Evidence is that which reveals that a possibility is likely to be true. You can prove that something is probably true but that does not amount to proving that it is true.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence but it might be. Not having evidence for God means there might be evidence that there is no God. But it means also that there might be evidence that there is. Occam's Razor says that, "Not having evidence for God means there might be evidence that there is no God" is what matters most out of the two. If you have to take one or the other that is the one.
Proof is stronger than evidence. When you have proof, likely does not even come into it. It is settled.
Absence of proof for something is not evidence that it may be or is true. Absence of proof is not proof that something is probably true or possibly true. It is not evidence. It is not even a vague or slight indication.

Absence of proof for something being non-existent is not evidence that it may be false or is false.
Only evidence tells you that something may be true or false. Only more evidence tells you if it is true or false.

Some do not like to have to consider evidence for their religion.  They will try to ignore it or refute it.

You may ask if there is no such thing as evidence when there may be an evil demon or power that plays miraculous tricks on us all the time? When there is no evidence for such tricks we can and should believe in evidence. The absence of evidence does not mean that the tricks do not happen or that there is no evidence for them but just that we are called upon by reason to hold that it is most likely that no deception is taking place.
If we won’t believe in evidence unless we get evidence that evidence should be heeded then we will believe nothing. In other words, if I look at a flower, I should take it for granted that the flower is there instead of seeking evidence that my eyesight is not fooled by the Devil to think it is there. I will never be able to absolutely prove that it is there and I must accept that.
A magic powered being would probably have more interesting things to do that to play tricks on us all the time. Moreover, delusions are real in the sense that they seem real to us so what is the point of them? We are still using reason and we are following it but the data just happens to be wrong so the error does no harm that we see so there is no point in it for a bad being would want us to see how harmful it is and still be making it.
Evidence leads to the only possible or probable explanation for something so we must be open to all possibilities. For example, the order in the universe is not evidence for God when something else could be the engineer unless there is some other evidence that there is a creator God. Otherwise, to believe that God is the designer is to exercise the abomination of illogical belief.
Super-Sceptics assert that a vast number of evidences can be accumulated for any nonsense therefore evidence can tell you nothing. This does not show that evidence is non-existent but only that it is not being examined or considered properly.
If you assume that Obama is a Venusian alien, and then look for evidence to fit this that is an abuse of evidence. Evidence should point you to the conclusion. You should not conclude anything and then seek evidence to fit it and back it up. To put the cart before the horse is to create a pretence of caring about evidence and respecting it. Let the evidence speak for itself and always be open to what new evidence says.
Thankfully, we don’t have to be sceptical about evidence. It seems that if we were, we would decide to do what everybody else does and treat the world and its happenings as real to be on the safe side. If there is continual deception then there is no safe side but experience tells us there is so the assumption is correct. If there is no evidence for anything it is just as safe to kill your friend in case he is coming to murder you though you have no reason to even suspect him as it is to be his friend and not slay him.
We believe in the reality of what the senses tell us is there and consequently in evidence. But we must be wary in developing beliefs and opinions for evidence can take us far off the right road if it is not allowed to speak fully for itself.
Reason tells us that the senses are probably right though they are wrong at times. So it is really reason that we obey and serve and use.

Human nature or selfhood is a process which is why it is usually contradicting itself. If we are that self-contradictory then it follows we should give our devotion only to systems and beliefs that are well founded on evidence and strong evidence at that.  The bigger and more demanding the religious claims the more evidence we need.  It is not a bias against the supernatural but a recognition of what we are like for fooling ourselves and contradicting ourselves.

If we respect evidence and therefore ourselves and others, we will improve our chances of having the truth. There is no room for arrogance. Evidence alone can help us to help ourselves.


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