Site Map for
A case for saying Christianity is rational
A Catechism for Roman Catholic Traditionalists
A Catholic attempt to show Jesus started papacy fails!
A Christian thinker shows transubstantiation is sheer nonsense
A creator God has to be to blame for what we choose
A Critical Look at Situation Ethics
A critical look at the story of the demise of Goliath
A criticism of the three persons in one God theology
A defence of abortion by Judith Jarvis Thomson
A fatal flaw in religious attempts to argue x is probably a miracle
A forgiving God is a scam to feel you got away scot-free
A good overview of Bible history in the book St Saul
A good refutation of Catholicism's development of doctrine theory
A liberal Catholic is just a liberal not a Catholic
A line removed from Mark to hide Jesus' homosexuality?
A look at excommunication in the Catholic Church
A look at religion from website
A look at the Fatima apparition book, When the Sun Danced
A look at the unCatholic Eucharist Prayers for Reconciliation
A mental health authority says faith is good for mental problems!
A miracle is anti-science and unscientific if it violates nature or looks as if it does
A Mustard seed of faith ... and potential harms
A philosopher shows Church is warring against evolution
A placebo always involves a lie and is bad for that reason
A religion corrupting the good person is enough to ban it
A religion is a social construct so leave it if you choose
A religion is not a menu for you belong to it not it to you
A theory will tell you how to disprove it as in Popper and falsification
A tiny bit of free will is not free will at all
A truce is often painted as forgiveness
A variation of the train dilemma where one life or many?
A verdict against Christian arsonists attacking the emperor?
Abortion and how the concern that baby has no choice is misplaced
Abortion and the slippery slope argument
Abortion arguments from the baby having a soul
Abortion is the pregnant person's choice alone
Abortion Questions and defending prochoice
About fear and how it drives religion
About Humanism and the benefit of secularism
Absurdities re God not being to blame for evil for it is not real
Accepting suffering if there is a God
Acts of God doctrine is used to lull us about nature getting brutal
Acts over and above the call of duty
Adam and Eve and the alleged sin they put on us
Additions made to New Testament by fraudsters
Adoption in the light of Catholic doctrine
Adulterous woman in John 8, doesn't show love matters not law
Adversity theory in the light of faith in God
Affirming atheism in a positive way the gospel of atheism
Against Baptism and why your baby deserves better
Against Catholic Holy Communion for it's a magical superstition
Against gay revisionism of Bible condemnation of gay sex
Against professionals and clergy invoking God during therapy
Against the legitimacy of the pope and his claims
Agnostics lie that they take zero sides in god atheism debate
Alarming hatred for Medjugorje believers against critics
Albert Camus not Jesus gives us the advice that truly matters
Alexandrina da Costa a dangerous masochistic role model
All faith is ultimately faith in yourself alone!
All the Bible Prophets Were Fakes
Altruism and its hypocrisy in the face of animal rights
Always wrong to ask for forgiveness
Am I a virtual me made by my own brain?
Am I good because I say so or because some standard says it?
An examination of Christian teaching on love
An excellent book on magic theory examined
An excuse for forgiving refuted
An expert falsely claims religion is healthy for the mind
An expert looks at the sky miracles of Medjugorje
An expert refutes Jesus as being God
An expert speaks on the Bible faith and psychology
An expert tries to show Catholics are not idol worshippers
An ex-priest speaks of the rat taking Catholic communion!
An eye for an eye the Bible God's rule for revenge
An open letter to Bible preachers to be
Andrew Sims should know better than to write Is Faith Delusion?
Angels of Mons story is a famous hoax
Anger and religion and the danger of religious rage
Anglican orders are called null by the papacy
Angry at the sinner not the sin is not possible!
Animal magnetism the notion that you can send bad energy
Animal rights are valid rights and religion ignores them
Animal suffering is insulted by saying there is a God
Animal suffering proves there is no loving God
Ann Lovett, victim of the Catholic system
Annulment of Roman Catholic baptism
Another look at the God loves all verses in the Bible
Another liar that LGBTQ Christianity is not an oxymoron
Answering a disgraceful prayer in aftermath of Paris Shootings
Answering religious kooks on facebook
Answering those who say that Jesus was no misogynist
Answering those who stay in bad religion for there is worse out there
Antipopes are characters who claim to be the real pope
Apocrypha is controversial so should any of it be in the Bible?
Apostle Peter is not a reliable source of information on Jesus
Apostles were credulous and thus unreliable
Apparitions of Mary at Garabandal are peppered in doubts
Apply falsification theory to what is said about God and he disintegrates
Archbishop Jackels says nobody goes to Hell even if there is one
Are all sins equally bad before God?
Are angels and saints invoked in the Bible?
Are Catholics banned from salvation according to the Bible?
Are men given the Christian right to procreate by rape?
Are miracles signs that there are no supernatural signs?
Are moral values "real" or abstract?
Are religionists ignorant or lying?
Are religious moderates moderates or hypocrites?
Are the saints other mediators with God?
Are the Torah's Moral Mores valid today for Christians?
Argument that it is pessimistic to say the Church will never affirm gay sex
Arguments from authority are dangerous
Arguments that God only uses the Bible to teach us religion
Arrogance to claim to be a member of the one right religion
Artificial birth control is a sin that deserves Hell in Catholicism
Ashers Bakery and the "gay cake"
Asking if you can legislate morality
Ask the pope these questions and see how he is disingenuous
Assertiveness is fencing and protecting your rights
Assess so don't judge and you do not need to judge
Assessing sinners or criminals
Assisted suicide is an ethical controversy
Assumption of Mary body and soul into Heaven
Astrology is harmful and a travesty of science
Atheism and religion and guilty until proven innocent"
Atheism does not wage and start wars
Atheism is said to make a sensible knave not a moral person
Atheism is self-realisation rather than conversion
Atheism is the only real gospel and is the truth anyway!
Atheist Ireland and building an ethical superstition free nation
Atheist Overreach a review of Christian Smith's book
Atheist Overreach book falsely says atheism exaggerates its moral potency
Atheists answer religious criticisms
Atheists can rise above the horrors of life too
Atheists here are the rules if you want them!
Atheists on sexuality and marriage
Attempts to fuse morality and God give only an amoral god
Augustine turned Christianity disordered even psychotic about evil
Avalos has found Medjugorje challenges the resurrection evidence
Avoid the Catholic Confessional and keep your children away
Babies are not born in any sin, no original sin, no any sin
Bad arguments for bread and wine changing at Mass
Bad refutations of bread and wine turning into Jesus physically
Ban religion based and religion saturated therapy
Ban the clergy and pastors from counselling
Banning violence does not absolve religion of the blame
Baptise baby to be on the safe side?
Baptism and the tension it has with doctrine of inherent ungodliness
Baptism as a precaution against the baby going to limbo
Baptism by Immersion may mean nobody is really baptised otherwise
Baptism does NOTHING for the soul
Baptism doesn't save you from losing God forever
Baptism invites evil into the baby
Baptism is a big deal not an excuse for a party
Baptism is a promise to brainwash your baby
Baptism is a useless spiritual vaccine
Baptism is an attempt to give pretend Church membership to a baby
Baptism is conscription to Christian ideological constructs
Baptism is not a private family matter
Baptism is not said in Bible to be needed to get into Heaven
Baptism is not welcoming a baby
Baptism is the source of nominal religion and sectarian labelling
Baptism is trying to force God to act on the baby
Baptism is useless spiritually and is feigned devotion
Baptism killed babies and endangered them
Baptism of blood and baptism of desire
Baptism promises are just perjury
Baptismal vows are lies to God and everybody else
Baptismal words about washing in the name of God are insulting
Barabbas and Jesus were probably both miscreants
Bartimaeus miracle, what it shows about Jesus
Be easy to please and life will be better
Be reluctant to believe in miracles
Be true to yourself and don't involve man-made religion
Be welcoming to science and not religion
Be your own person and don't be owned by a fanciful god
Being a proper ally for Transgender People
Being an atheist or humanist in a religious world
Being banned from receiving communion
Being sensible with miracle claims
Belief and enrollment make you a religion's member
Belief disproves God for no God would rig it up so badly!
Belief formation and how you become a religionist
Belief in a moral God is amoral and he would have to be amoral too
Belief in fate is not really that bad
Belief in God forces you to hate sinners
Belief in God thrives on attacking your self-regard
Belief in Hell does harm actually and potentially
Belief in miracles is not belief but opinion
Believe what you want is absurd advice!
Believers would kill to protect their religious identity
Ben Stada and Jesus seem to be the same dubious person
Bertrand Russell missed logical disproof of God
Best evidences the Church can give for faith are debunked
Bias towards sin contradicts doctrine of divine plan
Bible and Christian tradition somehow feed paedophilia even now
Bible denies any Church is really infallible
Bible denies priests really can forgive sins
Bible does not say any Christian organisation can remain true
Bible ethos and its God are anti-divorce
Bible evidence of Mary, Jesus' mother, being an evil spirit
Bible fanatically forbids all lies
Bible God and Jesus command hatred of sin
Bible God blesses anti-gay hate
Bible God commands murder but is the murder honour killing?
Bible God decrees that nobody is holy or righteous
Bible God endorses not only slavery but attacks on slaves
Bible God forbids divorce and robs child brides of justice
Bible God forbids use of images in worship
Bible God loves blood hence the stoning to death penalty
Bible God says we must behold the evil mischief he makes
Bible God shows no sign of knowing what we know about pregnancy
Bible God warns against religious labels
Bible is endorsed by Medjugorje Mary who then contradicts it
Bible Never Says Jesus Was God
Bible only is Christianity so Protestantism has that right
Bible Prophecies in Evidence that Demands a Verdict
Bible salvation is by faith alone
Bible says charisms or special gifts of holy spirit are abolished
Bible says the Catholic Church, Whore of Babylon, will be destroyed!
Bible sees miracles round every corner
Bible teaches that sincerity isn't enough
Bible verses that command hate and specifically religious hate
Biblelight article on Peter's tomb in Jerusalem
Bible's God of Hate and how haters are drawn to him
Bigger and badder the doctrines the more proof you need for miracles
Bigger deal when religion does harm
Bill of assertive rights and rulling out God
Birth Control is called a sin when it is often a duty
Bishop Huonder used violent texts to condemn gay lovemaking
Bishop Papias makes us wonder if he knew our current gospels?
Bishop Zanic knew Medjugorje claims are inauthentic
Bizarre advice on prayer from Jesus' mother at Medjugorje!
Blanschard on the religious cynical use of veiled revelation
Blasphemous Sacrifice of the Mass
Blessing from Jesus is really something dark and harmful
Blocks to the total loving of God
Bloodline of the Holy Grail reveals holes in the Jesus story
Books saying the Torah's moral law is still relevant for Christians
Bread and wine do not become body and blood of Jesus
Bread and wine of Mass are turned into a bodiless Jesus?
Bread cannot be the body of Christ
Buddhism and insights on God and Christianity
Burden of having to love God mostly or totally
By faith alone book shows how Protestantism is right that faith alone saves
Calvinist doctrine of predestination is the Bible position as horrific as it is
Can a Muslim attend Christian baptism and Mass?
Can a priest who is pope ordain bishops?
Can a pro-life ever vote for an abortion law?
Can a Protestant consider Catholic baptism to be real?
Can an egoist be a martyr for others?
Can being LGBT and Catholic NOT be mutually exclusive?
Can Christians believe all will be eventually saved?
Can evil be defined simply as a lack of truth?
Can God do the impossible and make a god bigger than himself?
Can have strong evidence that a non-miracle is a miracle
Can LGBT be actively LGBT and also a good Catholic?
Can Priests ordain priests and bishops?
Can psychology say we have free will for we feel free?
Can religious faith be evidence-based?
Can science show us that religion is a psychological impairment?
Can the Catholic Church count sacraments?
Can the transience of life erase the wish for an afterlife?
Can we have free will if God knows what we will do with it?
Can we make a god out of evolution?
Can you let a bad person define a religion?
Can you love a complete sinner?
Canonisation or the declaring of somebody a saint who is with God
Canonised Masochists, vulnerable Catholics exposed to dangerous lifestyles
Can't be sure any person experienced a miracle
Cardinal Newman rationalised how Catholicism reinvented Christianity
Caring and caring prayer looks good even when nobody is helped
Case for John's Gospel alone being inspired of God
Case studies of popes who show infallibility is a lie
Cases of people with suspect miraculous stigmata
Casual sex and ethical considerations
Catechism of Catholic Church downplays hate for sinners
Catholic Bible interpretation and how Church sees it as unchallengeable
Catholic blessings and holy objects give peace to the evil mafia
Catholic Church cannot make real bishops
Catholic Church does not really believe in Venial Sin
Catholic Church endorsed persecution
Catholic Church has power to restore evil Jewish laws
Catholic Church served itself in Nazi Germany
Catholic Church uses miracles to set stage for evil
Catholic demonisation of sexual rights
Catholic describes your commitments not you unless you obey
Catholic divorce ban is not about protecting children
Catholic doctrine about non-obligatory good works
Catholic doctrine makes sex outside of marriage to be sacrilege
Catholic doctrine on charity or love of God and neighbour
Catholic doctrine on loving only God ultimately
Catholic doctrine on the ordination of deacons
Catholic ethics are dangerous and there are tragic casualties
Catholic expert exposes Medjugorje fairy tales
Catholic faith makes a demi-god of Mary or a god
Catholic faith makes a laughing stock of ethics
Catholic fake sorrow for sin corrupts gradually and by osmosis
Catholic ideology overthrows and manipulates reason
Catholic Image Worship is idolatry
Catholic lying takes place in form of mental reservation
Catholic marriage law refutes Church membership by baptism
Catholic Mass and Pope are docetic in a sense
Catholic mass is a novelty, early Christians didn't believe in it
Catholic Mass is Heavy Occult, it has necromancy overtones
Catholic mass is Islamaphobic and not inclusive
Catholic One True Church delusion
Catholic pharmacists and morning after pill
Catholic Prophets are fortune-tellers
Catholic religion is not for you but itself
Catholic sabbath-breaking and hypocrisy
Catholic sacrament of extreme unction
Catholic sacraments are occult rites
Catholic sacraments may be empty rites
Catholic saints are new pagan gods
Catholic teaching fails to see the true place of the Bible
Catholic Tradition ADDS to the Bible
Catholic tradition gloats over damned in Hell
Catholic underhand hatred for sinners
Catholic understanding of justification or being righteous in God's sight
Catholic visions try to override God's so-called word
Catholicism and Bible being inspired by God
Catholicism and judging and how judgementalism drives it
Catholicism and torturing heretics
Catholicism endorses and protects Fraudulent Prophecies
Catholicism engages in superstitious image worship
Catholicism foolishly says saints are advocates with God
Catholicism has added books illicitly to the Bible
Catholicism is divisive and violates inclusive standards
Catholicism is Riddled with Fraudulent Miracles
Catholicism makes a travesty of ethics and morality
Catholicism makes saints of bad people
Catholicism may not deep down believe in religious freedom
Catholicism offers fantasy not ethics and its a travesty
Catholicism on preparation for death
Catholicism practices idolatry the false worship of deity
Catholicism prostitutes its Christ
Catholicism protected paedophile priests
Catholicism remains a threat to religious freedom
Catholicism treats many marriages as less worthy of support
Catholicism tries to make out that sex is dirty
Catholicism won't ordain homosexuals to the priesthood
Catholicism's EVIL Doctrine about Hell
Catholicism's fake unity, its cosmetic oneness
Catholics and the gays on the homophobic bedrock
Catholics base their faith not on the Bible miracles but the unbiblical ones
Catholics cannot fund and attend LGBT pride?
