The Roman Catholic Church and its lies and its false claim to be the religion that has the truth.

The Pope being the Vicar as opposed to a Vicar of Christ is totally unbiblical. When Christ told Peter he was the rock on which he would build his Church that does not imply Peter was given any authority to be supreme authority in the Church. A rock could mean biggest and best support and biggest friend of the Church. It could mean a spiritual father but not a spiritual authority. Roman Catholicism is scary in how it reads more into Bible texts than what is there. Pope Francis's opinion on any matter be it religious or whatever means no more than yours or mine. He has no right to speak in such a way that he hopes people will do what he asks just because he thinks he is head of the Church. The Church has no right to say he is its rock for that makes it as big a fraud as he is.

The Church has no right to be taken seriously in its teaching or to require you to take it seriously. It is pure evil how it says you should be damned forever if you reject its teaching.

What this cult says and does

Capital punishment is never justified except in extreme circumstances to protect lives

Why this is Bad

The Bible which you say is the word of God commands capital punishment by stoning for adulterous people and gays and heretics and says God said it.

What this cult says and does

We believe that the worst thing possible is being part of a false religion

Why this is Bad

Then why do you pray with and “respect” other religions? You only tolerate what you consider to be not too bad or what you don’t care much about.

What this cult says and does

We love Protestants and want them to go to Heaven.

Why this is Bad

Then why are they barred from confession? Protestants are religious free thinkers and could hold that they need to go to a priest for forgiveness

What this cult says and does

Homosexual desire is disordered, but we are not saying homosexuals are disordered.

Why this is Bad

Of course it is saying they are disordered and sick. If John has the flu and is a sick man then the homosexual is disordered.

What this cult says and does

When we say the pope is infallible we mean not that God inspires him more than anybody else but that God doesn’t let him err when he studies and comes to a conclusion that he teaches officially to the Church

Why this is Bad

You say infallibility is not inspiration but inspiration must be involved if God is able to help the pope reach the correct conclusion!

What this cult says and does

Sex is a language. It tells the person that you want to be with them forever and give yourself to them forever. That is why sex outside marriage is wrong.

Why this is Bad

If so then why do you allow husbands and wives to separate or to remarry after the husband or wife dies? When a husband has sex with his wife then he is saying to her, “I give myself to you but only as long as we get along and you don’t cheat on me”.

What this cult says and does

Divorce is an unnatural sin for husband and wife are closer than father and daughter and you cannot divorce your father. Your wife is still your wife after a divorce so divorce cannot dissolve marriage.

Why this is Bad

Then you let an unbaptised married couple divorce and remarry if one of them was baptised after the wedding and they want to part.

What this cult says and does

We forbid divorce for the sake of the children

Why this is Bad

Then why do you consider unmarried couples to be free to go and break up despite their children? Why do you say such relationships must end?

What this cult says and does

Divorce is sinful for you can’t promise to take somebody for life and then marry somebody else before they are dead

Why this is Bad

Then why do you allow a baptised person who is married to an unbaptised person to just leave and marry again though you consider the first marriage valid? Of course you believe in divorce. Hate the sin but love the sinner. Our Lord taught us that we should hate sin so much that we should gouge our eye out if it leads us to sin - a metaphor to picture how bad sin was.

If you pretend that the sinner is separate from the sin then how can you be a fair judge of character? Sin reveals the kind of person a sinner is. To hate sin is to condemn the sinner and hate the sinner.

What this cult says and does

Jesus said if your eye draws you to sin gouge it out reflecting how much we should hate sin

Why this is Bad

That’s bad for us. If we love our neighbours as ourselves we will soon be in the madhouse with all the sin that goes on. Even if we do not judge our neighbour we must live in terror at the thought that they might sin. If sin is as serious as the Church says and as dangerous it makes sense to detest even a tiny chance that somebody might sin.

What this cult says and does

For grave reasons the husband and wife may restrict sex to the infertile period to avoid children but contraception is forbidden for it makes the child an accident not someone to be welcomed

Why this is Bad

If contraception does that then so does this infertile period method

What this cult says and does

Jesus said that you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind which is the greatest commandment and the second greatest is loving your neighbour (Mark 12:29-31)

Why this is Bad

So God comes first and loving neighbour second. Then why are Catholics not urged to leave jobs that lead them into sin against God or to leave workplaces that forbid them to pray? You are not putting God first if you sell condoms which he forbids if you are an employee in a shop. Would it be right for you to support a religion that says people will burn in Hell forever for using condoms and that a rapist using a condom sins more than one that does not and that a man should give his wife AIDS rather than use a condom and then sell them? You are vile if you think it would be

What this cult says and does

Contraception makes adultery and fornication easier for it tries to avoid conception

Why this is Bad

The natural method you advocate could do that too.

What this cult says and does

Conception must always be open to life, the infertile period method leaves it up to God to create a life if he should so wish for conception is slightly possible. Let God plan your family.

Why this is Bad

Then why bother with the method if God is trusted that much? Why are you trying to make it harder for him if you trust him?

