A look at excommunication in the Catholic Church
A religion corrupting the good person is enough to ban it
Am I good because I say so or because some standard says it?
An excuse for forgiving refuted
An expert refutes Jesus as being God
An eye for an eye the Bible God's rule for revenge
An open letter to Bible preachers to be
Bible God and Jesus command hatred of sin
Bigger and badder the doctrines the more proof you need for miracles
Can being LGBT and Catholic NOT be mutually exclusive?
Can evil be defined simply as a lack of truth?
Can have strong evidence that a non-miracle is a miracle
Can religious faith be evidence-based?
Catholic sacrament of extreme unction
Christian evasion gives a fake answer for problem of evil
Christians treat evil as an intelligent higher power, a slaveowner
Dangers of belief in Divine Grace
Deuteronomy 30 has God promising earthly rewards for obedience
Did Jesus die merely as good example?
Different religions cannot pray together
Do we have to work on our characters forever? Eternal imperfection?
Does evil, crime or sin punish itself?
Early Church had no pope in any real sense
Ecstasy Trance during apparitions is just a show when public
Electing the pope if you think the Vatican is no longer authorised
Emmerich her hallucinations about Jesus and Mary
Epiphe-nomenalism says your body causes your mind not vice versa
Esoteric side of Jesus was to blame for early sectarian hate
Essay on practical Christian apologetics
Essay on Science and the Bible and their seeming conflict
Eternal hypocrisy about eternal punishment from God
Eternal punishment is just a cover for justifying hate
Ethical satisfaction theory of the atonement of Jesus
Ethical scepticism asks if maybe morality is pure fantasy?
Ethics and morality in the light of faith
Euthanasia is it right or wrong or sometimes neither?
Euthypro Dilemma proves God worship is self-worship
Evangelising a child is indoctrinating even if you don't mean to
Evangelism seems to be Christians manipulating people to convert
Everybody is Wrong about God by Lindsay on the evidence for God
Evidence that a miracle violates nature?
Evidence that Jesus could have fueled his reputation with trickery
Evidentialism and importance of evidence establishing religion
Evil allows for God rather than indicates God?
Evil and excessive evil could be just split hairs?
Evil as evidence against God but is there good without God?
Evil in the Catholic Bible condoned by its God
Evil is not an act but a sum of acts
Evil is not bad but just a subtraction is a Christian doctrine!
Evil may as well be pure evil for you experience it like a reality
Evil not a thing is a Christian excuse for God allowing suffering
Evolution is a definite refutation of God's love
Examples of religion forcing people to convert
Excommunication and religion, when a religion safeguards its doctrine
Excuse-makers for violent religion
Excuses for errors in the infallible Bible
Excuses for violent scriptures answered
Exegesis regarding Paul's letter referring to the resurrection
Existentialism lets you determine what value you are and have
Experience, consciousness, give truths about atheism and freedom
Expert opinion on if it is sick to be religious
Extremist can be 1% of you and why it is as bad as 100%
Genesis and the theory of evolution
God being an excuse for doing nothing for others
God makes you guess about evil when it is too serious to be guessed about
Hateful God of the Book of Exodus
Have to make excuses to believe in miracles
Hell as in the post-mortem Place of Eternal Torment
How can law deal with religion looking for exemptions from discrimination laws?
How religion tries to discredit science that opposes God
If evil has a power or uses power it will get its own back on you
If evil is not "real" it can still dominate
If evil is not real then it is not the opposite of anything
In Defence of Evidence in refutation of Super-sceptics
Is everybody a fundamentalist?
Is everything a miracle or does that make the definition too thin?
Is evil just a good that falls short or is that trivialising it?
Is it enough if an explanatory worldview is coherent?
Is it right to call somebody an evil person?
Is religion an excuse for violence?
Is science concerned with ex nihilo creation?
Is the last supper story history?
It is evil to condone violent and harmful holy books from God
It is nasty to say evil is merely good of the wrong kind
Jesus should not be worshipped just as the Father is worshipped?
Jesus story was stolen from the Elisha Elijah tales by Mark
Jesus uses the threat of sin to scare you off thinking Satan was helping him
Lindsay's Everybody is Wrong about God has findings on morality
Mark 15 lies about odd coincidences when Jesus died
Maybe Heaven is the real eternal punishment!!
Miracles and the burden of evidence
Morality that is just talk is empty morality
No Unbiased Evidence for Jesus Existence
Nobody ever experiences free will
Old Testament God says Moses's laws are irrevocable
Perhaps we have too much free will?
Personal experience in Christian faith
Porniea and is divorce permitted by Jesus for this sin?
Prayer is the affirmation of hypocrisy
Proof from suffering that speaking of God's love is nonsense
Questioning that miracles are an exception to nature
Religion and killing those who refuse to convert to it
Religion has a lack of empathy for suffering
Romans 1 is a major Bible chapter and summarises the worldview
Saints are the strange gods of the Pope
Saints are weaponised to control God but nobody admits it
Self-improvement through erotica
Should we just assume God is the neatest explanation and thus real?
Should we talk about extremists or absolutists? It's in the word!
Some thoughts from Lindsay's book, Everybody is wrong about God
The book Everybody is Wrong about God by James Lindsay
The eunuch in Acts 8 was not treated as an equal
The Euthrypho Dilemma asks is morality from God or not?
The experience of evil is real even if evil is not
The experts on God as projection
The hate doctrine of exclusive salvation
The True Christian sees sin in everything!
Thoughts on evil being absence of good
Top thinkers deny the exception proves the rule outlook
Unceasing torment in Hell is a Cruel Lie!
Vitandus declares the Catholic invisible and an exile
What if evil has no purpose but just has to give way to good?
What if Evil is versus God not God versus evil?
Why belief in evil says it is inexcusable so there's no place for understanding
Why Christians have no right to say no evil refutes God
Why do evil people try to hide their evil and justify it?
Why Holy See should close its embassies
Why saying everything happens for a reason is shameful
Why something & not nothing question in the light of suffering/evil?
Zoning in on the credibility of the Apparitions of Emmitsburg