Catholics do not recognise register office weddings
Catholics say Jesus had no blood brothers, they lie
Catholics secretly deny core teaching that papacy is valid
Cease Catholic Marriage which is only a religious patriarchal tool
Celsus and his critique of Jesus
Census forms and Religion don't tick religion if you are not religious
Centrally organised cover up by the Catholic Church
Chains of Priestly Celibacy in Christianity
Challenge wrong belief for it harms down the line
Chanting is good for secularist and atheist people
Chaplains from the Church should be in hospitals?
Charity needs criticising despite posing as the pure love for God
Charlie Hebdo related prayer criticised
Chastisement from God is a horrible teaching
Chaterjee exposes crafty Mother Teresa
Cheerful despair is how an atheist copes with life
Children and prayer raises concerns
Children and visions in the light of supernaturalist belief
Children are psychological egoists!
Children don't need indoctrination from religion
Children must not be religiously labelled by census
Chilling story of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Christ never promised his Church wouldn't fail
Christian church fails Jesus' good fruits from thorns test
Christian critique of morality and ethics
Christian evasion gives a fake answer for problem of evil
Christian faith is stubborn fearful arrogance
Christian God loves without having free will so we are told!
Christian humility is prideful and faux
Christian hypocrisy about criminals
Christian hypocrisy on organ transplants
Christian Hypocrisy on Smoking & Alcohol
Christian Hypocrisy regarding employment
Christian intellectual gymnastics are used against critics
Christian is just a label in Catholicism
Christian love is patronising and a violation
Christian pat answers on natural evil being allowed by God
Christian sin of sexual pleasure
Christian teaching on Hell is in the Bible
Christian teaching on sin is vicious
Christian teaching versus name-calling ignores Jesus's verbal abuse!
Christian use of the Old Testament is dancing in blood
Christianity accuses everybody of sin or of never being sin-free
Christianity advocates essentially fanatical piety
Christianity against the right to sex education
Christianity and abhorrent acts of animal sacrifice
Christianity and evolution cannot cohere
Christianity denies that sincerity matters more than faith
Christianity deviously won't admit that its morality is grey
Christianity has left the faith and is not really about Jesus
Christianity is Chauvinistic and regards women as second-class
Christianity is parasitic on moral relativism
Christianity is the biggest catalyst of cognitive dissonance
Christianity pretends to believe we need even very damaging free will
Christianity shamefully centres on divine good intention
Christians and Love the Sinner and hate the sin
Christians are hypocrites as proven by the media
Christians claim the Biblical right to ignore the Saturday Sabbath
Christians lie about what free will means when it comes to their God being free
Christians say eternal Hell is right for it is ultimate justice
Christians saying we should be careless with received knowledge
Christians treat evil as an intelligent higher power, a slaveowner
Christians use Eucharist as a tool and thus show it no real respect
Christians want God loved not people
Christians when on a mission to burn churches and temples
Christians who won't bake pro-gay marriage cakes
Christians will confront atheists and sceptics for Bible says so
Christians, callous in the face of loved ones going to Hell?
Christina Gallagher seller of fake visions and fake miracles
Church admits young children may be in Hell forever
Church and intolerance for heresy
Church Blessings and Christian Hypocrisy
Church lies about prayer and its goodness
Church lies that Hitler was not one of its own
Church lies that it believes in loving sinners hating sins
Church lies that the Catholic is bound to its canon law
Church should preach what people want to hear when it takes their money
Church speaks to an AIDS victim
Church teaching on Jesus' arrest is full of errors
Claims that Cardinal Siri was elected Pope and forced to abdicate
Clerical apologies for clerical child sex abuse
Coming out as atheist or better still, secularist
Commandments in the Bible are from man not God
Commands and morality are not the same thing, they don't fit
Comments on the right to abortion
Communion in the hand mocks the Eucharist
Communion is mere bread and mere wine
Communion table excludes some people from receiving Jesus
Communion under both kinds is when bread and wine are consumed
Compatibilists think free will is just freedom from compulsion
Concerns about religious fanaticism
Concilarism which puts the Church above a pope had its false popes
Condoning evil in the guise of the love sinner hate sin rule
Confession and Child Protection
Confession of sins is an evil practice
Confession to priests needs to be stopped
Conflicts about love make love sinner hate sin a mess
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on visions 1978
Cons have you praying for vague things that will happen anyway
Conscience is ruined by emotional reasoning
Conscience is the supposed voice of right and wrong
Conscientious objection is an excuse for refusing treatment
Consciousness is not a religious or spiritual subject or mystery
Conscription raises religious and ethical questions
Conspiracies and the Cross book examines the New Testament
Conspiracies and the Cross does not validate Christian faith
Contesting Jesus' demand that we love only God with our being
Continuous Creation or Conservation
Contradiction between God and evil is the zenith of absurdity
Contradictions in the Book of Genesis
Convenient Ascension: evidence for risen Jesus goes up to heaven
Core Christian idea of humans being divine image opposes core of Islam
Core religious outlook about love makes religion feeling not faith
Could it be there was always something? No creation?
Counselling from Clerics should be outlawed!
Creation by God voids a thing being the same thing down the years
Creation is a not made from nothing but is a brute fact
Creation question makes us suspect a simulated unreal universe
Creator could be a non-person like an intelligent force
Crimen Sollicitationis as a sign that the papacy protects abusers
Critical Study of Medical tests on Medjugorje visionaries
Criticising the pope and his alleged integrity
Criticism and being constructive and open with assessing
Criticism of prayer is legitimate and the concerns are real
Critique: My religion belongs to me"
Critiquing the Ricard book, Altruism Power of Compassion
Cruel of Catholic Church to ban divorce
Cults in the Roman Catholic Church
Danger of belief that it is a sin to omit doing what needs doing
Danger of thinking God knows best
Dangers of belief in Divine Grace
Data Protection and Secularism
David Currie on the Mass turning bread into Jesus
Dead babies of Tuam are victims of the Christian faith
Deathbed conversion contradicts divine mercy strangely
Debaptism and why you need to formally break free from canon law
Debating Christianity is a prime book for quick refutations
Debunking intelligent design of the universe and us by God
Decrees against Medjugorje visions
Defection from Roman Catholicism is a Human Right!
Defending a Protestant against a Catholic priest critic
Defending ethical egoism which says I should make it all about me
Defending falsification theory against challenges
Delusion that God calls one to priesthood or whatever
Democratic principles and policies are weakened by religion
Denial of free will and reason
Derrida shows most if not all religious forgiveness is unreal
Determinists are victims of Christian bigotry
Deuteronomy 30 has God promising earthly rewards for obedience
Devotion to God and even others masks self-devotion
Diana Basile and her manufactured cure at Medjugorje
Did a cosmic computer or impersonal god make all things?
Did Augustine recognise the Catholic Mass?
Did God hide from Satan and thereby cause him to go wrong?
Did God put evil in nature and is he evil for doing so?
Did Jesus call Peter petros or Petra and why it matters?
Did Jesus die merely as good example?
Did Jesus or an impersonator die on the cross?
Did life come from fine-tuning or non-life?
Did paranormal events happen at Garabandal?
Did the Catholic Church give us the Bible?
Did the Law of Moses know of infection head of its time?
Different factions in a bad religion
Different religions cannot pray together
Different religions on John 3 which says you need rebirth
Diognetus shows that gospels were unknown
Discussing religious truth claims
Disgraceful Christian prayer in relation to Charlie Hebdo affair
Dissonance Theory drives religion and fools it to think it is sensible
Distracted selfishness is your salvation
Disturbing elements in the faith of the Catholics
Divine command doctrine summary
Divine intervention examined and shown to be a superstitious belief
Divine mercy chaplet and its dubious origin
Divine providence says God looks after his creation, or does he?
Divine punishment and how it is a toxic doctrine
Divorce in the New Catholic Encyclopaedia
DIY Pope Pius XIII Lucian Pulvermacher
Do atheists really have faith?
Do damned in Hell deserve infinite torment for offending infinite love?
Do miracles comfort or is that a myth?
Do miracles/faith complement reason?
Do not fear death and why faith is not needed
Do not pray for sinners a close crony of Jesus says
Do people who seem conscious but who are not exist?
Do sceptics refute and un-refute reason at the one time?
Do we have to work on our characters forever? Eternal imperfection?
Do we really want God's unconditional love?
Do you choose to be born and where/when?
Do you have an immaterial and possibly immortal soul?
Do you wonder if religion is bad for people?
Docetism where Jesus was declared a ghost in early Church
Doctrine of everlasting torment leads to persecuting
Does a child have right to be baptised?
Does a creed appearing soon after Jesus make his story plausible?
Does accepting nothing 100% justify religious allegiance? No!
Does Bible allow us to assess an evil as showing there is no God?
Does Bible indicate real absence of Jesus at Eucharist?
Does Bible say woman is man's other half, his helper?
Does Bible teach once saved always saved?
Does Catholicism think substance of communion vanishes and is replaced by Jesus?
Does evil, crime or sin punish itself?
Does feeling free mean we are free?
Does God make as little input as possible?
Does God make exceptions to nature or do miracles fit God?
Does it matter if evil is just an absence or a real power?
Does James 2 contradict Paul on how to get right with God?
Does John 1 say Jesus the Word was God or is it mistranslated?
Does John 6 talk about a Heavenly Eucharist only?
Does love of of enemies apply to loving Satan?
Does love your neighbour as yourself define altruism?
Does modern life and religion push our evolution too far too fast?
Does the Bible lead to the pope being seen as antichrist?
Does the Bible really say Jesus had no sin at all?
Does the idea that if we do bad we self-punish hold weight?
Does the train problem mean you are left being morally neutral?
Does the universe need a creator or is it just there?
Does thinking there's no evidence for atheism make you theist?
Does this book show us that non-material souls exist?
Dogmatic upbringing versus non-dogmatic
Domino Effect apparently refutes consequentalist ethics
Donal Anthony Foley fraud buster and his Understanding Medjugorje
Don't be disrespected by being called a sinner!
Don't let manipulators stop you knocking faith
Don't pick on the individual religionist to excuse the religion
Don't take religious liberals seriously
Double application is an attempt to twist the Bible to favour Jesus
Double standard of saying LGBT sexual love is unnatural
Drop the books the Roman Church added to the Bible
Dunnes Stores when it stopped stocking Rosary Style Necklaces
Early Christians did not think Mary was assumed into Heaven
Early Church Ashamed of Gospels and probably had reason to be
Early Church had no pope in any real sense
Early Roman bishops were not popes for they didn't choose other bishops
Ecstasy Trance during apparitions is just a show when public
Ecumenism is a charade and solves nothing about religious discord
Egoism and the wisdom that nobody hurts me unless I let them appraised
Electing the pope if you think the Vatican is no longer authorised
Email to Net Ministries Ballybofey regarding homophobia
Emmerich her hallucinations about Jesus and Mary
Empty tomb of Jesus does not support resurrection
End hereditary religion and let people make their own choices
Epiphe-nomenalism says your body causes your mind not vice versa
Epistle of Barnabas denies gospels as reliable
Erotica is harmless and to be enjoyed says the gospel of atheism
Error about law of averages behind all magical thinking
Error is bad so in what way should we tolerate it?
Error peppers the Catholic faith
Esoteric side of Jesus was to blame for early sectarian hate
Essay on practical Christian apologetics
Essay on Science and Christianity
Essay on Science and the Bible and their seeming conflict
Eternal hypocrisy about eternal punishment from God
Eternal punishment and mourning
Eternal punishment is just a cover for justifying hate
Ethical satisfaction theory of the atonement of Jesus
Ethical scepticism asks if maybe morality is pure fantasy?
Ethics and morality in the light of faith
Euthanasia is it right or wrong or sometimes neither?
Euthypro Dilemma proves God worship is self-worship
Evaluate, "Pleasure, not suffering, being meaningless is the problem"
Evangelising a child is indoctrinating even if you don't mean to
Evangelism seems to be Christians manipulating people to convert
Everlasting Punishment in Hell is not a hint of our dignity
Everlasting Punishment seems to say free will removed by God
Everybody is Wrong about God by Lindsay on the evidence for God
Evidence or Logic in the face of miracles
Evidence that a miracle violates nature?
Evidence that Jesus could have fueled his reputation with trickery
Evidence that Jesus was Mentally Ill
Evidentialism and importance of evidence establishing religion
Evil allows for God rather than indicates God?
Evil and excessive evil could be just split hairs?
Evil and its marriage to black and white morality
Evil and mendacity of pick and mix religion
Evil as evidence against God but is there good without God?
Evil doctrine of everlasting punishment in Hell
Evil in the Catholic Bible condoned by its God
Evil is not an act but a sum of acts
Evil is not bad but just a subtraction is a Christian doctrine!
