Most religion followers and God believers cannot give cogent good reasons for why their belief is probably correct.  This is blind faith.

Faith and belief affect how you behave.  So in time they are like a simulated knowledge.  Blind faith, make no mistake about it, is not based on blind faith.  It is based on your arrogant faith that you like some kind of mystic, prophet or clairvoyant are so clever and inspired and gifted that you don't need evidence and information from the world.  Blind faith is based on faith in yourself.  Do not let the purveyors of blind faith fool you about that.  Don't believe their piety and their humility are the whole story.  Blind faith is not humble in what gives rise to it and is not humble for it has bad consequences.

Blind faith in God is a subset of the person's arrogant self-faith.

Some say faith without evidence is no big deal for it is harmless. There is no such thing as a harmless blind or illogical belief. Even the most secret one is a lie you tell yourself. It is pretending to be sensible while being everything but that. When you lie to yourself like that, what business have you looking for others to trust you? It can only lead to you becoming a thief and a liar and a manipulative wretch.
People will say that if you have friends who you believe in despite the overwhelming evidence that they did something terrible then it still makes sense to believe in them. This is hailed as an example of rational faith that is against the evidence. But if you don’t know the friends well it would be irrational faith. Your rejection of the overwhelming evidence is not based on a refusal to look at the evidence but because you know them well enough to know that they did not do what they were accused of. You are saying the evidence is overridden by the evidence of their words and actions which you are familiar with. You are saying that there has been a mistake somewhere in the evidence against them. You are not preferring the lesser evidence to the greater. It is never right to prefer it.
Some say that blind faith is fine for if you wait until you verify everything before you believe it you will believe nothing or not very much. This is an argument that only would appeal to people who were too sceptical of the existence of evidence. We are not expecting everybody to prove everything before they believe it. We are asking them to get what evidence they can.
Some object that belief in reason is a blind belief and that since it is good blind belief is not wrong. “Your mind might not be programmed right so you are not sure of your reason”, they say. But if it is blind, then that does not mean that other kinds of blind belief are good. When to believe in reason and not to believe are both beliefs or reason trying to work out probability what can we do but believe in reason? If I believe in God and say this has nothing to do with reason I am lying. My belief in God is against reason for it is a blind belief. That remains true even if my belief in reason itself is a blind belief for it is not against reason to blindly believe in reason.
Others ask how you can believe in evidence and that what you see around you is real when it could be a dream? But I know it is not a dream for I know what dreams are like. They are not as real as what is around me and they are frequently absurd.
Perhaps if blind belief makes religious people better people and makes them happier they are doing right? But in that case they should keep their blind beliefs to themselves. They should not give bad example with supporting religion or a religious doctrine. They should not let blind belief or blind faith influence their lives in an obviously religious way like distributing Bibles but simply induce nice spiritual thrills. And since to offend truth is to scorn love and compassion and life which cannot exist without truth it is never right to espouse blind faith. And when they are able to take comfort from faked faith they should be able to take comfort without it.
The argument that blind religious faith keeps people moral is a political one. The government does not care how revoltingly silly you are as long as your silliness keeps you obeying the law.

Blind faith may demand respect from people.  Respect the believer but do not be afraid to tell them why their faith needs challenging.  The respect demand is really about silencing you.


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