What this cult says and does

We allow natural family planning when it is necessary to protect the health of the mother but contraception can never be allowed for it seeks to prevent God creating life

Why this is Bad

If sex is for creating life then natural family planning is wrong as it is hoping new life will not be made. When even you agree that family planning is needed for human welfare, you should permit contraception for it is more reliable. If it is all right to have sex while not wanting a child then it is all right to use contraception. To say natural family planning is right and condoms are bad is as silly as saying brushing your teeth with toothpaste is a sin but cleaning them with lemon is not.

What this cult says and does

Abortion is wrong even to save the mother’s life because the baby is innocent. Though you can kill in self-defence this is not self-defence and so not allowed. The baby is not doing any harm.

Why this is Bad

We are allowed to kill unjust aggressors even if they are mad as long as it is self-defence. They are innocent. The Church does not really believe this argument about abortion. It is obviously stupid.   Animals are conscious living beings and should be put to sleep when they get too old or sick

Some human beings have so much brain damage that they have the same consciousness as animals and the Church forbids their being put to sleep. The Church says that one is better alive than dead for one has nothing in death. At least when one is alive one has something no matter how much suffering is faced. This reasoning is hypocritically not applied to animals.

What this cult says and does

We must be kind to animals

Why this is Bad

Then why do you gorge on meat from animals that lived in torment and died in torment too?

What this cult says and does

The greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength and the second greatest is to love your neighbour as yourself

Why this is Bad

So loving a dying baby is not as important as loving God but is of secondary importance. This clearly puts belief before people. The Church is not open about this implication so it gets the loyalty of the people by manipulation.

What this cult says and does

Saying that God is good and will do what is right but that we must pray

Why this is Bad

Prayer does not change God for he does what he sees is best and we don’t always get what we ask for. It does not change us either because what we need to change is our bad attitudes. If prayer helps us change our attitudes, then it is us that changed them not prayer for prayer is not necessary for that. Many people are happy without prayer. If atheism didn’t make people happy it wouldn’t have any followers. People can pray in vain for years to be delivered from feelings of depression and hatred. It follows that prayer in itself is useless and so is God. Many people have got false comfort from prayer and have ended up worse off. God didn’t cause this comfort so the idea that God comforts you in prayer is promoting self-deception. Modern psychologists and therapists have changed many lives without advocating prayer while people praying day and night still haven’t improved much. There is nothing better than a person who has made themselves into an improved version of themselves. They might enjoin psychiatrists and counsellors but they use them to help themselves. Religion by insisting on prayer and fellowship with God to change you wants you to think that the end result when you change yourself for the better has little to do with you. It’s evil and not the way to proper satisfaction with your achievements. We must believe in the Bible miracles but we are not required to believe in the miracles of Lourdes and Fatima and others approved by the Church.

What this cult says and does

God hates sin

Why this is Bad

Then why did he protect the Virgin Mary from original sin in such a way that she never sinned of her own free will and kept sin-free her whole life and not protect us like that?

What this cult says and does

There is no place for violence in religion

Why this is Bad

Your Bible God commanded it a lot especially in the first five books. Jesus caused a riot in the temple on purpose. He refused to walk away from the violent death he knew was coming to him.

What this cult says and does

Venial sin does not mean a break with God but mortal sin does and deserves Hell forever

Why this is Bad

The difference between the two is often arbitrary. Forbidden sexual thoughts are mortal sins while not making a contribution to help the starving live is not

What this cult says and does

We are made holier the more good works we do and God enables us to really deserve Heaven

Why this is Bad

The Protestant doctrine that we are saved once for all and do good works just for gratitude is far nobler

What this cult says and does

Mortal or serious sin deserves everlasting torment in Hell. Those who die in such sin will be punished forever.

Why this is Bad

It is only dying in mortal sin that condemns you to Hell not mortal sin. It can be forgiven before you are dead.

What this cult says and does

The souls in Purgatory cannot help themselves – they need us to pray and sacrifice for them so that God can accept this for their sins and let them out quicker.

Why this is Bad

The spirits there are being abused for God is not letting them purify themselves by doing good and by praying. He is ignoring their efforts.

What this cult says and does

Belief in Hell is not vindictive

Why this is Bad

They can’t explain how God and the saints can be happy with people suffering in Hell but they say it is possible for it happens. This answer is a copout and therefore uncharitable. No two people believe exactly the same thing for the same reasons. There are as many faiths as people so why do Christians choose a faith that teaches the existence of Hell? Does it not show that they want it to exist?

What this cult says and does

Claiming that those who die in serious or Mortal Sin will go to Hell to suffer forever

Why this is Bad

That is just plain hatred after the hypocrisy we have found this cult to be guilty of. You need proof before you can accuse anybody of deserving a hellish eternity and they have no proof and then they expect people not to slander! If you can condone Hell you can condone anything. For that reason alone anybody who defends the doctrine or believes in it is evil. That Christians find it distasteful to try and condone God sexually abusing a child and acceptable to have a God who lets a boy of eight years old pay in Hell for sexually touching himself shows that there is an undertone of malice in the doctrine.

If you can't see how suggesting such a thing about a dying person is hate then there is nothing more to be said.


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