Comments from my facebook page givenomoney2catholicchurch


2018 Post on papal visit to Ireland

Pope is taking advantage of the Irish tax payer by posing as a real head of state


My Comment to Josepha Madigan Culture Minister for demanding that the Church empower itself by ordaining women

Women who avail of abortion and their doctors are accused of violence! The majority of us don’t really need organised religion to feel we have purpose. Being Catholic is inconsistent with the fact that abortion is a fundamental human right, the right to choose when to die, the right to oppose Jesus and Christianity for their abusing the Jewish people, to oppose him for attacking their Temple workers, to oppose how he said the murders by stoning of people (gays, adulteresses, statue worshippers) to death was fair and right. Jesus by any historical standard had to be homophobic. The Catholic faith is an evil and it must not be painted over. Consider how the Easter vigil blatantly gloats over the drowned Egyptians. Consider how Mary is degraded and worshipped for her degradation. Consider how the claims of the Church – that Jesus rose and that the pope is head of the Church fly in the face of history. Be better than your religion and walk away and don’t be enabling lies.


2018 on the journal facebook page

Regarding history being removed from Irish schools as a compulsory subject for a certain level

Schools teach history yes but history overlaps a little with other subjects such as Geography. The children in religion class are told that Jesus rose from the dead and that the pope was always head of the Church which fly in the face of history. The sources contradict both assertions. For example, the gospels let down the Church by not saying if Jesus was stolen from the tomb or not. They never say why the body was missing but only that it was. Jesus could have been stolen and still risen. The bishop of Rome was gradually turned into monarch of the Church and the lie that he was boss caused the Orthodox to excommunicate the Western Church as a sect for the doctrine was a novelty and contradicting the Catholic doctrine that doctrine can develop ie be understood better but not changed or added to. 


2018 - photos turned up showing a priest having sex with a man on a Catholic altar in Ireland

Some are worried about poor priests being offended. It does not matter how nice they are they revere a book that commands that gays be stoned to death without mercy and which says God commanded it. Id worry about that instead of some shag on an altar. The altar is not sacred in the first place except in people's superstitious imagination. It is a religion of deliberate lies. We are never told how Jesus condoned paedophilia when he banned wives from divorcing though many of them were children and remember the girls consent was never looked for when she was taken to the marriage ceremony. They claim to be the update of the religion that God gave Moses. Thus they have to take responsibility for what was done in the name of the Hebrew faith and that included obeying a God who wanted pagan altars smashed. How do you think Christianity got rid of paganism? By sacrilege. I would waste no pity on them and I hope it starts a trend.  A pope, John XII used to dedicate the blessed communion wine to the Devil.  He toasted Satan.  Liutprand who was Bishop of Cremona and a gifted historian and writer and papal diplomat who died about 972 spoke of several witnesses to how John drank to the health of the Devil.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Kevin Moir's comment.

Kevin Moir I think money is important to religion but largely it thrives on the human desire for fantasy and how a lie begins to sound like the truth when told often enough. It is a placebo for evil. Plus the leaders get an esteem they are not entitled do so that is a big motivation as well behind vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Id say Christianity and Islam feed off passive aggression.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Paul Jervis's comment.

The Bible does more than just condone evil. It clearly says God wanted say disobedient sons put to death and Jesus told the Jews off for not doing it anymore as long as they got money to suspend this law from God. To read a book of violent revelations from God ignores the fact that people who got the revelations acted on them and were meant to. And what if the literal interpretation is the right or intended one? Literal or not the Bible and Koran are a bad influence. To read stuff about God ordering people to be stoned to death is not good no matter what the interpretation is


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Mark Mcguire's comment.

Christopher Roberts Christians are told to love God totally with all their hearts and their neighbours as themselves. The latter however is supposed to be about acting in a helpful way to the neighbour. In fact, what you have is people helping others solely because it pleases God. I have a problem with that. What kind of person would help a sick baby for God and not for the sake of the baby? The order in the commandments is pro-god while any benefit to humanity is just collateral.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Mark Mcguire's comment.

Mark Mcguire We have to live in a real world. Secularists and Christians alike don't really know how to handle crime. You never know if a court does the right thing. Criminals should be bitter at how people as bad as they are or worse get away it and if they don't and go to jail. Funny how Christianity for a divinely inspired religion has huge hole where we need advice and guidance on handling criminals. It is useless in things that count but good if you want to do wrong and need a spiritual placebo. And why has the whole Catholic priesthood turned a blind eye to clerical sex abuse? It took secularists and unbelievers do take action. Religion and being a good person are not the same thing.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Ellie McKay's comment.

