Tolerance is a big virtue these days. It is insulting for it implies putting
up with something undesirable. Religious tolerance means one religion merely
stomaching the others that disagree with it. There should be no religion as
there is enough around to test our tolerance without it adding to the problems.
Religion like a lot of things that are going around is inherently sectarian.
Intolerance always starts with repressed hatred as signified by tolerance.
Ecumenism is just snow over the manure heap. Its good effects cannot last.
Christians say that they don't believe in forcing people to convert to the
Christian faith because they can't force others to convert. The conversions
wouldn't be sincere. Translation: we are right and it is unfortunate if others
disagree with us. We would force them if we could. What a pity we can't force
them or make the decision for them.
Today the leaders of Catholicism and orthodox Protestantism are often busy
hugging and kissing one another. Oh how false all this is.
Catholics and Protestants are in agreement that all are sinners and in need of
the mercy of God. Catholics believe in mortal sin, sin that tears you away from
God, and which will put you in Hell forever if you die in it, and in venial sin
which is a small offence that does not ruin the friendship. The Protestants
believe only in mortal sin. They imagine that they will get away with their
mortal sins for Jesus got all the blame and suffered the punishment due to them
for us, Rome views this as grave error. Protestants believe that man is
incapable of good works unless man becomes a Christian so all is sin and even
Christians are not without sin but are capable of good works.
Both cults say they cannot go for long without committing a sin and
Protestantism says that anybody who was not saved by Jesus does nothing else and
say even the saved sin a lot every day. Anyone who commits a venial sin thinking
that it is mortal is guilty of a mortal sin because that is what they intended
to commit. The Protestants are guilty of mortal sin most of the time.
Unless the Protestants cease to believe that all sin is mortal it is unlikely
for them to be saved. The person who won’t try to convert them to Catholicism is
forcing them to sin mortally by keeping silent.
If Catholics really loved Protestants they would be trying to the utmost to get
them out of their religion to save them from everlasting damnation. They would
be convincing them that they are wrong to teach that the born again Christian
can die in serious sin and still go to Heaven immediately. They would be as
zealous as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and go from Protestant door to Protestant
door. Every Catholic would be trained to save them. It has to be done as fast as
possible in case some of them die suddenly. Moreover, Catholics have a duty to
reduce mortal sinning but every minute they delay they are making the
Protestants sin more which is a mortal sin. To let someone go to Hell or sin
mortally is the summit of hatred.
We are all capable of hate. If you don’t hate anybody that is leading others
into Hell by sin then you don’t really believe in Hell or care much about the
victims. You are more abnormal and depraved than a psychopathic murderer if you
don’t care. What makes it even more abnormal is that the Church tells us we are
biased towards doing evil. We like evil better so we should be more prone to
hating those who draw others into Hell than not. Hate is not a sin if you cannot
help it and how could you love anybody that damns souls? Eternal punishing, a
beloved dogma of Jesus, Catholicism, Protestantism and Islam is a doctrine that
incites hatred. How could you even smile if people are being damned? It would be
sick to be happy.
The Church of Rome says that it is wrong to stand by and let others fall into
mortal sin for it is the greatest evil. If she really believes this she will
have to agree with the kidnapping of Protestant babies to have them raised as
Catholics to prevent them growing up to sin mortally all the time if not all the
time. If the babies cannot be reared as Catholics then they have to be murdered
to prevent their being raised as Protestants for the salvation of their souls.
The Catholic cannot suppose that it is up to God to see to their salvation for
that logic would forbid trying to deflect sinners from unrighteousness and would
be saying that we need to try to convert nobody.
Catholics have no right to allege that it is okay to do nothing for the
Protestants wouldn’t listen to them anyway for they don’t know how they will
react or if those who react badly will not soften up later. If everybody thought
like that there would be no missionary work done – ever. Jesus commanded
missions so he opposed such ideas as excuses.
Converting is the Holy Spirit’s job though he won’t do it at times without human
instruments. His work is invisible and he is at work inside the person. This
means that Catholics should not be afraid to pester Protestants for they might
be getting through when it seems they are not. God says people are sinners and
therefore strange. Catholics should not shy away from getting on their nerves
for it is better to do that than to risk them receiving everlasting misery. The
only thing that would release them from their obligation to evangelise would be
if they were putting people off belief but this is no excuse. If it has repelled
most people before, today is another day. It might seem to put some off the
Catholic Church but if they oppose the idea of turning to Catholicism because of
the way those who proclaim it carry on then they are not really turned off by
the Church but just pretend they are to gratify their disgusted feelings. They
have brains and must know that a religion isn’t proved untrue by the behaviour
of its members. They are still open to the gospel. Hostility does not mean that
there is no success for some people do not like what they are coming to believe
and won’t admit their belief.
