Determinism teaches that we don't really make choices and those choices are not choices at all but down to our programming.


It is argued that free will is the best for determinism removes and threatens the emotion of guilt for it says our evil is not our fault. Will denial of free will take away guilt feelings? But guilt should not be stopping us from doing evil and then we would still be evil for if it were not for the guilt we would be doing it so we still want to do it. It makes no difference.
Guilt would not stop us wanting to do evil for it forces us not to do it. It is not a feeling that should be stopping us but reason itself. We would be doing the bad thing if it were not for the fear of guilt so guilt cannot make us good. It just represses the badness in us which will lead to it all coming to a head and we will erupt. It only has value in keeping public order but no value at all with interior development. God religion worries about interior development and even says that is what we are allowed to suffer for so it is surprising that it imbues guilt at all. Religion often propagates and increases guilt for it is useful to gain power.

Some say, “We need some guilty feelings to keep ourselves in check and to function as warning signals that certain actions are to be avoided. If we believe in determinism we will lose a sense of guilt?" 
As long as we make ourselves suffer for doing wrong and pretend that we have free will we will condition ourselves to retain guilt. Guilt is automatic and happens even to deniers of free will. Belief in free will is not its cause. The denial of free will however can help us deal with guilt.
If determinism is a threat to guilt – the fairly reasonable kind of guilt in which you dislike yourself for doing wrong wilfully but immediately erase it by doing good to compensate, feeling guilty for understandable mistakes is not on – then so is the freedom doctrine.


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