Is it kind of the pope to say that condoms should be banned even when it is mostly those who use them for occasional sex which will do no harm that seek them and is it not murderous of him to want two people who will have sex to do it without condoms and spread AIDS? What does he mean when he says he has compassion for those who feel they need contraception or divorce? He can't mean it. He can't think, "Oh dear I wish I could allow contraception or divorce", for if these things are evil and sinful that is not loving of him to think that. He believes that temptations come from a flawed character. Past sins lead to temptations. Thus he would be unable to feel sorry for them because he would hold that if they had tried to be holier they would welcome these challenges so that there would be nothing for anybody to think about feeling sorry for them about.
Is the pope sincere when he says that two ethical homosexuals who love each other are disordered and should be urged to end the relationship though he says his clergy who refuse to love in the name of celibacy are not disordered?
Is the pope sincere when he does not emphasise that doubters should be encouraged to leave the Church if they can't find solutions? Accepting that people make errors is a part of life. When people make so many errors they should be encouraged to leave the Catholic Church if they think it is wrong even if they are wrong.

Is the pope sincere when he apologised to the Jews and never gave them back what his Church took from them in money and land?
Is it kind of the pope to say that the Eucharist is God’s most beneficial gift and then to deprive most of the poor of it by not allowing married men and women to be ordained meaning that it is better to do this than to ordain married men and women which signifies real hatred for them?
Is the pope sincere when he would fire a bishop for ordaining priests without his consent and keep on a bishop that was proven to have covered up for paedophile priests and does this not make the pope a supporter of paedophiles?

Is it good of the pope to say the Catholics in China who undergo death and persecution for refusing to stop acknowledging the pope when they could save themselves by joining the breakaway Catholic Church of China do right?
Is not the pope’s teaching that God comes first for he is the sustainer and creator of all life so we should not be afraid to give up our lives for him an encouragement to those who want to commit religious murders?
Is the pope sincere when he says we must love God alone and then that we must love others for his sake which really means we are not valuing them but God and tricking them that we value them? The pope evilly approves of Jesus who said that the main and first commandment and greatest is to love God with all your being and loving yourself and your neighbour is only in second place. Though the two go together according to Christian illogic, it is clear that if there is a choice to be made you should not love your neighbour and yourself but God.
Is not the pope asking us to love God and obey him really asking us to love and obey the pope’s perception of God for nobody can know God directly and those that say they do don’t agree on very much?
Is the pope sincere when he makes Catholics of young people who do not have the resources to make an intelligent and sensible decision that they want to be part of the Catholic Church and since when did children not wanting confirmation in the faith get a choice?
Is it sincere of the pope to command his Church to charge for masses for the dead when there are other ways to make money and this amounts to selling the sacraments?
If the pope is sincere then why does he say that God allows evil to bring good out of it when the fact is we must put this thought that evil has uses out of our mind? Most people claim that they do evil to bring about good. The rule of harm none seeks to prevent that but the pope has evils such as forcing a woman to stay married to her evil husband that he calls good!
Is the pope sincere when he says that God lets us kill each other if we wish for he respects free will which really means that free will is more important than human life which is a totally ridiculous and callous thing to say and shows how belief in deity is intrinsically violent? To even try and justify God after that speaks of the presence of human evil.
Is it not true that if the pope really believes human life is the supreme value he would sell the Vatican treasures and give them away to the poor and it is better for the pontifical mass to be held in a huge tent than in an expensive basilica?
Is it wise to believe the pope when he says he does the evils we accuse him of preserve the gospel and stand by it and not to inflate his own ego when nothing can be more important than human life?
Is the pope sincere when he forbids abortion even to save the mother’s life though he would let you kill an innocent lunatic to save your own life and has loads of ridiculous miracles and apparitions to back him up for no truly good God would agree with him?
Is the pope sincere when he honours women and prays to Mary though he hates the female sex so much that he would rather they would all die rather than have life-saving abortions?
Is the pope sincere when he allows the removal of a diseased womb to save the mother’s life though it will kill her unborn baby for it is not intended to kill the baby but to remove her womb and make her better (so it is not abortion) for if abortion is never right that means the child comes before the mother so the womb should be let alone?
Is the pope sincere when he claims that both mother and foetus have an equal right to life for if a foetus with no intelligence or consciousness like an adult with a developed brain would have is equal to an adult then surely its life is more important for the adult has lived properly and it hasn’t?