Instead of loving Protestants by turning them to Rome, Rome has ecumenical
relations with them.
Protestants are encouraging sin by reciprocating these relations.
If all sin is mortal, then Catholics should be told. Even if a person will sin
mortally anyway, it is still wrong to encourage it by letting the person feel
that the sin is venial. The Bible says that nobody can earn salvation for all
are sinners so believers in venial sin are being accused of pretending that they
don’t fully reject God. Protestantism has to look upon Catholicism as a hoax and
an enemy and not a religion. Such a belief would justify the persecution of the
Roman Church.
What you have read is enough to convince anybody that there is no Holy Spirit
guiding the Catholic or Protestant Churches. Ecumenism is a human effort and
cannot last. It is not meant to anyway for it is about appearances.
The Amplified Bible
A Shattered Visage The Real Face of Atheism, Ravi Zacharias, Wolgemuth & Hyatt,
Tenneessee, 1990
A Woman Rides the Beast, Dave Hunt, Harvest House, Eugene, Oregon, 1994
All Roads Lead to Rome, Michael de Semlyen, Dorchester House Publications,
Bucks, 1993 (page 120 recounts Cardinal Konig of Vienna’s testimony that the
Vatican helped Nazi war criminals to escape)
Blind Alley Beliefs, David Cook, Pickering & Inglis, Glasgow, 1979
Catholicism and Fundamentalism, Karl Keating, Ignatius Press, San Francisco,
Christianity, David Albert Jones, OP, Family Publications, Oxford, 1999
Crisis of Moral Authority, Don Cupitt, SCM Press, London, 1985
Documents of the Christian Church, edited by Henry Bettenson, Oxford University
Press, Oxford, 1979
Ecumenical Jihad, Peter Kreeft, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1996
European Union and Roman Catholic Influence In Britain, David N Samuel, The
Harrison Trust, Kent, 1995
“God, That’s not fair!’ Dick Dowsett, OMF Books, Overseas Missionary Fellowship,
Belmont, The Vine, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3TZ] Kent, 1982
Handbook of Christian Apologetics, Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli, Monarch,
East Sussex, 1995
Human Rights, Michael Bertram Crowe Veritas, Dublin, 1978
In God’s Name, David Yallop, Corgi, London, 1987
Is the Roman Catholic Church a Secret Society? John V Simcox, Warren Sandell and
Raymond Winch Watts & Co London, 1946
Is There Salvation Outside The Catholic Church? Fr J Bainvel SJ, TAN, Illinois,
Jesus the Only Saviour, Tony and Patricia Higton, Monarch Tunbridge Wells, Kent,
New Catholic Encyclopedia, The Catholic University of America and the
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., Washington, District of Columbia, 1967
Radio Replies, Vol 1, Frs Rumble and Carty, Radio Replies Press, St Paul,
Minnesota, 1938
Radio Replies, Vol 2, Frs Rumble and Carty, Radio Replies Press, St Paul,
Minnesota 1940
Radio Replies, Vol 3, Frs Rumble and Carty, Radio Replies Press, St Paul,
Minnesota 1942
Religious Freedom, A Fundamental Right, Michael Swhwartz, Liguori Publications,
Missouri, 1987
Roman Catholicism, Loraine Boettner, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing
Company, Phillipsburg, New Jersey, 1987
Rome – Our Enemy, Clifford Smyth, Puritan Printing, Belfast, 1975
Spy in the Vatican 1941-45, Branko Bokun, Tom Stacey Books, London, 1973
The Church of Rome, Wilson Ewin, Bible Baptist Church, Nashua NH USA
The Last Temptation of Christ, It's Deception and What you Should Do About it,
Erwin T Lutzer, Moody Press, Chicago, 1988
The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life, Watchtower, New York, 1968
The Unequal Yoke, John R Rice, Sword of the Lord, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 1946
The Upside-Down Kingdom, Donald B Kraybill Marshalls, Hants, 1978
Unholy Sacrifices of the New Age, Paul de Parrie and Mary Pride, Crossway Books,
Westchester, Illinois 1988
Vicars of Christ, Peter de Rosa, Corgi Books, London, 1993
Walking with Unbelievers, Michael Paul Gallagher SJ, Veritas Dublin 1985
What About Those Who Have Never Heard? Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids,
Michigan, 1986
Whatever Happened to Heaven? Dave Hunt, Harvest House, Publishers, Oregon, 1988