Evil may as well be pure evil for you experience it like a reality
Evil not a thing is a Christian excuse for God allowing suffering
Evil to just assume somebody should suffer if there is a God
Evil versus the doctrine that divine intervention is a metaphor
Evolution is a definite refutation of God's love
Examples of religion forcing people to convert
Excommunication and religion, when a religion safeguards its doctrine
Excuse-makers for violent religion
Excuses for errors in the infallible Bible
Excuses for violent scriptures answered
Exegesis regarding Paul's letter referring to the resurrection
Existential angst and how it can lead to religious terrorism
Existentialism lets you determine what value you are and have
Existentialist quest for authenticity needs a critical overview
Experience, consciousness, give truths about atheism and freedom
Expert Bible interpretation says Bible God breathed out the Bible
Expert opinion on if it is sick to be religious
Exposing Atheist Delusions by David Bentley Hart
Exposing the vanity of prayer to God and saints
Expressing faith in a higher power is harmful
Extremist can be 1% of you and why it is as bad as 100%
Eye-openers from the first Medjugorje accounts
Facebook comments givenomoneytocatholicchurch
Failed solutions to Bible contradictions by the famous Haley
Faith always partly becomes a brush that you tar all with
Faith and Spirituality reside on personality disorders & cause them
Faith as a cover for condoning divine evil
Faith doesn't need to be turned religious
Faith hides hate for alleged and real wrongdoers
Faith ideology is an infection and allies can be the worst
Faith in evil spirits and how people can like it
Faith in Faith is happening more than faith in God
Faith in God damages our valour in the battle against suffering
Faith in God is a sign of having a disassociative disorder
Faith in God is man's way of condoning divine evil by worsening it
Faith in miracles does us no real good, isn't needed
Faith in religion is not a virtue, though it says it is
Faith is "magical" knowledge and meant to function as knowledge
Faith is an obscene thing rather than a real good
Faith is drinking the Kool-Aid
Faith is fantasy and says everything about you not God
Faith is not feeling and should be more mature than that!
FAITHEISM is reclaiming my right to answer only to me
Fake Baptism of blood and desire which does not involve water
Fake Humility of love sinner hate sin
Fake miracles used to justify making fake saints in Catholicism
Fake remorse for rule in clerical abuse from the pope
Fake repentance for sin in the Catholic Church
Fanatical extremism of loving God alone
Fanaticism in first Christians wrecks Christian credibility
Fantasist Faustina is a fake saint with her Divine Mercy devotion
Fast inner transformation for the atheist
Fatalism and God go together inevitably
Father Gino Burresi is another Padre Pio but got caught!
Fathers are no help in showing Jesus existed
Fear leads to violence so it is not hate that is the problem
Feeling free is not an argument for free will if God exists
Feeling that life is meaningful
Female ordination though banned by Jesus is a human right
Feuerbach's The Essence of Christianity
Fields of Blood by Karen Armstrong
Final choice is claimed to be the reason why Hell is eternal
First Corinthians 15 does not fit the gospel account of Jesus
Forgiveness in the popular sense is a snare!
Forgiveness is not owned by God or anybody
Forgiveness is the God theory's Achille's Heel?
Formal defection from Catholicism abolished 2009?
Formal Defection from Religion and the Law
Former war gods are amalgamated into harmful Christian God
Four gospels about Jesus are not reliable
Fr Eugene Greene Raphoe Donegal abuser
Fr Gobbi and his dubious Marian Movement of Priests
Fr James Martin SJ and Brandon Robertson neglect safeguarding
Fr Laurentin was catalyst of the Medjugorje fraud
Fr Laurentin who promoted Medjugorje was a liar
Fr Richard Rohr's dangerous idea that Christ is everyone
Fr. Hauke responds to criticism from Medjugorje supporters
Franco let himself be the tool of Catholic cultism and intolerance
Frank Morison and his book on who moved the stone
Fraud alert! Catholic faith says Bible does not err
Free will and the doctrine of an evil nature
Free will concept fails to show we are not biological machines
Free will is another pretended miracle claim
Freedom from Catholic influence is a necessity
French mystic Marthe Robin was a trickster looking for attention
French Revolution and the persecuting ways of the Church
Freud said faith in God is faith in a projection of your needs
From Irish Times on being pro-choice
From Skeptical Inquirer checking if superstition can ever help
Fulton J Sheen advocates intolerance of sin
Fundamental contradictions between Catholics & Buddhists
Fundamentals about the burden of proof
Futile attempts to rationalise futile scripture
G E Moore on ethics and how ethics is overly based on opinion
Galatians 3:27-28 does not really teach equality
Galileo showed how the Church tried to wreck science
Gays and religionists who hates the most?
GDPR and leaving Catholic Church
Gehenna, Jesus vindictively meant that the wicked are rubbish
Gender affirming surgery and religion and medicine
Gender dysphoria is the experience of being mismatched
Generosity and grace refute God
Genesis advocates heternormativity and excludes homosexuality
Genesis and the theory of evolution
Genetic fallacy, when a Christian becomes atheist
Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein on the Late Late Show
Get out of false religion and do it now
Getting a supposed miracle healing is turned into a religious advert
Getting out of Catholic Church membership
Ghost Rider makes us ask if Jesus doesn't heal our evil but absorbs it
Girl Guides Promise and why we oppose it
Give gays and straight people proper equality
Give the person your questions not your opinions
Givenomoney2catholicchurch posts on religion on facebook
Giving all your love to God makes him your God
Glories of Mary an example of Catholic excessive Marian Devotion
Gnostic Evidence against veracity of Jesus story
God and Horrendous Suffering book shows they don't fit
God and moral values are tacked together by force
God and Religion imply our wellbeing is unimportant
God and suffering and what if we live in a simulated reality?
God and the claim that society needs him to have meaning
God and why believers inherently exploit human vulnerability
God as moral bully and his friends as collaborators
God as primary and secondary cause of all things
God asking you to generalise, "Suffering is part of a plan" is abhorrent
God based forgiveness is too cheap to be forgiveness
God being an excuse for doing nothing for others
God belief excuses and glorifies moral weakness
God belief cannot grant a warm human morality only a sterile one
God belief failed to halt IRA terrorism and it helped it
God belief forces you to be a potential and actual hypocrite
God belief makes desire a sin!
God belief puts meat on the bones of evil or tries to!
God belief versus feeling of privacy being a basic human right
God bless you! Why that saying is bad
God can just give the message so he will not use a miracle to deliver it
God can save all from Hell especially children so why doesn't he?
God cannot be morality if morality is unclear
God cannot risk damning us even if we damn ourselves
God cannot suffer with us so he is not compassionate
God can't abolish his hateful laws
God commanding the murder of the Canaanite people
God concept authorises interference in lives of others
God does my good deeds, not me
God goes with the degrading notion of altruism
God has no right to be worshipped
God has no say over you or anybody else
God has no struggles so God cannot relate to you as a hero
God has not set up the Catholic faith or organisation
God hates people who are not fit for Heaven
God hides and then does miracles which is too odd!
God implies lying always inadvisable and always wrong!
God implies temptations are sins
God is a contrived reply to problem of what makes good good
God is a control belief and it's about biased thinking not God
God is a crutch to help fake loving others
God is a way of attaching yourself to something non-risky
God is an excuse for hypocrisy?
God is happy when you are in Hell?
God is no argument against murder
God is not a reality but a man-made falsehood
God is not Omnipotent or owner of endless power
God is the biggest abortionist of all!
God is the ingredient that makes a religion dangerous
God is too risky to comfort the bereaved with
God makes the unconditional love of man a sin
God makes you guess about evil when it is too serious to be guessed about
God makes you heartless when it comes to him & suffering
God of the Science Gap makes the Gap a God
God sends babies that die to Hell to be punished forever?
God the executioner and the God of executioners
God the most unpleasant character in all fiction
God theory is equivalent to saying gnome in the garden is a god
God versus ownership and why rights are taken not given
God wants gays to burn with lust and frustration
Godparents have no business choosing the church for the baby
God's fictitious right to be loved
God's free will is crucial to creation doctrine
God's love to me is only my perception, I cannot taste the reality
God's property rights over me and nature
Going to Church is a huge mistake
Good Samaritan parable is about validating hate for Jews
Gospa of Medjugorje, is she either drunk or insane?
Gospel of atheism how to love yourself
Gospel of Atheism on what self-esteem is
Gospel of Atheism on why self-esteem is so important
Gospel of atheism to love yourself means loving yourself alone ultimately
Gospel of atheism you can be happy
Gospel of atheism you want to be happy
Gospel of atheism, Only God you need is you!
Gospel of Atheism, you are your own saviour/salvation by default
Gospel of Philip calls Jesus a myth
Gospel of Thomas and the Jesus myth
Gospels put psychological miracles before the dramatic type
Grateful People, unpacking the dark side
Greta Christina says atheist anger is understandable
Grievances, writing to the Church
Grounding and validating morality without using a God
Hammer of witches a Catholic manual for hating women
Happiness and the Problem of God letting Evil happen
Happiness as side-effect of doing good
Happiness is not happiness if it needs sacrifice
Harm and corruption caused by religion exists on a spectrum
Harmful Christian rule that you treat Christian same as Jesus
Harmful realities of Catholic doctrine
Has God helped converted alcoholics?
Hate Sin means Hate Sinner but do not admit it
Hate Sin means Hate Sinner for it's personal
Hateful God of the Book of Exodus
Hating good intentions and love the sinner hate the sin
Hating relatively harmless sins is deranged
Hatred in disguise the gospel of atheism overcomes it
Have to make excuses to believe in miracles
Having a belief that contradicts other beliefs you have
Hawking gives light on the universe being fine-tuned
Hawking said the law of gravity made the universe
Healing your thinking and mind and body means leaving Catholicism
Healthcare for trans and nonbinary is good as in gender confirmation
Heathen faiths do harm and always will
Heaven creates moral problems that show it is nonsense
Heaven is a den of asceticism and a Hell
Hebrews 11 treats faith as more important than facts
Hebrews denies Jesus can be verified
Hebrews in Bible refutes priests and masses as unChristian
Hebrews letter refutes the sacrifice of the mass as a sin
Hegesippus and the evidence for Jesus
Hell as in eternal punishment and Divine Mercy
Hell as in everlasting punishing is a vindictive doctrine
Hell as in the post-mortem Place of Eternal Torment
Hell as place where you burn to death?
Hell doctrine keeps flames of hate burning on earth
Hell gives Christians meaning in life!
Hell is a doctrine that enforces hate
Hell is a useless doctrine except for religious bullies
Hell makes hating sin far worse for it says it needs eternal punishment
Here is why you need to rethink being a priest
Heresy features in the visions of Medjugorje
Heresy is parasitic on the religion's truth claim
Heresy is sin of putting your "truth" before God's revealed truth
Heretical revolution in the New Mass, Novus Ordo
Hick on the absurdity of Jesus being both God and Man
Hinduism is another human religion
History of Bible literalism ie taking the Bible seriously
History shows the papacy is just a political/religious invention
Hitchen's Razor an assertion without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
Hitchens v Blair ask Is religion a force for good?
Hitler and how Jesus and Christianity made him executioner
Holy Innocents the alleged baby victims of a massacre by Herod
Holy Inquisition when thousands died for religious thought crimes
Holy See just got statehood it didn't deserve, then it played along
Honor thy father and thy mother is allegedly the commandment of God
Honour is for me or about what I do and is this being mercenary?
Honour is love in Christianity and is the essential weapon for oppression,
Honouring bad scriptures is using words as violence
Hope and discernment for atheists
Hope Endures exposes Mother Teresa
Hope is dross compared to optimism
Hoping "evil" people drop dead so that others will be spared
Hostile Request to be released from RC Church
How a loving God would not let animals suffer
How a sane person can report nonsensical visions
How Belief in God opposes morality
How can Christians advertise what their religion calls "evil" as they do?
How can law deal with religion looking for exemptions from discrimination laws?
How Catholics use the printing press to fight Protestant bible only tenet
How Christianity is supposed to judge
How Church teaching undermines love and blocks it
How desire refutes the free will we are supposed to have
How did Mary conceive by the Holy Spirit?
How do you show that what God thinks of morality matters?
How faith always blames the victim
How faith in God amplifies the projection of evil unto others
How faith in God can fuel depression
How faith in God's mercy actually dehumanises people
How faith kills LGBT people in today's world
How God belief is moral bullying in belief form
How going to saints bypasses and insults God
How good is the good God draws from evil, or that just comes from it?
How Hell Belief makes you Uncaring
How impressive are Jesus' miracles in the Gospel of John?
How Jesus used prayer as a means of abusing the vulnerable
How love for God can imply you need hugely good evidence for miracles
How loving the sinner can blind you to your sins
How must a religion approach other religions?
How our perception shows that we hate the damned person
How religion handwaves with evil and offers fake solutions
How religion tries to discredit science that opposes God
How religious faith invites you to violence
How sudden insights fuel faith in God despite refuting it
How to have a happy love life according to the gospel of atheism
How to help others and still be selfish, see them as another you
How useful are slippery slope arguments?
How valid or invalid is morality? It cannot be shown credible
How we must spread the good news of atheistic humanism
Human nature will invent threats if it sees none
Humanae Vitae bans birth control and thus killed millions of women
Humanism is not a religion or a faith position
Hume is misrepresented when he said a miracle is a natural violation
Hypocrite Paul condemns doing evil that good may come
I always do something self-interested under the circumstances
I am the image of God means I have dignity or does it?
I value myself indirectly when I value anything
Ian Wilson and his book Jesus the Evidence
Idea that priests HEAL your sins that you confess examined
If an is does not give an ought this applies to God too
If anything is appearing at Medjugorje, it's an occult being
If evil has a power or uses power it will get its own back on you
If evil is not "real" it can still dominate
If evil is not real then it is not the opposite of anything
If free will is a gift from God it's no longer his concern how I use it
If God breathes faith in you why do you still err with it?
If God exists he will not hide himself
If God is evil then why does good exist?
If God makes us as sinners does he agree with our sins? Yes.
If I've no natural explanation for a miracle then must I leave it alone?
If Jesus forgave you with his blood you don't need absolution
If Jesus was God then he cannot save sinners
If judging is bad then religion makes it worse
If loving sinner hating sin is possible it's too difficult
If there is a creator can we call it a unicorn or God?
