Karl Barth and the Bible's Divine Inspiration

Karl Barth taught that the Bible is not in itself the word of God but becomes it when we read it. It is a witness to the word of God but it is not the word of God. It is like somebody other than God writing a book and God inserting thoughts in you when you read it. Christianity however teaches that the book is the word of God and what God puts into you as you read it is also his word. Barth's theory really denies that the Bible should get any special treatment. God can use any book at all or even a CD or movie to teach us. In fact, some modern medium would be better than the Bible.

If God is good then he inspires us as often as he can. It follows that he does this nearly all the time. This means that every spiritually edifying conversation and book must be on the level of the Bible. It would be nonsense to emphasise the Bible. Any spiritual book would be better for it would be clearer. Yet Barth declared the Bible to be the most important book in the world and to be the centre of Christian worship. This was bigoted hypocrisy.
The Bible claims to be the word of God and Barth is saying it is wrong so how could it be used by God to teach us?
The Bible would need to be infallible to give the word of God to you or to be a tool for teaching you the word of God. Barth's theory is contradictory. Barth really should have said that nothing becomes the word of God to anybody - it is the impulses you get when you sense that the book is right and revealing God that are the word of God. So his theory makes us all infallible popes.
Barth’s theory is not a theory of Bible inspiration. So it has nothing to do with the three things we looked at with regard to the extent of inspiration.
The theory that the Bible is inspired the same way poetry is, the natural theory of inspiration, is really just an antiseptic way of saying the Bible is just a normal book.
Karl Barth claimed that the Bible is not God's word but when you read it God inspires you to learn from it. This teaching contradicts the Bible assertion that it is the word of God. And it would follow that what you feel like believing is to be taken as the word of God! What a recipe for chaos in the psychiatric unit!
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