Religious Fanaticism
The best and only correct definition of religious fanaticism is when religious
doctrine is put before people. This may involve encouraging them to ignore or
oppose truth. Or it may involve urging them to be intolerant on religious
The Catholic fanatic for example will not start a jihad and a Muslim one
probably will but the fact remains that both are equally fanatics but in
different ways. Even if they were not equal, the difference would be one of
degree rather than kind.
The Catholic who teaches that God uses evil and lets people commit immense
atrocities for it is his wise plan and the Muslim who thinks it is God's will to
blow yourself up to take innocent people to death have the exact same kind of
faith. They just act it out differently. Both say yes to suffering for they want
to please God or want to feel they please God. Not all members are violent but
the membership that lives within the law is making the violence possible and
must take some responsibility. Without Catholicism for example, there cannot be
Catholic motivated violence.
When you believe in a God who uses evil to do good or if you think that evil is
necessary for real good to take place then you are saying it is reasonable to
believe that God can command you to go to war for him. Even if you are not
violent, you are still to blame for the believers that are for you and they both
cut the key to open the door of violence. If there is a God it is reasonable
that you may have to do harm for him but you will deny the harm is really evil
in the scheme of things. If there is no God and you believe in him, you are
making it reasonable for you to believe you may have to harm for him. Do not
enable damaging beliefs and behaviour - you could promote healthy beliefs and
behaviours instead.
Fanaticism in your attitude is enough to make you a crank. You are a crank even
if you never hurt or kill in the name of your faith.
You may not feel you are a fanatic or feel crazed but you can still be a
fanatic. If you would lightly risk saying that the terrible things that happen
to people are not as bad as they seem for they are in God's loving hands then
you are a fanatic. Suffering is too serious and nasty to be lightly condoned
even a bit. And it is worse coming from a human being who is selective in her or
his compassion just like everybody else is!
In principle, if aliens came to destroy all books in the world, the Christians
would urge them to spare the Bible if nothing else. Religious people are
extremist in principle even if not in practice. And all problems start at the
principle level.
Fanaticism in your attitude is necessary before you can progress to killing and
persecuting others over their beliefs. It is a gradual process. Not all who
would like to murder people for belonging to another religion actually get bad
enough to put their desires into practice. Often they die before they reach that
stage or their faith weakens and they end up reasonably harmless.
Think about how religion tells you to believe that God alone matters and whether
you get better from illness without a doctor or with one, it is God who is
healing. That is saying that going to the doctor is not important in itself and
is only important because the Lord uses the doctor as a means of curing you. In
other words, if God says you must stay away from the doctor then you must not go
even if it means dying in agony. God knows best! Even if Christians use doctors
they only do so because they think God wants them to. They regard the doctor as
useless except as God's instrument. In attitude and principle, they are the same
as disturbed people who think going to the doctor is a sin. In fact, if they
object to these disturbed people, it is not because they are refusing to go to
the doctors but because they fail to see that God has chosen to use doctors to
Faith is shown in action for action speaks louder than words and you don't want
to be imagining you believe enough when you actually do not. Perhaps you only
imagine you believe it at all! Thus it is better to err and think it is God's
will for you to suffer and die and keep the doctor out of the house than it is
to use the doctor. At least you are endorsing the principle that God alone
matters and proving you endorse it. You need the test.
The atheist and the Christian both follow a flawed way of life. Both eat usually
meat and all do nothing about the cruelty against animals in plants. There are
many other problems. The atheist like the Christian should be proving they have
to be God to others by being where they are needed most and giving their lives
for others. So why be atheist? At least the atheist is not bringing God into it.
The atheist claims no divine sanction or divine tolerance for her filthy
morality. The believer however claims to be pleasing enough to God though
imperfect. The believer praises God and boasts what God has done to make him a
better person.
Religion abuses people by encouraging them to think they have needs they do not
in fact have. To be led to believe you have needs that you don't really need is
cruel. The Roman Catholic Church, for example, would say that people need the
Roman Catholic faith. They need no other religion even if they think they do. So
the Catholic believes she needs baptism to get connected to God and to eat his
body and blood to overcome sin. The Muslim regards this as nonsense. The fact
that religious needs are not really needs at all is proven by how members of one
religion have needs that other religions say are not needs at all. Religious
people confuse desire and needs and sometimes deliberately mislead others to
confuse them. Wanting something is not the same as needing it. You may want a
curry but you need food - it essential to keep you alive. It is selfish and
harmful to make needs where there should be no needs. There is enough to need
without all that.