If we are God's children then we are equal to God!
If you are a lacktheist then are you an atheist?
If you are Catholic is the label yours permanently?
If you are Christian and renting your flat to gay couple
If you believe in God then be angry!!
If you don't believe in God could you believe just anything?
If you must then baptise the baby yourself
Ignorance of the law of the land and the moral law
Immoral moralities a warning about some moral constructs
Impact of miracles & hallucinations on evidence
Implications of Catholic homophobia
Implicit atheism may be the strongest atheism!
Implicit conversion therapy is abuse and is cloaked in prayer
Impossible demand to love your neighbour and God
Imprisoned by God and by faith? A creator would be a jailer
In Defence of Evidence in refutation of Super-sceptics
In defence of situation ethics
In depth examination of how plagues refute the love of God
In favour of the 7 deadly sins
In God we Trust needs to be melted off the coins
In theology God is judgement and not just a judge
India has no reason to thank St Teresa of Calcutta
Indirect faith of Nazis in the Church fuelled their fury
Indulge yourself with self-esteem treats!
Indulgences are pure superstition and yet the pope grants them
Inexplicably Christianity so easily makes anti-semitists
Infallibility is useless though Church says it leads to truth
Infallible Canonisations why saints embody Catholic doctrine
Infant baptism has consequences so it should be abolished
Influence and free will and too much influence removes freedom
Ingredient of sin is stupidity, exposes love sinner hate sin as lie
Inherently discriminatory, the Church does harm
Inherently evil is a term and it calls evil a brute fact
INRI is the sign on the cross saying Jesus was King of the Jews
Insisting on believing what you want about yourself
Instrumental egoism is the notion that self-interest pays even if amoral or non-moral
Insular Jesus racially degrades the Roman centurion
Intention is desire and desire involves self-interest always
Intrinsic and instrumental value
Intrinsic good and intrinsic evil often welded together
Inventing sins to persecute sinners
Investigating Catholic claims will turn up negatives
Investigating monism or concept that separateness is false and all is one
Invincible ignorance and salvation outside of Jesus
Iris Murdoch the philosopher on love
Irish Catholicism and why it is unhealthy
Is a miracle a violation of nature?
Is a miracle an event above nature not against it?
Is a miracle report really nature having a quirky moment?
Is all religion bad religion or is enough religion bad?
Is atheism merely the absence of belief in God?
Is becoming Catholic the best bet for a good afterlife?
Is being Catholic permanent and final and indelible?
Is belief an accident of birth?
Is Catholic baptism really baptism or does it have effects?
Is Catholicism too Christian to be the whore of Babylon?
Is challenging religious faith cruel?
Is choice just automatically right? Is it morally relevant?
Is Christian faith a work by which you attain eternal life with God?
Is Christianity a cult or does it have some cult traits?
Is Christianity smarter than New Age teaching?
Is divine revelation credible or devoid of good sense?
Is egoism true so is it all about me deep down no matter what I do?
Is everybody a fundamentalist?
Is everything a miracle or does that make the definition too thin?
Is evil just a good that falls short or is that trivialising it?
Is formal defection only about marriage law?
Is getting caught the only bad thing about law-breaking?
Is God a basic belief or one that we don't need evidence for?
Is God needed to make morality objective ie more than opinion?
Is God's love comforting or is it too short-term to have value?
Is good more valuable if you battle yourself to do it?
Is hating the sin the strongest or loving the sinner?
Is Hell unlocked meaning the damned won't leave?
Is infallibility inspiration? Catholic Church says it can avoid error
Is it a sin for one to have sexual desires and temptations?
Is it ad hominem to condemn religion as religion for it does harm?
Is it consequences of sin you are to hate not the sinner?
Is it easy to believe in Hell of eternal punishment?
Is it enough if an explanatory worldview is coherent?
It is evil to guess what evil is for it is so serious and yet religion merely guesses!
Is it feeling or intuition or both that tell us if we have free will?
Is it good or bad or neutral that God has made us?
Is it only bad science that ignores religion?
Is it right to call somebody an evil person?
Is it the evidence for or the need for a miracle that matters?
Is it the same to say God is a unicorn or teapot as he is our Father?
Is it true that biological sex is rooted in what gametes you should produce?
Is it true that people only believe what they want?
Is it true that your feelings always tell you lies?
Is Jesus God the Judge or Not?
Is Jesus proof of God's existence and devotion to us?
Is leaving the Church polarising? No it is affirming self identity
Is love the reason the three persons make up one God?
Is loving sinner hating sin just describing forgiveness of sinners?
Is Mary at Medjugorje like the Jesus vision story?
Is one faith as good as another?
Is religion a mental condition if not disorder?
Is religion an excuse for violence?
Is Religion Irrational? by Keith Ward
Is religion just nothing but a form of role play?
Is religion more about the meaning of suffering than of life?
Is religion often a thought disorder needing professional help?
Is religious belief based on a vicious circle?
Is religious faith a disorder or an outgrowth of a disorder?
Is religious faith a private affair?
Is renouncing pleasure for asceticism churlish towards God?
Is sacrifice real and do we really do it?
Is Sam Harris right to say that wellbeing and morality are the same?
Is saying self-creation is less absurd than God creating wise?
Is science concerned with ex nihilo creation?
Is secular fundamentalism real?
Is suffering at the mercy of chance really that bad?
Is suffering ever good for our virtue and our skills?
Is taking a leap of faith in God rational?
Is the Bible right therefore inspired?
Is the Catholic Church as holy as it says it is?
Is the dog or my baby an atheist?
Is the fear of death a hint that there is a Hell?
Is the last supper story history?
Is the Law of Moses abrogated in the apostles' times?
Is the Medjugorje vision the Devil pretending to be Mary?
Is the mind transcendent as in separate from the body?
Is the Pope Joan legend plausible? Was there as she-pope?
Is the universe fine-tuned by God?
Is there no such thing as innocent suffering?
Is trans an identity? Not exactly!
Is unhappiness a negative and not a thing?
Is unworthy communion homicide?
Is your spiritual DNA Catholic if you are baptised?
Isaiah did not predict Virgin Birth of Jesus
Islam like many Christians bans the supposed sin of gambling
It is evil to condone violent and harmful holy books from God
It is manipulative to baptise a child into Christ or the Church
It is nasty to say evil is merely good of the wrong kind
Ivan the false prophet of Medjugorje
IVF and discussing the ethics of In Vitro Fertilisation
James letter does not deny Protestant notion that faith alone takes you to Heaven
James the apostle was said to be the blood brother of Jesus
Jerry Coyne and is book Faith versus Fact
Jesus' "founder effect" is toxic and adverse
Jesus alone is mediator so do not pray to saints!
Jesus and his racist patronising of the Samaritan woman
Jesus and pleasure, the startling truth
Jesus and property and did he ban it?
Jesus and the cripple and forgiving sins
Jesus and the sin that will never ever be forgiven by God
Jesus as the victim who is offered in the Mass? Macabre idea
Jesus' authorised spokesmen, "Sincerity not enough for Heaven"
Jesus being mediator with God makes God nasty
Jesus calls Simon Peter or Rock in Matthew 16 so what did it mean?
Jesus Christ was a slave beater
Jesus condemns the city of Pergamos
Jesus' dangerous argument that God sends messages to anyone
Jesus did not command holy communion
Jesus did not endorse self-love or permit it even
Jesus failed his own good fruits from thorns argument
Jesus formulated faith in a bigoted way to make thought-crimes
Jesus gave three great commandments not two
Jesus had no credentials at all never mind bad ones!
Jesus' hate of people on gender, race and religion grounds
Jesus if he chose Paul was definitely homophobic too
Jesus imposes impossible laws on the people
Jesus in the light of the notion that sin works like a viral infection
Jesus is hailed though he incited violence against Jewish leaders
Jesus is not the zenith of humankind
Jesus is the only way to God doctrine
Jesus lied that his coming was predicted
Jesus made lower than the angels? Was he God?
Jesus' miracles cannot be proved and they are mere hearsay
Jesus propped up anti-feminism and anti-women society
Jesus refused to validate his sexually abused mother's victimhood
Jesus' Resurrection is unconvincing if based on parable visions.
Jesus Resurrection story came from black magic book?
Jesus said divorce is adultery and meant it
Jesus saved us with his blood we are told but did he?
Jesus says God is daddy or Abba
Jesus says that few will be saved and go to eternal bliss
Jesus should not be worshipped just as the Father is worshipped?
Jesus showed his hypocrisy in his approach to prayer
Jesus sower of seeds of the Inquisition and Christian violence
Jesus story was stolen from the Elisha Elijah tales by Mark
Jesus teaches salvation by faith alone
Jesus' teaching and why it is not rational and not healthy
Jesus tells a parable to try and derange people who fear Hell
Jesus tempts to sin and must create temptation if he is god
Jesus the conjurer or was he staging miracles?
Jesus through Council of Trent approves capital punishment murder
Jesus told us to take up our crosses to please him
Jesus uses the fig tree as a lesson for us
Jesus uses the threat of sin to scare you off thinking Satan was helping him
Jesus wants a dead man's corpse neglected
Jesus was a Jew and never envisioned founding Catholicism
Jesus was a retroactive war monger and violence apologist
Jesus was a threatening moral bully saying "repent or else"
Jesus was a zealot or at least a zealot sympathiser
Jesus was anti-person and anti-humanitarian
Jesus was not the Christ and Christianity is not Christianity
Jesus would not have drank wine at last supper
Jesus's bloodline fails to show he must be the Messiah King
Jesus's dungeon of horrors in Hell!
Jewish Purity Laws to be kept by Christians
Jewish tradition about Balaam and it seems he is Jesus
Jewish tradition does not mince words about Jesus
Jews of Jesus' time seem very sure he was leading a violent revolt
John 20:31 refutes transubstantiation and the mass
John 3 speaks of water and wind not water baptism
John 6 has nothing to do with last supper
John 6 that supposedly says bread is Jesus is jumbled up?
John 6 Verse 52 does not support Catholic Mass
John 8 shows Jesus' appalling attitude to abused women
John Cornwell casts negative light on Medjugorje claims
John Gospel denies bread & wine turn into Jesus
John Gospel does not literally make Jesus out to be God
John Paul II proves that love sinner hate sin is just words
John shocks us with revelations about his mate Jesus
John the Baptist fits the Messiah prophecies better than Jesus
John the Baptist was originally the Messiah
John the Baptist witness against Jesus
John's gospel does not really start off calling Jesus God
Joseph Vitolo and the alleged Bronx Miracle
Judgemental verses from the Bible God and his Jesus
Judges 19 and its homophobic similarity to the Sodom tale
Judith Jarvis Thomson argues In Defence of Abortion
Jungian reasons for opposing Christian power
Karl Barth and the Bible's Inspiration
Keep out of Catholic influence and keep it out of public life
Keep out of people's suffering and don't religion-wash it
Keep with nature and don't undermine it with supernaturalism
Kenny asks Why is there something rather than nothing?
Kick Catholic ideology out of schools
Kick the God placebo out for it is an insult to innocent suffering
Kids in school do not need religious ideology
Kids who suffer from wrong sex or gender identity being imposed
Killing a baby in Vietnam gives rise to a thought experiment
Killing sexual love in the name of Catholicism
Killing the Catholic/Christian lie of the afterlife with God
King Herod has Jesus risen before Jesus rose!
Knave Fr Gino's sainthood pretences were exposed by luck
Knocking free will and its rationale for hate
Knocking the divine love of God and its weaponisation
Knocking trans conversion therapy
Know that religion lies and call the lies out
Know that you always have inner resources to empower you
Know the truth about Catholics, mediums and fraud
Know there is a callous streak behind saying things are God's plan
Know what evil means and how it warns against religion
La Salette vision claims show a case for fraud
Labelling the child religiously is vile for the child deserves better
Lacking faith in God arises from subliminal atheism
Lapide a Jew gives light on Jesus' alleged resurrection
Last Supper didn't turn bread and wine into Jesus for first time
Lazy habit of imputing good intentions to god and others
Lead us not into temptation is a problematic prayer
Learn from the zero sum fallacy and its impact on religion
Learning from past shows a religion's evil potential
Leaving judgement to God can be passive aggressive
Leaving the Church is necessary to protect others from it
Legends about Jesus' mother cast her in a bad light
Lessing, tolerance and the parable of the magic ring
Let children make their own faith decisions!
Let happiness come just pave the way and trust yourself
Let it be, why letting happiness come is better than seeking it
Letter of Clement of Alexandria on Secret Gospel of Mark
Letter of James and good works
Letter on Prayer and its harms published 2003
Letter to Cardinal George regarding harm done to LGBT rights
Letter to parents who think they must raise their child in their faith
Lewis stupidly claimed that Satan doesn't want to be believed in
LGBT couples banned from Presbyterian Communion
LGBT people are just not safe in a Bible influenced context
Liars say Leviticus allows loving modern LGBT relationships
Liberal Christianity is only for fools
Liberation and guilt the gospel of atheism
Lie of Group Simultaneity relating to Medjugorje visionaries
Lies of the Roman Catholic Church
Lies that Jesus reached out to those on the margins
Life is called a Divine Gift when it is more like a Loan!
Life Offering Revelations from a Hungarian nun
Lindsay's Everybody is Wrong about God has findings on morality
Links recommended for exCatholics
List of allegedly infallible truths that is Catholic teachings
List of Bible books is not finalised
Look at Pascal's Blackmail and how it poisons Xians
Looking at John 6 Catholicism's eucharistic playground
Love and happiness for the humanist
Love damned and hate their damning sin
Love for others is a dubious religious value
Love has a bad side and it is overhyped
Love is not the opposite of hate but a form of hate itself
Love neighbour as thyself means self-love forbidden
Love of neighbour as oneself harms the family
Love sinner and hate sin causes emotional harm
Love sinner and hate sin conceals haters
Love sinner and hate sin idea in light of free will
Love sinner and hate sin idea in light of mortal hell-deserving sin
Love sinner and hate sin is for psychopaths
Love sinner and hate sin is not for man but God
Love Sinner and Hate Sin is not really believed by Christians
Love sinner and hate sin makes you love yourself least
Love sinner and hate sin may sound profound but is deceit
Love Sinner and Hate Sin might be advice not a rule
Love sinner and hate sin sets one on a slippery slope
Love sinner does it mean loving feelings are irrelevant?
