The Church claims to be one, holy, Catholic and apostolic.  Holy means dedicated to God and what God says you are to believe.  Catholic means the Church has the final truth and all the truth that is needed and gets it from God.  Apostolic refers to how the Church regards the apostles as having got their teachings and their scriptures from God.  The oneness is necessary not to keep people together as in community but as in faith community.  All the four marks mean you are a bad Catholic if you disagree with any Church teaching.

The unity of the Church, she says, can be broken by wilfully contradicting her required teaching or by simply considering oneself to be one’s own Church by breaking away from her.

A real Church cannot extend membership to doubters
Everybody, according to Catholicism, has their doubts. But doubting your religion puts you out of it. To doubt one doctrine is to doubt the rest for all doctrines come from the same source. For example, if the source is the Bible then to question one biblical doctrine is to hold that none of the others can be trusted. This is all true and any religions that dispute it are lying for it is undeniable. The Catholic Church is not a church for its members are not in unity of faith and each one is her or his own Church. Secret doubters are taken for true members so how could the Church be united?

No unity in religion that admits heretics
Many religions regard at least some known heretics as true members. The Catholic Church is no exception. It accepts Protestants who are sincere as united with the Church. It calls them the separated brethren. A person who disagrees on an essential matter with their religion cannot be a true member of it no matter what it says. When it is belief that makes a Church a Church you cannot belong to your Church anymore once you question or disbelieve anything it says for then you automatically question anything else it says. The religion that regards you as being in communion with it is not a unity for it has fake union with heretics. If the Catholic Church sincerely accepts heretics as true members it ceases to be the true Church for it stops being a Church. If it insincerely accepts them it is not in true unity with them but it loses its unity for another reason. The Church cannot be one if it practices mortal sin. More of this later.
When the Church sticks the Catholic badge on people and is oblivious of their heretical sympathies and considers them to be true brethren it is impossible for her to be really one Church.
What about inadvertent heretics?

Nearly all Catholics believe things they don’t know are heretical. This is undeniable. If you claimed to be a believer and had no doubts but did not know all Catholic doctrine you could not really believe. You are only guessing that it is plausible. You cannot really be a member of a Church you don’t believe in. There is no Church.

Suppose a faction separated from the Catholic Church over something minor compared to the other Catholic doctrines, namely that the pope should be obeyed to the letter even in non-infallible teaching. They would be claiming to be the true Catholic Church. Any Roman Catholic who did not know he was supposed to believe that the pope was to be obeyed all the time and who did not know of this Church could hardly be said to be in communion with the pope for it is the other Church he would incline towards.
Can’t belong to a religion you are ignorant of
You can’t be a Catholic if you know little about Catholic teaching. You cannot sincerely or properly want to belong to a religion then because it has the truth for you don’t know. Wanting to belong to the Church for another reason is just wanting to please yourself, not to be a Catholic. The Catholic Church recognises people in this situation as true Catholics so it has no right to be called a Church.
Desire not enough for membership
If you can’t believe your Catholic Church and want to believe or be Catholic does that mean you are a Catholic? But you should be wanting to find the truth and believe it. You should not be wanting to believe in Catholicism just because it is Catholicism. Wanting to be a Catholic can’t make you a Catholic for it is sinful and if God is truth then to be anti-truth is to be anti-God. If wanting to be a Catholic were enough to make you a Catholic then what are you if you want to be a Mormon as well? If belief determines membership then that means the desire for truth is the basic drive behind it and a part of it therefore without it there is no true faith.

When I expressed my unbelief to my spiritual father as a seminarian he asked me if I wanted to be a Catholic. I lied, replying in the affirmative and then he informed me that this meant I was a Catholic. This is a common response to such an answer but it is a trick. How can you want to be a Catholic when you don’t even think that the cult is true? You only imagine you want things you don’t understand. It is like people saying they want the right religion and somebody telling them this makes them Muslims for Islam is the true religion. You can’t want to be so you are not.

That stops any Catholic from teaching that since the Catholic Church feels it wants to be one that it is one.
No unity for nobody knows who is expelled
The Catholic Church likes to teach that Jesus gave her the power to admit members and to excommunicate, put people out of the Church, in Matthew 18:18. Her excommunications prove that she is a false religion or religions to be more exact.

Rome excommunicates individuals and groups. There is excommunication which is pronounced by the bishop in a decree and then there is automatic excommunication which happens even if nobody but the excommunicated person knows about it. It is just committing a sin so bad, like heresy or sacrilege or blasphemy, that it puts you out of the Church.

The Catholic never knows when whoever claims to be a Catholic is really a Catholic. They might be hiding some heresy or not want to be part of the Church.  This proves that Catholic unity is superficial.
Unjust excommunications destroy visible unity
If an excommunication is unjust then the expulsion from Church membership is null and void and in the eyes of the Lord the victims are still members of the true Church. The Church is still visibly torn apart and no longer a Church - and it is those who have taken out their bell, book and candle who have divided themselves from them - so it is nonsense to say that she is one.

Rome has acted as if her excommunicating is valid even when she was wrong to have decreed it. The pope excommunicated the Eastern Church over a misunderstanding in 1054. That was the end of the Catholic Church and the beginning of the Catholic Churches. The decree wasn’t abolished until the sixties by Paul VI which solves nothing.

All excommunications are unjust when the excommunicated think they are right.

If anybody knowingly or unknowingly excommunicates unjustly then he is a schismatic. He is breaking away from a member of the Church so he is breaking away from the Church himself for you can’t divorce yourself from a part of the Church without breaking from all of it. He is excommunicating himself. He is leaving the true Church and making his victim become a false one.

The Church’s excommunication laws prove that she is no unity whether visible or invisible. The Church says that God founded one infallible Church, a Church that cannot err in matters of faith and morals.  God gave infallibility to keep the Church one and in the truth. The Church cannot ever pretend that she is infallible when she excommunicates though it is the only way she can put a veneer of credibility over her claim to be the one true Church. It is odd that Jesus gave the Church infallibility to guide its doctrine and not to keep its unity which is just as important if not a more important issue. What use is true doctrine if the Church is broken up? What use is infallibility?
The New Testament rejects the doctrine of supercessionism. Supercessionism means that the Jewish religion has been replaced by a new one, Christianity. Romans 9 to 11 explain that the Church is grafted on to Israel and is not replacing it. The Roman Church instead of seeing the Jews as another part of the same Church has regarded them as accursed heretics and boasted that it is the replacement. This error proves it is not the true Church at all.
Romans 11:25 speaks of the blindness of Israel as lasting until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in. Israel is not blind. So the spiritual fullness of the Gentiles has not happened. The Roman Catholic Church claims to be the fullness of the Christian faith and indeed the only true faith. But Israel's blindness, according to the Bible, proves that it is not. 


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