If I need help and a devout Christian helps me, I feel they are doing it purely out of the love of God which means they are not doing it for me but for God. That intrinsically imposes their faith on me for I need people to care for me as me.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch commented on BBC Sunday Morning Live's post.

The topic should be "Should Islam appear more British?" It takes more than making mosques look like usual British buildings etc to make Islam seem British. What about the substance of the religion? What about the difference between Islamic and British values? For Islam, you are to take the utterances of a holy book as those of God even though many of those utterances are violent.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch commented on BBC Sunday Morning Live's post.

In Ireland recently two teachers who worked in faith schools died. The man murdered his wife and then terrorised the three children they had and slaughtered them and then hanged himself. The Catholic Church had no response to this but pious platitudes and the man was buried with his family. His faith was hailed. He was the one who got all the Christian love at the funeral.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Iftikhar Ahmad's comment.

Rabbi David Meyer, Partnership for Jewish Schools, says faith ...
It is interesting that Catholics claim their schools are the best. This poster says Islamic ones are the best. Lots of people lie about how good their schools are.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch commented on BBC Sunday Morning Live's video.

Rabbi David Meyer, Partnership for Jewish Schools, says faith ...

Faith education is one thing. But faith education in a kind of faith be it Islamic or Catholic or Mormon or whatever is a separate issue. Most of us get by with vague faith. We just need to feel that our efforts are worthwhile when we try to make things better for ourselves. Things can get okay. You don't need religion to feel or think that. Experience and life teaches you that faith. That is faith and any other faith is a distortion of that principle. Religion manipulates the schools and the public in the name of faith.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch commented on BBC Sunday Morning Live's video.

Sarah Ditum, Journalist, says "women have been left out".

The statistics show that a huge proportion of men have a bad attitude to women. Women are objectified as servants and sex objects. Even God is referred to as if he were male. For Christians he is male - Jesus! It makes no sense to haul somebody before the law for making a racist remark and to let somebody who says something worse about women away with it.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch commented on Atheist Ireland's link.

Athy lesbian couple return to ‘packed church’ to retake roles

Jesus was just a man everybody else. He was a bigot so the likes of Murphy could be a good Christian.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch commented on BBC Sunday Morning Live's post.

I feel that as the Church lives off donations from its members it should create a happy home for them. Without their money there would be no Church. People say a religion is entitled to preach whatever it believes God said. But is it? Holy books say God condemns homosexuality and loving sexual relationships outside of marriage. Thus they oppose fundamental human rights.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Tracey Pattison's comment.

Don't be so silly. Jesus did endorse judgement and judged a woman for having had several husbands.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Raymond Troake's comment.

In a sense you are right. When Jesus banned women from divorcing thier husbands those women were children when they wed. So he affirmed the rape of girls in marriage as a good thing. His own mother would have been 12 when she gave birth.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Sean Joseph's comment.

The New Testament is only a new agreement with God not a contradiction of the Old Testametn which Jesus took pains to support even to the extent of saying an adulterous woman deserved to be stoned to death. He did not let her be stoned simply because the accusers were hypocrites but it does not imply he was against her being stoned full stop.



Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Jim Backinsell's comment.

Love is overrated. The Buddhists emphasise compassion which involves trying to put yourself under the other person's skin. Love is arrogant in the sense that it claims to know what is best for another. Sometimes what is called wrong is actual the best thing to do Many forms of love seem to do good but good is often the enemy of the best. The Christian teaching of love is probably the answer as to why that faith has been so dangerous and bigoted and hypocritical and proud.


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Steve Cleverley's comment.

Phillip Warburton The fact that even if believers cherry pick that they would regard a book with such a statement as God's word in any sense is subliminal homophobia at least


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Wayne Antaw's comment.

Nick Smith The tooth fairy might as well be in the Bible. Why not say all things were made by a tooth fairy who is infinite spirit? When you say all things were made by a God who is a spirit and a non-material being why not?


Givenomoney2catholicchurch replied to Wayne Antaw's comment.

Nick Smith The snake is now a representation of evil? The story could be literal for people believed in odd things those days. Stop reading modern rationalism back into the Bible. There is no evidence that the snake is a representation. Unless there is clear direction that a text is not literal people should not be taking it non-literal. What next? If Jesus' body turns up will Christians start speaking of the resurrection tales as non-literal? That would just be trying to hold on to a man-made error ridden faith and distort the evidence.



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