Love sinner hate sin will attack your rights at the polling station
Love the sinner and hate sins is against scholarship
Love the sinner and hate the sin
Love the sinner and hate the sin attacks secular people
Love the sinner and hate the sin is arsenic
Love the sinner but do not love
Love the sinner hate the sin is clearly only against physical violence
Love thy Neighbour as thyself is a smokescreen
Love thy Neighbour as thyself is useless and vague
Love thy Neighbour more than Thyself!
Loving another's free will is loving them as hating it is hating them
Loving God alone is evil and it is evil to try
Machiavellianism today is called assertiveness?
Magic and the domino effect and why magic is nonsense
Magical faith, especially Christian, is a Pandora's box for violence
Making a bad confession in the Catholic Church
Making friends for humanist atheism
Making Sense of God and Happiness by Keller
Many feel that religion is inherently violent. Is it?
Many hate LGBT rights on religious grounds, admit it
Many religious leaders are moral relativists who manipulate you
Marcion claimed there is a God of justice and a rival one of love
Mark 15 lies about odd coincidences when Jesus died
Marriage Annulment and the Bible
Marriage cannot turn a non-commitment into a commitment
Marriage vows cannot really be meant
Mary and Joseph's fake marriage
Mary at Medjugorje by Hector Avalos
Mary invalidates Catholic baptism
Mary is not appearing at Medjugorje
Mary is the Catholic idol and false role model
Mary Jesus' mother did evil things so she wasn't sinless!
Mary of Agreda by Sandra Miesel
Mary the Mother of Jesus was not a forever virgin
Mary's Fraudulent Appearance at La Salette
Mary's role in the massacre of the innocents
Mass gets crazier when you take it to its logical conclusions
Mass is anti-semitist and racist against Jews
Mass is not the Sacrifice of Calvary
Masses for notorious killers such as Alan Hawe
Massless and how nature shows "spirit" is physical
Matter is all there is so spirit is a figment of the imagination
Maybe Heaven is the real eternal punishment!!
Maybe sin does not oppose God's ways so much as reinterpret them?
Medjugorje apparition and abortion
Medjugorje apparition and the Heresy Book
Medjugorje apparitions provide a money-spinner
Medjugorje bishop ignored when he asked that messages not be published
Medjugorje is neither truly Catholic or supernatural
Medjugorje opposes the rights of Church leaders
Medjugorje Spirituality has a bad side so keep away!
Medjugorje visions and how science proves nothing
Meessen and the miracle of the sun Fatima 1917
Melchizidek and Jesus and their contrived priesthood
Membership in the Church is canonically invalid
Memes for slides advocating atheism
Men saved without baptism in the Bible
Messianic predictions about the crucifixion are untruths
Methodological naturalism so is the material all there is?
Minucius Felix attacks the crucifixion of Jesus
Miracle and Hallucination the possible link
Miracle beliefs are bad beliefs
Miracle believers are potential bigots and bigots
Miracle Dirt of Chimayó or another dirty religious trick?
Miracle is it what nature cannot do and is that a good enough understanding?
Miracle of hating sin not sinner
Miracle of priests absolving sins
Miracle of transforming bread & wine into Christ
Miracles and do you have to beg the question to believe?
Miracles and evil is non-thing idea
Miracles and repeatability only the repeatable is credible
Miracles and the burden of evidence
Miracles and the Clear Moral Purpose
Miracles and the notion that evil is misplaced good
Miracles and the problem of true believers
Miracles and the slippery slope the path to further foolishness
Miracles are a set of toxic beliefs
Miracles are anti-dignity for human nature needs defaults respected
Miracles are weaponised by the Church as an excuse for division
Miracles can paint over scripture contradictions
Miracles endorse suffering as if there is not enough
Miracles have a link with pantheism which says nature is God
Miracles if they call us sinners that is hate speech
Miracles imply God corrects himself!
Miracles in the light of human psychology
Miracles make us sin more not less
Miracles make you make the miracle the centrepoint
Miracles Put You Off God and indeed should
Miracles surprisingly challenge Catholic truth claims
Miracles teach lies especially to the most vulnerable
Miracles versus the God who judges
Miraculous Medal visions reported by nun Catherine Laboure
Modern antipopes who claim to be the true pope
Money can buy happiness if you go about it correctly
Monica Besra and how the Vatican used her to fake a miracle
Monotheism or having only one God is bad news
Moral Absolutism lacks practicality and credibility and has slain millions
Moral Absolutism Refuted and its harms exposed
Moral agency and the notion that evil is unreal as in a lack
Moral argument for an explicit and clear God?
Moral Argument for Faith is Nonsense
Moral Argument for God is superfically clever and is nonsense
Moral argument for God suffers from the "if" question
Moral argument for the existence of God is a crock
Moral argument only points to God but does not prove?
Moral arguments for God forget that morality is not main thing
Moral Case for Abortion Ann Furedi
Moral case for God ignores how we all love for we love ourselves
Moral Conundrums to think about
Moral dilemma of saving a bad person or a good one in a fire
Moral luck and the trolley problem
Moral Neutrality and the evil falls short of good theodicy
Moral standard ad infinitum or has to stop somewhere?
Morality and Socrates and Aquinas
Morality Gap by Lutzer a review
Morality is a necessary evil and why calling it holy is immoral!
Morality is communication as in saying this ought not to be done or is it?
Morality that is just talk is empty morality
Morally can you get an ought from an is?
More hateful Bible verses from the Christian God
More people need to investigate their Catholic Church
More to loving God than just obeying him
Mortal and venial sin and charity in Catholic doctrine
Moses' Law is made for all nations and peoples
Most Church members are pretenders!
Most of our acts are omissions and are selfish
Mother of Abominations in the Bible describes which Church or faith?
Mother Teresa of Calcutta forced religion on the dying
MP Carol Monaghan goes to the House of Commons with ashes on her head
Mutation could cause of paranormal belief except belief in a good God
My critical facebook comments on the pope
My Freethinking Letters criticising religion
My posts on LGBT teachers in Catholic Schools
Nancy Fowler apparitions of Mary
Narcissism of gay inclusive theology
Natural family planning is a Catholic "duty"
Natural Law and morality and the assumption nature makes morality work
Naturalism questions and answers
Nature doing bad things shows blaming us for evil not God is nonsense
Nature is evidence and evidence is nature so miracles out!
Nature of belief in the light of faith and religion
Near Death Experiences explored by a Christian book
Need proof to love sinner and accuse them of sin
Negative thoughts are not all bad
Netflix horror movie the Incantation has a religious lesson
Never just assume anybody's intention, especially God's, is good
New Testament does not say Jewish Law abrogated
New Testament is built on and upholds sexism
New Testament is not clear that the Holy Spirit fathered Jesus
New Testament text has marks of being finalised in the second century
Nicholas Humphrey makes some good points about religion
Nirvana and Heaven don't care if the joy is an artificial reality
No command from Jesus to love yourself
No country should welcome pope and should not pay for him
No depth in "love one another"
No faith unity exists so a Church is just a social construct
No justification for loving God alone
No reason to think apostle Peter is buried in Rome
No salvation out of the Church is a red flag for that religion
No Unbiased Evidence for Jesus Existence
Nobody ever experiences free will
Nobody makes you unhappy but you
NOMA attempts to keep religion from being examined by science
None of God's business what we believe especially about miracles
Normalisation and unconditional love and Jesus the enemy
Not all Catholics are really Catholic
Not your place to tell sufferers God is lovingly working in them
Noted philosopher on death and why atheism has answers
Notion of faith being a grace has bad implications
Notion of food and drink becoming God is anti-biblical
Notion of secret miracles is deadly
Notion that evil is not real puts thin line between good & bad
Notovitch and the Unknown Life of Jesus
Numbering the errors and untruths of Catholicism is impossible
Objectively evil not to baptise and cleanse a baby or person's soul?
Obstacles to happiness and why religion is one of them
Old Testament God says Moses's laws are irrevocable
On optimism and exploring the atheist and mature optimism
On testimonies to miracles, how useful are they?
Once a Catholic, not always a Catholic
Once you affirm miracles you quit science
Onkerzele Belgium is a site of supposed apparitions
Only God can make an excuse for creating thought crimes
Only liars tell you to do what Jesus would do
Only read a few good critics and free yourself from Catholicism
Open Letter calling Seminarians to rethink
Open Letter to Bishop Boyce Raphoe Diocese
Ordaining priests and bishops is a Catholic sacrament
Ordinatio Sacerdotalis says women cannot be ordained
Original sin and how does a new human being get it?
Original Sin is Anti-Social Propaganda
Original sin is dogma of the faith
Other's belief in miracles is not evidence for miracles
Our atheist hope and why we can dream without a god
Our Lady of San Damiano witnessed by disturbed Mama Rosa
Our morality is not based on innocent until proven guilty
Out of body experiences and visions
Out of respect for suffering forsake God and forsake religion
Outside the Roman Catholic Church there is no Salvation
Overall's three arguments against God's existence from miracles
Overthrowing arguments that altruists are real
Overview of the violent commands of the Jewish Law
Paedophile Priests as a plague within the Catholic Church
Paedophilia is condoned in Roman Catholic Canon Law
Pagan historian Suetonius didn't mention Christ or did he?
Pagan Origin of Christ and were his inventors stealing pagan stories?
Pagan Origin of Roman Catholicism
Pain and how it shows morality is a mask
Palm Sunday a critic of the resurrection speaks
Pantheism asks is everything God?
Papacy is best friend AIDS ever had
Papal infallibility in the Catholic Church
Parable of the blind men and the elephant
Pardoning venial sin in confession
Parents don't consent to their baby's baptism properly either!
Pascal was right, religious faith does evil best
Pathetic stupidity of saying religion is just good and about good
Patron Saint of Catholic schools was a patron of paedo clerics
Paul hints Jesus lived in ancient times
Paul Pearsall, The Last Self-Help Book You Will Ever Need
Paul says we no longer know Jesus as a man?
Paul's Letters teach salvation without good works
Pay it back for we should affirm restorative justice
Paying money for masses in the Catholic Church
People are living vicariously and harmfully through God or religion
People can and do die for their religious lies
People cherry pick what sinners to love or hate
People lie that they clearly know objective justice and love
People serve God-belief not God
Perfect Answers a book by the Hare Krishnas
Perhaps we have too much free will?
Perjury the Church's favourite sin
Permission and what it is, does and says
Permission from God to sin is not approval it seems but that is a fiction
Perpetual sin doctrine that as a sinner your good is never properly good
Perseverance of the saints the Calvinist notion that once saved always saved
Personal experience in Christian faith
Personal identity and the trouble that relates to it
Personal responsibility examined
Peter and the lies that he was bishop of Rome
Peter Atkins and the universe from nothing that is still nothing!!
Peter Boghossian on religious faith as a deadly virus
Peter is not buried in the Vaticanus cemetery
Peter never died in Rome and was not buried there
Peter shows that in the 60s AD no gospels were coming
Peter was devoted to a vision claiming to be Jesus not a man Jesus
Peter was never in Rome and so was never pope
Peter was not the bishop of Rome or first pope
Peter's Second Letter and the Papacy
Peter's vision of all food and animals being clean
Petrine privilege and Pauline privilege and Catholic marriage
Philippians 2, does it say Jesus was God?
Philosophers of high calibre Plato and Spinoza on Evil
Philosophy and Christianity and how the latter twists it
Pick and Mix Catholicism is offensive to those who hate being lied to
Pick and mix religion is dishonest
Pilate is blamed for nailing Jesus but is this just?
Pillars of atheism the core outlook
Placebo is a lie and yet the Christian faith is a placebo
Plausibility is not a mark of the Catholic faith
Poetry excuse for getting around Bible errors
Pointless suffering argument shows God's love is not real
Polish bishops and those who wish to leave Church
Politicising the Eucharist by banning pro-choice politicians?
Politics and its taking advantage of the religious label
Politics of the Mass are underhanded so do not attend
Polygamy where Bible God permits a man to have more than one wife
Pompeii and the worship of Christ
Pope Benedict's Kindergarten Rules on Miracles
Pope demands that clerical abuse be protected and covered up
Pope Francis and Islam and his faux respect
Pope Francis is hero of those who do not hate bigotry enough
Pope Francis, homophobic pope and trans hater
Pope has stolen his office as monarch of the Catholic Church
Pope Honorius is an arch-heretic proving the pope is not infallible
Pope is not a head of state but lies that he is!
Pope John Paul II was a manipulative authoritarian
Pope Leo XIII on how heresy makes you a non-Catholic
Pope Vigilius shows Jesus lied if he said popes wouldn't preach heresy
Popes are always ready to lie to you
Pope's claims lack credibility
Popes Formosus and Stephen VII were archenemies!
Popular wisdom and morality are not what they seem to be
Porniea and is divorce permitted by Jesus for this sin?
Positive thinking is good but surely cautiously optimistic realism is better?
Posts and comments refuting religion
Posts on Catholic religious beliefs being bad
Posts on fake visions of Medjugorje
Posts on miracles and the dangers of adhering to them
Potential personhood of foetus arguments and abortion
Prayer and trying it to see if there is a God
Prayer is a user trying to feel good about giving non-help
Prayer is feeling good about doing nothing
Prayer is passive aggressive so do not go along with it
Prayer is the affirmation of hypocrisy
Prayer of petition is pure hypocrisy
Predestination to eternal damnation is clearly conducive to hate
Predominant Egoism says at least 51% of motivation is self-centred
Pregnancy as condition implies a right to abortion
Prejudice against mentally ill
Pre-nuptial agreements show the folly of marriage
Presuppositionalism needs these critical thoughts
Priests absolving sins is a dogma of the Catholic Church
Priests and their sacraments block Jesus out
Priests do harm, their rank is not justifiable
Priests forgiving sins is immoral superstition
Priests pretend to have inherited spiritual powers from Jesus
Priests saying they we are not all child molesters
Priests supporting IRA murders
Priests use confession, religion and God to interfere in my business
Prince versus Massachusetts Case re Jehovah's Witnesses
Principles and their importance
Private Interpretation of the Bible, mainstay of Lutheranism
Problems with a causing b and how it reflects on free will
Prolife is just Catholic self-righteous hypocrisy
Pro-life people don't worry much about the unborn suffering
Pro-life Teaching supports murder
Proof from suffering that speaking of God's love is nonsense
Proof that miracle doctrine is callously ideological
Proof that there is no free will and we don't really want it
Prophecy by God says the Old Testament law is eternal
Prophecy is the only Sign that God is communicating?
