Is our Existence and Creation Good or Bad or Neutral?
A perfect God who is love would not need anything outside himself. God is said
to have made all things out of pure kindness and generosity. He did not need to
make us creatures. Interestingly that implies that he made us for ourselves and
not for him. He didn't make us for himself for he doesn't need us.
It is better, worse or as good as bad to make the universe. If it is worse then
God is not intrinsically perfect and needs to create. If it is worse God is not
God for evil is madness and what is made is just not supreme. And creation is
not neutral because it is better for us to exist as individuals than for us not
to. Life is valuable regardless of whether it is happy or not. Or whether it is
an evil life or a good one. So the more people the better. Clearly then, God had
to create to be good. Christianity denies this so it is an evil religion. For
God to be God he would have to be self-sufficient and need to create nothing.
Belief in God then is evil for it implies that God didn’t have to make us.
Why bother creating if it is neutral? It would still be neutral if nothing were
made. It makes more sense to take it easy and do nothing in that case if one is
So, our existence refutes the existence of God. If it did not then it would be
plain that God would do arbitrary miracles therefore to believe in God would be
to become unable to trust anything. God could be playing tricks on you all the
time. If he were arbitrary and irrational, rationalism would be a vice.
Religion says that one form of love is to keep something in existence. So it
argues that as the creator makes us and keeps us in existence so that we don't
turn back into nothing that the creator loves us. But is it love to keep a being
in existence when it suffers to the hilt forever? Do parents that feed us but do
nothing else for us really love us? It does not follow from our existence that
God really loves us if he exists. Making something does not imply you care about