of the body and sexuality.
And if that is demeaning so is liking a person for being friendly for you like
them not for their qualities but for YOUR perception of their qualities and not
just because they are persons for if they were nasty you would not like them.
You can gain pleasure from a person without desecrating the dignity of that
person. When you like another person it is only yourself you like for you invent
your perception of them that you like. If you think of the person in the naughty
pictures as a mere object the only evil involved is in your attitude which you
need to change not in looking at the pictures.
We have to permit degradation to check more serious degradation or the
degradation of a bigger number. If we ban "dirty" pictures and if it is true
that they are always degrading then we will be degrading far more by taking away
their fun and degrading the models by putting them out of work. They say it is
not unbecoming for a husband to make love to his wife when he does not like her
- you cannot like everybody all the time - which shows the hypocrisy of their
Humanism will use erotica to attract people to our beautiful purified Atheism
and get the precious message of godless redemption across to the world.