Prophecy refutes the Resurrection of Christ
Proselytism is when a mission is bullying
Protecting people from themselves and the dilemmas
Protestant idea that the Church is spiritual rather than an organisation
Protestants are dishonest about Catholic miracles
Proudly defy God even if he exists
Psychology exposes the love sinner and hate sin fraud
Purgatory denies that you are saved if you are there
Purgatory doctrine is a Catholic means of trafficking with the dead
Purgatory if true would mean the saints are bad
Purgatory is another Catholic doctrine in opposition to its Bible
Put your religion to the test for you owe it to yourself
Putting the lost out of existence instead of sending them to Hell
Pyrrhonism the extreme belief that there is no belief
Q.E.D. Atheism is me owning me and laying down boundaries
Quackery on the spiritual level happens in idol worship
Quagmire of God and intrinsic evil and religious gaslighting
Quagmire of the know-all apostle's epistemology
Quality optimism in a society which wants stupid optimism
Quandary of Catholic list of Bible books
Quantifying the so-called problem of good and problem of evil
Quantity of Catholic homophobia is not enough according to some
Quashing the Christian lies that the faith values women
Quasi-gods supposedly describe how believers and atheists self-deify?
Queen of Peace is one of Mary's titles as the imagined New Eve
Queer theology is condemned by Christian tradition
Quench the lies about Genesis affirming man woman equality
Querying Catholic teaching on reconciliation with God - Webster
Querying if Christianity is really a placebo and if this is dangerous
Querying the alleged healing power of the sacraments
Querying the credibility of what religion says about natural evil
Querying the prince of peace Jesus trying to stop people liking each other?
Querying the secret pantheism of Christianity
Quest to own our bodies and to let no god or god believer interfere
Question about a miracle is did it happen not can it happen?
Question All Things for your own protection and growth
Question by Grudem about what Jesus meant by unpardonable sin
Question of divine simplicity is God simple in himself?
Question of why or how there's something not nothing?
Questionable apparition of LaSalette France
Questionable Catholic doctrines and the lies and harms
Questionable dangerous things hide behind religious faith
Questioners of Hume are lying about his refutation of miracles
Questioners of religion and paranormal should be the billboard
Questioning alarming claims made by Angels woman Lorna Byrne
Questioning Catholic denial of Bible only with William Webster
Questioning Catholic doctrine will be a learning curve
Questioning God can be a form of atheism
Questioning if concelebration of Mass is an abuse?
Questioning if the good atheists do is really good
Questioning miracle images leads to seeing they are tricks
Questioning papal elections and denying the pope is authentic
Questioning Self-Sacrifice and its alleged high frequency
Questioning society's lies about morality and its validity
Questioning that Jesus founded an anti-Jew Church
Questioning that miracles are an exception to nature
Questioning that the father has no right to a say in an abortion
Questioning the accuracy of Genesis the foundation of religion
Questioning the Aquarian Gospel about Jesus
Questioning the canonisation of John XXIII
Questioning the miracles used to declare John Paul 2 a saint
Questioning the outrageous claims at apparitions of Garabandal
Questioning the truth of religion in general
Questioning the view that Jesus risen was not a hallucination
Questions about the Bible and the afterlife answered
Questions and Answers on absurdity of Creation
Quick facts on the dangers of Garabandal visionaries
Quiet atheism can speak louder than loud atheism
Quieting the conscience is not cleansing or fixing it
Quintennesial prayer guidance of Jesus is anything but
Quislings in Christianity get a terrible curse
Quit giving children to religious collective ego systems
Quit religious labelling for it is loaded, arbitrary and manipulative
Quit supporting the moral argument for God for it is nonsense
Quitting Catholicism is advisable but in a sense you may already have!
Quiver of arrows or the Christian notion that prayer is a weapon
Quote showing extremism of Catholic esteem for celibacy
Quotes showing the pope is supposedly the head of the Church
Quoting a special Catholic source on love and hate for sinners
Quoting William Webster's refutations of Catholicism
Qur'an denies the specialness of Issa/'Jesus' or Mary
Rape and abortion and don't force a child to give birth
Raphoe Diocese exhibits problems with clerical sex abuse covered up
Rational Feminism and granting true equality to women
Rationalisation is hypocritical fake reasoning
Ratisbonne mirrors Paul's conversion thus showing Paul is dubious
Re same sex marriage rejected in Northern Ireland 2014
Reason and the sense that you ought to do moral things
Reason is a tool and a method and is not a belief
Reclaiming my only true power: owning myself
Recognition of abortion rights should be forced on religion
Refuting the Roman Catholic faith decisively
Reincarnation does not satisfy our rational side
Rejecting Catholic claim that universe fine-tuned for us
Relationship between indifference and love sinner and hate sin
Relationship between Jesus' miracles and sinlessness
Relationships after marital breakdown and Christianity
Religion against the doctrine of creation from nothing
Religion and dogma and how they lead to thought "crimes"
Religion and Eternal Damnation are a marriage made in hell
Religion and forced conversion and what it really thinks!
Religion and idolatry are two sides of the one coin
Religion and is it natural to be religious?
Religion and its potential for grave damage to the vulnerable
Religion and its skill of internalising evil
Religion and its subtle warmongering
Religion and killing those who refuse to convert to it
Religion and the banality of evil
Religion and the delight its ego gets from you affirming its nonsense
Religion and the shameless excuse that it is not all bad
Religion and treason and its potential and often real treason
Religion as organisation has no justified existence
Religion as solidarity and that is how it does evil
Religion cannot really zone into the bright side of suffering
Religion distorts morality just as it does history and reason
Religion does not admit how pro-persecution it is
Religion equals rudeness and needs to be told what it is!
Religion gives opinion while science offers facts
Religion harms children and makes irresponsible parents
Religion has a lack of empathy for suffering
Religion has force as a placebo not a spiritual force
Religion has no right to its charitable status
Religion has to lie and gaslight to act like a moderate faith
Religion has to make the biggest problem of evil of all
Religion Hurts by John Bowker attempts to define religion
Religion Hurts by John Bowker on Islamic violence
Religion Hurts why religions do harm as well as good by John Bowker
Religion is a form of placebo based quackery
Religion is a hijacker that tries to steal the best in other systems
Religion is a placebo for human evil
Religion is a plausibility structure and thus gets people to accept nonsense
Religion is a secretly occult response to some magical evil
Religion is a treadmill so it must accept blame for failure in individual members
Religion is about gaining a sense of being in control
Religion is always fundamentalist to one degree or another
Religion is an unsafe space for trans children
Religion is anti-democracy and implicitly pro-censorship
Religion is basically hidden moral relativism
Religion is fanatical superstitious and therefore harmful
Religion is ineffectual against abortion
Religion is not excused by saying that all people sin
Religion is obscurantist and deliberately hides many things from us
Religion is politics and rides on the back of political corruption
Religion is victim-shaming nonsense
Religion is violent in spirit if not in action
Religion lacks faith and so ensures its miracles are out of reach
Religion lies about being a hospital for sinners?
Religion lies about evil to rob you of freedom it says it gives you
Religion like human nature is conditioned to be soft on much evil
Religion manipulates your weakness for going into denial
Religion opposes freedom of thought!
Religion pretends not to think evil people are vermin
Religion recklessly risks human dignity and blames us for evil
Religion says atheism has a problem of evil itself
Religion says that seeing porn permanently harms a child
Religion should be sued for falsifying its scriptures
Religion soothes your nasty harmful side
Religion starts wars and will do it again
Religion stops pharmacists doing their job?
Religion subtly schemes to make people violent
Religion takes away your reality check and that is violence
Religion ties itself in knots over God as good and against evil
Religion turns some people into terrorists
Religion unifies faith and love to bias towards miracle belief
Religion uses free will doctrine to lull you into feeling safe
Religion uses God to excuse the invention of morality
Religion vaunts fake mercy and faith in God is to blame
Religion versus Science by Ecklund Sceitle
Religion violates truth to debunk Hume against miracles
Religion wears a veil to look moderate and middle of the road
Religion will weaponise the good to get away with the bad
Religion won't let you look at suffering as it is but cloaks its true nature
Religion's allies should be ashamed for propping up a violent construct
Religious criticism is necessary to expose insincere religious leaders
Religious devotee never seems to reach a watershed moment
Religious doctrine undermines the not all bad excuse for bad religion
Religious education is not suited for children
Religious education should not be indoctrination
Religious faith is a conspiracy theory
Religious faith is an unnecessary evil
Religious faith is the enemy of tolerance
Religious faith unlike other faith demands bias
Religious gratitude means affirming evil
Religious groups have infighting unlike secular groups
Religious homophobia kills, Bible neglect of LGBT kills
Religious indoctrination of children is evil
Religious joy is arrogant presumptiveness
Religious labelling is based on the dreaded "unexamined life" Socrates
Religious liberalism is so-called faith for the sceptic
Religious morality is not very useful or beneficial
Religious Mystery is Dangerous
Religious opinion is what religion harms people for
Religious opinions always seek to ruin freedom of speech
Religious person risks bringing trauma to others
Religious privilege is often subtle special treatment
Religious privileges causes grave inequalities
Religious science is an oxymoron
Religious spin and how to hide the toxic side of faith
Religious structures are violent even if it does not seem so
Religious supernaturalism zaps at the credibility of science
Religious trauma syndrome needs urgent addressing by society
Religious tyrants play on your "need" for God
Religious wars listed and how religion remains a protector of warmongers
Religiously lax religious terrorists remain religious terrorists
Renounce the authority and services of your Catholic priest!
Replies to the notion that the Christian view of God is secretly pantheistic
Reserved sins are sins the priest cannot forgive so you need the bishop
Respect for life sounds good but is peppered with hypocrisy
Respect thy neighbour is not same as love they neighbour
Respecting belief and especially religious or spiritual belief
Respecting beliefs is compatible with challenging them
Respecting religious belief and Catholicism
Resurrection versus reincarnation
Retribution is backdoor revenge
Revelation 6 and Christian apostasy
Revelation and the sacraments of the great whore
Revelation says the Super Whore wields occult power
Reviewing Witherington's book What have they done with Jesus?
Review of Berg's Six Ways of Atheism
Review of the toxic book You can heal your life by Louise Hay
Review of Trent Horn The Case for Catholicism
Review of Why by Philip Goff on the meaning of life and atheism
Revisit your wish for a church wedding
Reza Aslan wrote Zealot exposing how Jesus was a zealot
Richard Abanes on Tolle book A New Earth and Old Deception
Right to sue those who inflict indoctrination on you?
Risks of the placebo and why its pushers need confronting
Roman but Not Catholic: What Remains at Stake is an interesting book
Roman Catholic annulments are backdoor divorce
Roman Catholic Jesus is the beast of Revelation
Roman Catholic religion does not line up to history or anything
Roman Catholicism and blaming the baby for Adam's sin
Roman Catholicism and contraception
Roman Catholicism and indoctrination
Roman Catholicism and its dark motive for opposing abortion
Roman Catholicism and the illegitimate child
Roman Catholicism and the Sacrament of Matrimony
Roman Catholicism is a deception
Roman Catholicism is from man not God
Roman Church deviously fails to tell the whole truth
Roman Church is called whore of Babylon by its Bible!
Roman not Catholic refutes the pope
Romans 1 is a major Bible chapter and summarises the worldview
Rome Rule in Ireland led to a sectarian bloodbath
Rosa Mystica apparitions of Jesus' mother or illusions?
Rubbish advice about sickness!
Ruini Commission said Medjugorje visions after first 7 are false
Rule that marriage must be sealed by sex makes marriage silly
Sacrament of baptism is an occult ceremony pretending to be holy
Sacrament of the Sick is fanatical nonsense
Sacramentals are Catholic forms of white magic
Sacraments are surplus nonsense
Sacraments are what Jesus called "vain worship"
Sacred Heart of Jesus and the occult dark side
Saint worship is necromancy which is occult dealing with the dead
Saints are pagan gods if they can see all the secrets in the universe
Saints are the strange gods of the Pope
Saints are weaponised to control God but nobody admits it
Saints can depend on God's power and still be Gods themselves
Saints don't care about people damned in Hell
Saints enjoy their vindictive heaven while sinners burn in Hell
Saints party in Heaven while knowing the damned languish
Saints prayers for us are not rewarded and how demeaning that is!
Saints should not be prayed to if prayer is a sacrificial offering
Salvation and blessings are a false promise
Salvation by grace alone is the Bible plan of salvation
Santa Claus and how the Church permits this lie
Saying a religion is generally bad as opposed to calling it just bad
Saying you should stay in religion and change it from within
Scandal of priests and clergy stealing from Sunday collections
Schools are being used to exploit vulnerable minds
Science rules out miracles for they won't repeat themselves
Scientists in a poll have little confidence in Christian God idea
Scribes and Pharisees as term of abuse
Scriptures teach all suffer to the extreme in Hell
Seal of confession gives Church power to protect abusers
Search and free your mind from Catholic beliefs
Second probation doctrine is excluded by the Bible God
Secrecy around annulments of marriage is a problem
Secularism helps restrain religious extremism
Secularism is inherently implied criticism of religion
Sedevacantism is denying that the Catholic pope is real pope
Self-confidence is what you need not faith-confidence
Self-deception is the nourishment of religion
Self-esteem and religious faith particularly Catholic faith
Self-improvement through erotica
Selflessness as a principle turns choosing happiness into sin
Self-motivation is an atheist work in progress
September 11th 2001 and religion
Sequence theory of how prayer works
Serenity prayer about accepting what you are stuck with is bad
Serious sin leads to you hating those who tempt you
Setting the Sermon on the Mount against Jewish law is wrong
Seven Deadly Sins are natural traits not sins
Sex outside Marriage is not a Sin
Sexual Abuse by Priests in Catholicism and the protectors
Sharing the liberating power of atheism
Should a believer in God tolerate a socialist?