Is the pope sincere when he allows the slaughter and eating of the higher animals such as sheep for a really moral person would only allow the eating of animals that don’t know they are alive?
Is the pope sincere when he regards the Bible as the word of God despite its God urging cruelty to animals in the Temple cult?
Is the pope sincere when people are in car crashes and fear they are dying have to endure the horror of dying without the last sacraments because of his Church’s teaching and is it not evil for religion to hurt people over doctrines?
What right has the pope to order priests to go and anoint the dying which often scares them out of their wits and upsets any young children they may have? Imagine a Catholic in a car crash who doesn’t have the priest to forgive their sins by anointing before they die! The Church says you need the priest for assurance of pardon and even then there is no guarantee but it is worse without the priest.
Is the pope sincere when his God teaches that serious sinners roast in Hell forever in torment which is an idea very harmful and frightening to children and even to not mention the doctrine but get them to accept Christ who taught it as infallible is just as bad and very manipulative?
If the pope really cares about people then why does he say it is better to die in a car crash than to commit a mortal sin like pre-marital sex which is putting religion before people and endorsing fanatical faith which is the first step towards religious terrorism?
Is the pope sincere when he says that who commit adultery, contraception, homosexuality, masturbation are committing mortal sin and so will burn in Hell forever because there are countless versions of the gospel of Christ that are more humane and he rejects them for he prefers his version which really means he condemns them because he wants to?
Is the pope sincere when he claims to be infallible under some conditions and says that infallibility is not divine inspiration but just protection from error when he researches a religious topic when it is evident that some inspiration would be necessary for him to get the right answer? If the pope is inspired then that is contrary to the Roman Catholic doctrine that the faith was given entirely to the apostles and that the Church only identifies and clarifies what belongs to their teaching and that there is no new revelation and the Church has no authority to make new doctrines.
Is the pope sincere when he says his tradition is infallible and the Catholic Church cannot err much for the Holy Spirit gives it special guidance and when his Church doesn’t condemn smoking as sinful?
Is the pope serious when he dares to say that Jesus has made him and his Church infallible and not the state which has the power to wage war and execute criminals as if dogma is more important than human life and few Catholics care if the Church really is infallible and dispute it and even believers can come up with ways to deny that infallible declarations fulfilled the conditions for being infallible?
Is the pope sincere when he does such terrible things - he orders simple people who will obey to reject condoms and to beg their rapists not to use them even if it means they will get AIDS - and expects us to like him and is it right to like him and be repulsed by other evil people? Is his compassion any different from the compassion a paedophile may show for the child he has left bleeding? It is repulsive. Jesus let rip at the Pharisees and scribes for laying a heavy burden on people and doing little to help them with it - the pope then as long as he doesn't sell the Vatican to help pay for the AIDS treatment of the people who obey him is under the same condemnation. It is reasonable for this to be done.
Is the pope sincere when he claims that there is far too much merit to atone for sin and he can use the surplus to cancel the punishment of the souls in Purgatory through giving out indulgences. This contradicts the doctrine that serious sin is endlessly bad for if it is endlessly bad it needs an endless atonement. It insults the Bible doctrine that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin which is in the First Epistle of John. The Church contradicts John the apostle so it can hardly deserve to be called the apostolic Church.
Is the pope sincere when he has people paying for Masses to atone for the souls in Purgatory to help pay their debt to God so that they may be released sooner when through his power of indulgences he could release them all at a stroke? This is simply the Church using the dead to make money. It is prostituting the dead. It is the sin of Simony for which Peter invoked great evil on Simon Magus for committing. The Church will say the dead deserve to be in Purgatory so no wrong is being done. But they deserve far more to be in the healing presence of God. The pope evilly and unnecessarily keeps them out. Antichrist. It amounts to child abuse considering that some of the souls will be children who died horribly on earth. The pope and the priests think they did not suffer enough.
Is the pope sincere when he says that God being all-good does not make evil for evil is not a real thing but distorted good? The pope uses that to help excuse God letting people suffer. It is hard-hearted to tell a sick person that the useless bacteria eating them alive is good in the wrong place when the bacteria is good for nothing. Yet it is blasphemy to say the bacteria is bad for implies God makes bad things. Perhaps God makes them so that we can use his other creations to make bleach and destroy them? Times we can do nothing so that idea doesn't help much!
Is the pope sincere when he knows from history that if the bishop of Rome was made the head of the Church then he would be head of administration of the Church which administration is only a recent development? He would choose all the bishops. But no bishop of Rome chose bishops - the people did - and that went on for centuries. None of the bishops of Rome in the first millennium then were popes. How dare the secular media take seriously the claim that the present pope is whatever number since Peter! That is historical revisionism and a lie. But does the Church care??????????
If the pope is insincere what does that say about the clergy of his Church for any one of them could become pope?


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