Should any baby ever be disrespected by being baptised?
Should Catholics and Christians bar gays from their b & bs?
Should gay men opt for a Catholic funeral?
Should LGBT+ call for religion to be tolerant of it or reject religion?
Should prisoners on death row be allowed the right to die?
Should we just assume God is the neatest explanation and thus real?
Should we talk about extremists or absolutists? It's in the word!
Show the oppressive God belief the door!
Silly Insane Messages of Jesus' mother at Medjugorje
Sims useless approach to religious mania
Sin as crime before God and often man as well
Sin is the greatest evil according to fanatical Catholic doctrine
Sin to see through love sinner and hate sin
Sinners should receive communion
Sister Faustina Kowalska was a dangerous fantasist
Situation ethics abuses the Bible to make its case
Situation ethics says we should break moral rules for love
Six Ways of Atheism that show it to be the wisest option
Size does not make a religion probably true
Skeptical theism is claiming an evil happening shows it fits God's love
Skilled interpreters of the Bible know its teaching is anti-gay
Slavery in God's word the Bible!
Slave-trade and war is why you have your big religion today
Slow burner evil and how religions are about non-war not peace,
So-called gospel affirms the brutality of its God's Old Testament
Society lies you are more responsible for harm than you are
Sodom Gomorrah and a look at the sin of gay sex
Somatoparaphrenia is behind the notion that you are a spiritual soul
Some lies told by the Catholic faith
Some of Jesus Mythicist Earl Doherty's thoughts
Some religions oppose the not all bad line of thinking
Some thoughts from Lindsay's book, Everybody is wrong about God
Something being good is not enough for religion
St Augustine of Hippo condoned god evil
St Januarius and the magic blood that turns to liquid
St John Bosco is a fake saint and bigot
St Saul book, did Paul think he had a vision establishing the eucharist?
St Seraphim matches Catholic saints for miracles and they dismiss him
Standpoint epistemology and lived experience for atheists
Stealing commanded by God in the Book of Exodus
Studies showing religion is a potential and actual mental problem
Stupidity makes barriers so the word must go...
Subliminal or subconscious magical belief
Suffering is random and thus comfort from God is no comfort
Suffering when understood correctly cannot be training from God
Suicide and religion and why suicide and self-destruction are different
Summary of the Case for Humanism
Summary of why baby baptism is mere exploitation
Sunday the Lord's Day and Bible teaching
Superiority/Inferiority Complex
Supernatural faith of Catholics? Is faith implanted by God?
Superpower is what religion childishly means by supernatural
Superstition degrades people and truth and reason
Support pro-choice legislation
Switching from love to hate isn't loving sinner, hating sin
Systematic theology critically reviewed
Take accreditation away from religious indoctrination
Taking a look at the divorce law in the Book of Deuteronomy
Taking away fear drives religious terrorist activity
Talk about evil causes the evil of halo-shining
Talk of sin and immorality fasttracks the formation of hate
Target baptism to bring the Church down
Telling somebody you're praying for them
Telling the difference between right and wrong
Tension between the Big Bang and Creation from nothing
Testimony to miracles is insufficient
Testing Schopenhauer's claim that we are the only evil animal
Testing the fruits of visions and today's "prophets"
Tests claim there is somebody appearing at Medjugorje
Tests done on Medjugorje visionaries are unconvincing and shallow
Tests done on Medjugorje visions are cosmetic
Thanking God is based on relief and fear and vanity
That Jesus built his church on the rock doesn't support pope
The abomination of desolation could mean Jesus or the Mass or both?
The ally of the fanatic is worse or as bad
The Antidote book warns against toxic positive thinking
The appearances of the Virgin Mary Medjugorje are nonsense
The atheist has the most mature approach to suffering
The author of the John Gospel in tradition
The baffling support religion gets even from critics
The baptismal character or the notion that it marks you for God
The bare essentials of atheism
The Be not Afraid message of Jesus erases real concerns
The Bible claims to be verbally inspired by God, godbreathed
The Bible denies that Mary was conceived without sin
The Bible God requires lighter judgment when a Christian does evil
The Bible is a palliative for the conscience of the paedophile
The Bible leads to much violence against children by parents
The Bible, and by extension faith, was & is a murder weapon
The Birds being Silent at Medjugorje
The bizarre doctrine that God is beauty
The blasphemy of "solving" problem of evil
The blasphemy of the Catholic Mass
The blood and gore of animal sacrifice in the Bible is still in force
The Blood of Jesus does not forgive sin
The book Everybody is Wrong about God by James Lindsay
The Book of Baruch is another dubious book that God supposedly wrote
The Book of Genesis says that religious murder is a law for all
The book of Leviticus on homosexuality
The book Reality by Chalmers overthrows religious certainties
The Burden of Proof and the claim your faith is supernatural
The case against full apostasy in Christianity
The case for allegory in the Bible and the risks of allegory
The Catholic case for venial sin being biblical fails
The Catholic catechism on faith, how dangerous faith is
The Catholic mass is based on an error called reification
The Catholic priests ruined Ireland and nobody stopped them
The Christian "ethic" of legal vengeance aka justice
The Christian doctrine of original sin is the original slur
The Christian lie that God loves the damned exposed
The Church and the visions of Garabandal
The Church is called the flesh of Jesus not bread
The Church needs to know and admit its potential for violence
The Church on euthanasia and the gross hypocrisy
The Church pretends not to judge those who cohabitate
The Church ran many anti-Semitic and Islamaphobic inquisitions
The Church shames itself in 2001
The claim that God and evil fit is a toxic circular argument
The comfort religion gives has a bad side
The condemnation of a natural act of masturbation as sin is abusive
The cynical act of baptising babies
The danger of religion arising from how it thrives on misinterpretation
The dangerous marriage between placebo and faith healing
The Deeper Questions and how to think about them
The defending of blame in a culture that hates being blamed
The devotion to Jesus' precious blood in the Eucharist
The difference between absolutists and legalists
The disobedience of the vision of Medjugorje
The doctrine of a mystery God leads to dogmatic legalism
The doctrine of the damned stirs religious hate
The doctrine that a woman's uterus is not for her but her baby
The doctrine that even God venerates the saints!
The doctrine that God always deals with sin is a lie
The doctrine that nature is permitted by God to go its own way
The doctrine that you and me are two icons of God
The early Christians in their duplicity got their stories straight
The ecstasies of Medjugorje during the reported visions
The end goal of atheistic humanism
The essential deadly sin, Pride
The eunuch in Acts 8 was not treated as an equal
The Euthrypho Dilemma asks is morality from God or not?
The evil of marriage and how nobody can really own you
The experience of evil is real even if evil is not
The experts on God as projection
The feeling of being loved by God is your real God not God
The foundations for praying to Jesus in tradition are not solid
The God of the Christians has no free will!
The God role is played by your subconscious mind!
The Godless Delusion A Catholic Challenge to Modern Atheism
The gospel of atheism and animal rights
The gospel of atheism on being fair
The gospel of atheism on how gossip is a plague
The gospel of atheism on lying and stealing
The gospel of atheism on proper relationship of church and state
The gospel of atheism on the need for social regulation
The gospel of atheism on the value of education
The gospel of atheism on value on human life
The gospel of atheism on ways of being complicit in society's evil
The gospel of atheism on why you must not expect too much
The Gospel of Thomas and its pantheistic mythological Jesus
The gospels turn the women at the tomb into hearsay not witnesses
The graces of religion are in vain for it dulls our good side
The hate doctrine of exclusive salvation
The hated papal heretic, Pope Honorius
The hell doctrine forces people to hate
The Holy Mass is to blame for access to children by paedo priests
The homosexual who is active in the Catholic Church
The honouring the saint is honouring God argument refuted
The horrors of sacramental marriage
The horrors of stamping a religious label on a baby
The hypocrites who say, "Jesus is God's word not the Bible"
The idea of a personal God is nonsense
The idea of an all-powerful God can be about you wanting to believe he has this power
The idea that you only reject what you think the Church is
The idol of Mary Mother of God
The image of God doctrine is toxic and offensive
The Immaculate Conception of Mary is Anti-scriptural
The Immaculate Conception of Mary Jesus' mother
The Implications of Psychological Egoism
The importance of evidence and why probability not possibility is what counts
The individual's perception of who they are comes first
The Infallible Church is fallible!
The infinite weakness objection to Hell
The irony when Christians condemn blasphemy!
The Key to Transcendence for an Atheist
The law and religious incitement to hate
The law of Moses is splattered with fanaticism and blood
The laws of the universe are not really laws but descriptions
The leap of faith so should we jump before we look?
The legend of Jesus being incubated in a Virgin
The letter of Jude advocates hate
The lie that atheists are ungrateful for they don't thank God
The lie that Mary consented to get pregnant
The lies surrounding Medjugorje claims
The link between science and religious faith is non-existent
The logical argument that there is no God of love is correct
The love sinner hate sin delusion
The lying genealogies of Jesus Christ
The magic bleach is claimed by some to be the cure-all
The Mass and reason and why its claims are foolish
The Mass has to be spiritually ineffective
The Medjugorje Deception by E Michael Jones
The Medjugorje story by Hector Avalos
The morals of what you think about others and they you
The Myth of Persecution by Candida Moss
The myth of Peter and Paul's martyrdoms
The New Testament Documents by FF Bruce
The New Testament word arsenokoitai is anti-gay
The notion of God speaking through prophets is mistaken
The notion of just war means holy war if you believe in God
The notion that we are always tainted by sin is evil
The Papal Antichrist idea came from Protestantism
The papal schism over Urban VI proves Catholicism a false religion
The papal system is invalid and is a social construct
The paradox of blind faith, your faith in yourself is not blind!
The Perils of Prayer showing how it is not harmless
The philosophy of intelligence
The placebo effect and why it needs extreme caution
The pope changes catechism to ban capital punishment
The pope is not a true friend of the family
The Pope is not the Vicar of Christ and neither was Peter!!
The pope is not the vicar of Christ or head of the Church
The popes have been wilful liars??
The pressure put on the Christian martyrs by faith
The prophecy that Jesus' bones would not be broken is a lie
The rationale for banning public sinners from communion
The real foundation of Catholicism is a fanciful interpretation of John 3:5
The relationship between law and morality
The religious label and the trouble it brings
The religious text has a unique power to cause violence
The resurrection visions seem to be of somebody pretending to be Jesus
The Rich Man & Lazarus Story looked at by a scholar
The Role of Psychotic Disorders in Jesus, Moses and Abraham
The Rosary is a late Catholic gimmick
The rudeness of suggesting there is a God
The sacraments in the Case for Catholicism by Trent Horn
The Saint-Medard miracles that nobody wants to believe in
The Samson tale refutes Bible reliability
The Santo miracle & Fatima's saints-to-be
The Secret of Our Lady of LaSalette
The secret of religion is the fallacy of misreading causation
The Secrets of Our Lady of La Salette
The secular state cannot protect religious ideas with blasphemy laws
The secular state will struggle with religious conscience clauses
The selfishness of sex in Catholic marriage
The seven hills that the Great Whore is enthroned on
The sin doctrine hardwires people to hate others
The sin of sodomy or homosexuality and the Bible hate for gays
The sobriety argument for Gospel reliability
The sophistry of saying evil is good in the wrong place
The straitjacket of consistency for a Catholic
The subconscious is the only god you ever need
The superstition that holy souls in Purgatory are helpless
The terrible argument that natural evil is irrelevant to the God question
The Third Secret of Fatima supposedly given by Jesus' mother
The True Christian sees sin in everything!
The two ways God "permits" evil are appalling
The uneducated and spiritually immature witnesses
The unfeeling side of faith in God when the innocent are harmed
The universe as an accident? God theory doesn't rule that out
The universe is becoming un-"designed"!!!
The vision of Medjugorje cannot teach credible religion
The way the resurrection yarn is told is the secret of its popularity
The woman of the Book of Revelation
The words of Jesus at Last Supper refute the Mass
Theo Hobson's unfair view of atheist values in his God Created Humanism
Theologian argues for God and the soul
Theology of the body versus birth control
Theology of the Inquisition, it had to happen
There are religious conspiracies surrounding miracles
There is no excuse for being in a religion you detect is wrong
There is no God so be your own God
There is no natural evil if there is a God!
There is no need for sex to be limited to marriage
Thief and liar and god of the Christians!
Thinker Philip Goff answered on libertarian free will
Things that are nice to believe
Thinking about homophobia and its religious aspects
Thinking about those who try to make evil real, like a force
Thomas fails to witness to Jesus being risen
Those in Heaven enjoy the suffering of those in Hell
Those who say Vatican II popes are not popes
Thoughts on abortion and its validity as a human right
Thoughts on Darwinism in politics
Thoughts on egoism or putting yourself first
Thoughts on evil being absence of good
Thoughts on God's pronouns and gender
Thoughts on miracles being spiritually useless
Thoughts on religion forcing conversion on people
Thoughts on slander or making up malicious rumours
Thoughts on the ontological argument
Threats to self-esteem and its healthiness
Three Gods doctrine does not seem to be viable
Three persons in one God the Trinity is a contradiction
Three Popes at once during the Great Western Schism
Ticking a religion on the census gives assent to its policies being law
Ticking Catholic in the census could be a mistake
Tim Stanley of the Telegraph is yawningly religiously retrograde
Timothy Keller a Christian warns about the dangers of identity
Tips for Mental Health in the atheist view!
To a Catholic convert and why all must be cautious
To accuse a doubter of sin or possible sin is slander
To be religious is to be prejudiced
To like the sinner you must like the sin!
To love everybody results in loving nobody
To understand all is to forgive all
To women contemplating a termination
Today Christian supporters of religious murder
Tolerance has a bad passive-aggressive side
Tolerance is not the heartwarming friendly thing it says it is
Top Christians applaud Hell torments
Top thinkers deny the exception proves the rule outlook
Torment of loving sinner and hating sin
Total inability to turn to God? A classic Protestant idea
Toxic positivity and faith in God's loving care are linked
Tradition as the interpreter of the Bible
Tradition does not support baptising babies
Tradition does not support the sacrament of penance
Tradition v. notion of Catholic mass as sacrifice
Traditional Catholics say John Paul II's canonisations are defective
Trans should be affirmed, affirming is part of their healthcare
Transcendent and is it as important to us as religion says?
Transgenderism and autism and what we can learn
Transubstantiation and other Catholic errors and untruths
Transubstantiation is it possible even if it does not happen?
Trauma and the threat of trauma rise from religious faith
Trefontane predictably managed a seeming sun miracle like Fatima
Tripe book God created humanism does not know what Christianity is
True believer syndrome and how it makes your focus too narrow
True Church claim is Arrogant!
True for me is a polite way of admitting to being lazy and selfish
Trust is betrayed when the Church paints you with original sin
Truth about modern bibles and fraudulent translations
Trying to prove a negative is still worth trying
Turin shroud lacks wraparound effect so it is a fake
Turri a thinker is trying to overthrow scepticism
Twenty Arguments for Atheism by Peter Kreeft
Two gods in disagreement does not explain evil
Types of zombies and what they show about God and morality
Ultimate truth or theorems of atheistic humanism
Unceasing punishment in Hell is in the Bible
Unceasing torment in Hell is a Cruel Lie!
Unconditional love just like God is another universal lie
Underneath the denials, does Church think sexual sin is worst?
Understanding evil and its faces in the light of faith
Understanding some traditional Catholic doctrines
Understanding the human creation of Catholicism
United Nations needs to cut all links with the Vatican
Unity in Christianity will never come to pass
Universally preferable behaviour may be a rational basis for morality?
Univocal language about God shows you adore fantasy versions
Unlikely legends happen and the resurrection of Jesus is one of them
Unmasking religion's doctrine of ultimate good
Unpacking the "not all bad" statement on religion
Unpacking the advice to live your own truth
Unrighteousness or sin is a condition
Untestable beliefs lead to oppression
Use satire to change the minds of the religious
Using a religious crutch is bad and ultimately self-defeating
Using faith to hide a god-complex is twisted quackery
Using love for sinners as a placebo for letting evil take root
Using reason correctly means protecting yourself correctly
Using the falsification principle to undermine religious claims
Using the good fruits test of Jesus
Ustashi was a latter day Catholic killing machine
Vain doctrines and vain rites and a vain Church
Validating anybody's baptism and its implications is wrong
Validity of ordination to the priesthood
Values around the end of life, abortion, euthanasia
Vanity of despair of God and taking his love for granted
Vanquish religious interference from public life
Vassula Ryden, Jesus' spirit medium
Vatican 2 and its affirmation of traditional bigotry on heresy
Vatican 2 and its deliberations on Religious Liberty
Vatican Embassies need to be shut down!
Vatican guilty of unholy compassion for clerical child abusers
Vaunted anti-Jew racism is inherent in Christian worship
Veneration of the saints is unbiblical
Venial sin is a Catholic myth and does not fit its view of God
Venial sin is a core Catholic doctrine that is versus the Bible
Venial sin is an inconsistent Catholic concept
Verbal scriptural inspiration was part of Jesus' culture
Verbally Inspired Bible which says God choose even the words
Verification Principle works against unverified paradox
Vicarious reparation for sinners in Catholicism
Vice is condoned by Christianity on the battlefield
Vice of ignoring science to listen to religious nonsense
Vicious notion that intention is all that counts or mostly counts
Vicka at Medjugorje nearly poked in the eye!
Victimless crimes and sins do they really happen?
Victor Stenger refutes marriage of science and religion
Villainous religion twists evil to serve its theological ideology
Villainous Revelations of St Elizabeth!
Vindication, the origin of evil verifies atheism
Vindictive Humanae Vitae which banned reproductive rights
Vindictive Side of the Catholic Mass
Violent Religion and Inherently Violent Religion
Violent scriptures are covered up by claims that interpretation is the issue
Violinist argument for abortion
Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, a critical look
Virgin of Revelation allegedly appears at Trefontane
Virgin-Birth of Jesus is a Fairy-Tale
Virtue of pride and how there is a good way to be self-important
Visions and their alleged physical impact
Visions from Heaven are modern day myth making and lies
Visions not good sense launched Christianity thanks to Paul
Visions of Mary of La Salette another pious delusion/hoax
Visions on Demand Video exposes Medjugorje fraud
Vitandus declares the Catholic invisible and an exile
Vitandus excommunication from the Catholic Church
Vlasic Medjugorje's unreliable priest and his invisible friend
Voluntarism is a better idea than free will
Voluntarism is when God is given the right to invent morality
Voluntary confirmation into full Church membership is rare
Vulnerable people being baptised is terrible
Wake up about the good fruits argument for Medjugorje
Wanting a daddy God is immature and toxic
Was a Roman soldier Jesus' real father?
Was Constance Lamerliere the La Salette Virgin?
Was early Christianity a socially-deviant movement and thus plausible?
Was it a ghost story about Jesus that started the resurrection tale?
Was Jesus a pederast or a groomer as an old gospel claims?
Was Jesus a warlock dabbling in the occult?
Was Jesus left on cross to be eaten by dogs?
Was Jesus sentenced to death by God for our sins?
Was Padre Pio suspected of sexual abuse?
Was there an impostor at La Salette pretending to be Mary?
Was this rock the rock Jesus and Peter were standing on?
Water baptism is a cynical membership scam
Water baptism is not taught in John 3
Water is not the sole meaning of baptism in the Bible
We are all givers and we all give something
We are egoists therefore miracles are false
We are natural evil just as much as plagues are
We cannot defend Catholic truth claims
We would know all if there is a God
Wealth of the visionaries of Medjugorje
Webster shows the sacrifice of the Mass is a new invention
Wedlock and is it holy or is it patriarchial foolery?
Wedlock is a superstition and does not merit state validation
Weil versus the hateful God of power
Welcome to The Chance to Transform YOUR Life without God belief!
Western Schism shows papacy is not from God or approved by him
What about baptising children into both Protestant and Catholic Church?
What about the ethics/desirability of God forcing repentance on sinners?
What about the idea of God being untrustworthy in things?
What baptism of the dead says about baby baptism
What city is meant by Babylon in the Bible? Jerusalem? Rome?
What did science learn about the Medjugorje allegedvisions?
What does Jesus mean by Gehenna in the Mark gospel?
What does love sinner hate sin mean?
What does the New Testament mean by baptised?
What if evil has no purpose but just has to give way to good?
What if Evil is versus God not God versus evil?
What if God is hallucinating that he is God or can give us orders?
What if violent or formerly violent religion is most convincing?
What is a sacrament and is it an excuse for forming a social political entity?
What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
What is done is done and thinking about this as a lesson
What is forgiveness? Is religious forgiveness real?
What is hellfire and could it be real fire or the spurning of God's love?
What is idolatry and why avoiding it matters?
What is love and is love complicated for not all love is good?
What is really forgiving and what is faking it?
What is religion and how might we define religion?
What is the Holy See doing with an embassy?
What is the mark of the whore of Babylon?
What is the safest religion to follow?
What is Violence and why it is not always obvious?
What is wrong about holding there is a Purgatory?
What is wrong with being a member of a dodgy or erring religion?
What is wrong with love neighbour as oneself?
What is wrong with the notion of "lesser of two evils"?
What political correctness should be!
What the Church says about the time there were two rival popes
What we do is not God's concern
What you will is your own gratification and god seems unaware of it
What's so terrible about morality based on authority?
What's the real truth about the "miracle" of consciousness?
When a change is not a change! bread and wine turning into Jesus!
When atheists claimed to be brights
When Catholicism endorses separation between spouses
When Catholicism was anti-ecumenical!
When Christians say they can defend the faith with apologetics
When Doctors Recommend Religious Faith!
When faith is just lazy and an excuse to avoid learning
When Fatima visionary Lucia's memoirs show her lies
When God believers care more about predictability than babies suffering
When is a leap in the dark rational?
When it looks like baptism has an occult effect on child
When Jesus said gnaw my flesh in John 6
When Jesus said he and God the Father were one
When Jesus said the flesh is useless for giving life
When Jesus told his listeners they would see him return in glory
When leaders get blamed for a religion being evil
When miracle witnesses lie and thus undermine all miracle reports
When one parent objects to the baptism of their child
When Paul was told a spirit or angel not Jesus appeared to him
When people say their religion will change for the better
When people tell those who lose all that they could be worse off
When philosophers argue for guesses instead of reasoning
When religion avoids blame for its killing fields
When religion calls evil or sin insane and why this is dangerous
When religion does science itself but silences it if does not like what it says
When religion has had a violent history
When religious dogma is put before people
When sin or evil or immorality is seen as nearly good
When the Bible says its antichrist to say Jesus didn't come in flesh
When the Church turns romance into a sort of sin
When the law gives exemptions for your deeply held beliefs
When you need a crutch to get through life, what is the minimum?
When you see evil is it because you want it to be there?
Where is God and why is he acting like he is hiding?
Where religion is concerned I should be out out OUT!
Who am I to judge says Pope Francis
Who has the worst problem with evil or the Atheist or the Christian?
Who says the supernatural isn't mechanistic?
Who was the mother to be in Isaiah? Was it Mary?
Why a sensible attitude is everything?
Why a young child's consent to trans healthcare is valid
Why argument that all needs God already has assumed it needs him
Why assume psychological egoism is true?
Why be very cautious with tolerance?
Why being unfaithful to God is a commendable thing
Why belief in evil says it is inexcusable so there's no place for understanding
Why Catholicism claims to be the complete religious truth
Why choice and pride are inseparable
Why Christians have no right to say no evil refutes God
Why claiming healing powers is pride
Why consider faith that is not nodding to evidence to be a vice?
Why do evil people try to hide their evil and justify it?
Why do people especially of faith tend to blame the victim?
Why do we exaggerate how much we can justify hard decisions?
Why does John say not to pray for those who sin unto death?
Why even if saints should not be idols we will make them ones
Why faith in God can lead to a mentally damaging projection
Why faith in God is fundamentally and inherently narcissistic
Why faith leads to shallow forgiving
Why free will cannot be celebrated!
Why go public on your departure from and dissociation from the Church
Why God believers have to persecute atheists
Why having cruel scriptures needs a reprimand so never hold back
Why Holy See should close its embassies
Why I can't tell if I see miracles
Why is apostasy such a serious sin in Christianity?
Why is Christianity so prone to schism?
Why is evil self-defeating and is it because God has a part in it?
Why is religion such effective oil for the hinge of hate?
Why is the eternal Hell doctrine almost a staple in the religious menu?
Why is there nothing rather than something?
Why it is bad to believe in revelation
Why it is inhuman to condone God's often cruel plan
Why it is not a sin to hate when forced according to the Church
Why Letterkenny Hospital Chapel Closure is right
Why Medjugorje visions are a hoax?
Why merely assuming God exists is irresponsible
Why one good historian is more valid than a Church opinion
Why or why not? Love sinner, hate sin?
Why People Hate Hypocrites unveils a shocking truth!
Why persecuting others is wrong
Why prayer is socially applauded vanity
Why prayer offends against decency
Why Principles and why you cannot be who you are without them?
Why protest against dangerous religions?
Why proving some of Jesus' miracles is not enough
Why religion loves the intelligent design science theory
Why religion saying love is voluntary is problematic
Why Religious Faith is Insincere
Why religious frauds get away with it
Why religious freedom is no excuse for denying recognition to a same sex marriage
Why rethink being Catholic and letting the Church into schools
Why saying everything happens for a reason is shameful
Why saying God does not make mistakes is potentially toxic
Why saying Jesus' tomb was empty is a theory
Why saying somebody is a sinner means your love is not real
Why something & not nothing question in the light of suffering/evil?
Why something not nothing and is it about a verb or noun?
Why something, not nothing implies everything needed
Why suffering is a religious experience countering God
Why the Christian God in moral terms is quite useless
Why the Holy Spirit notion is so offensive
Why the idea of god's grace leads to discrimination or should
Why the Old Testament is not the word of God
Why the permissive will of God doctrine is a smokescreen
Why the Virgin Mary would not be a mass goer
Why there is danger and irresponsibility in the afterlife doctrine
Why these God arguments are wrong
Why transmen/transwomen references risk abusing people
Why unbelievers should not have Church wedding?
Why we disbelieve in the grace of God
Why you need to be in a virtual world if there is a God
Why you should ask the record of your parish to remove you?
William Webster shows Mass is not in Catholic tradition
Wisdom opposes doctrine that God trains us with evil
Wisdom should be in the New Testament and why not?
Wishing Churches would get their Own House in Order first
Woman who committed adultery is hated by Jesus
Women Priests in the Catholic Church, the arguments
Word salad theology emerges when you ask what evil is
World means secular and God supposedly hates it
Written Request demanding removal from Catholic membership
You are your truth so be true to truth
You can sincerely do great evil
You cannot choose Catholicism for your baby at baptism
You cannot validate valid morality or use God as a prop to do it
You don't feel your free will but you just think you do!
You have a will but it is not free in the religious sense
You have no right to theorise about God's cruel plan
You just need to see your worth
You need to admit that God promotes capital punishment
You need to realise that religious untruths lead to harms for you
Your Bible God commands the death penalty
Your child is too good for baptism!
Your Christian faith claims that your Bible is a miracle!
Your religion is selfish and boastful in saying you've free will
Zanic letter against the Medjugorje scam
Zanic Sermon against the Medjugorje visions scam
Zany Lorna Byrne and her angels
Zeal for sex hating is an outcome of belief in God
Zeal for Torah is hated by Christians and is an antisemitic symptom
Zeal is wasted on religion and revelation but not on science
Zechariah in the Qur'an predates the Luke version by centuries
Zeitoun Apparitions when thousands though they saw Mary
Zen Buddhism claims to rewire our perception of suffering
Zenlike Meditation is for atheists and humanists too!!
Zero chance of God being a creator
Zero sum commandment to love God totally came from Jesus
Zero within and how lacking faith in God can be atheism
Zoning in how narcissism is the real attractant to seekers of God
Zoning in on how in Christianity it is even a sin to love yourself!
Zoning in on the credibility of the Apparitions of Emmitsburg
Zoning in the problems with Jesus', By their fruits you will know them