Romanism says it does not put people before doctrine. It argues that the Roman
faith and religion is needed by the people. So by giving them the Roman faith
you are not putting faith before people. The Catholic supposedly has the balance
right. All religions say something similar about themselves. They cannot admit
their violations of human rights. Even religions that stone people to death tell
their followers they need those religions too. They are guessing. All that
guessing and lying about needs proves that religion is manipulative and is a
danger to the vulnerable.
It is simple fact that it is only bad religion that accuses people of doing
wrong without proof. People must never be hurt or accused over religious faith.
The atheist can have far more respect for the person than the believer can.
Any faith should not create unnecessary suffering or inconvenience for people
matter more than faith. It should not imply that such treatment is valid.
Religion says that we must let evil people away with it at times - e.g. don’t
murder the dictator even to save those who are trapped in his concentration
camps. Instead we must entrust it all to God and let him administer justice. The
Bible talks of a God of vengeance, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay!” So
religion says the evil person must be punished but it denies that we should be
agents of such justice. This is a case where vengeance is seen to be right but
we leave it to God. That is actually refusing to do the right thing on the basis
of dogma.
Such teachings encourage the doubter and the unbeliever to take justice into
their own hands. They cannot be expected to leave it to a God they doubt or
don’t believe in. If they do that they intend to do wrong. Paul himself
expressed this teaching when he wrote that whatever does not proceed from real
faith is sinful.
Religion is not to blame for every war. It is undeniable from the teaching of
the Old Testament where God specifically says he ordains wars and putting, for
example, homosexuals and adulterers to death by stoning that it teaches that God
can command war. Jesus said that no word of the Old Testament could be done away
or declared not to be of divine authorship.
Christians may say that God does not allow these things now but they have no
right to call themselves Christians and say he couldn’t. The Bible is the
statute book of the Church. If the Christians want to pretend that God never
approved of capital punishment or war then why don’t they feel at liberty to
drop the verses that say he does from the Bible? They suspect the verses are not
truly God’s word after all. They are deceiving themselves. If it is right to
deceive yourself at all, then how could it be wrong to deceive your self that
your political leader is right to declare war when he is motivated by greed?
The Torah, the first five books of the Bible, has God and Moses his prophet
commanding that certain sinners such as homosexuals and heretics be put to death
by stoning. The Christians say that God made these commands under the pressing
circumstances of those days. For example, perhaps tolerance of homosexuality
would tear the nation apart for the homophobes would go berserk. The Bible never
says that such killings are to be performed under strict legal conditions. It
commands lynching these sinners. No pressing circumstances could lead to laws
like that. In reality, God viewed the sins as so horrible that the sinners had
to be destroyed for it was degrading them to let them live. In other words, the
killings were an act of kindness to the victims. The intention then was to
eradicate the abominable sin. Is that euthanasia? Had Israel been forced to
destroy practicing homosexuals, the Bible would clarify that. It would need to
say when the killings must stop. It does not.
Religion incites anger and hatred against sinful actions but denies this is the
same as urging anger and hatred against the perpetrators. Anger and hatred are
about nurturing feelings that will make you carried away. The angry person does
not care for example who he lashes out as long as he does it.
If you are trapped with a friend in a burning house and he won’t leave, it is
acceptable to get aggressive and abusive to him to try and force him to leave.
Christians are supposed to hate sin. It is hated for it is against the will of a
God of endless perfection and goodness and also because it deserves everlasting
torment in Hell. The Christians are to snatch people back from the fire (Jude
1:23). Now if Christians really hate sin or the alleged spiritual harm people do
to themselves by sin they will aggressively promote their faith and exercise
"righteous indignation" in the face of sin and scandal.
The dentist has to hurt the patient to help the patient. The atheist dentist
believes there is nothing he can do about it. The religious dentist believes
there is a power, God, that can prevent this. The religious dentist has the
intention, "If I were God I would not bother helping either for it must be the
right thing to do." He is no better in his heart than a miracle-worker who won't
use his powers.
It is occultism or magic to try and turn a pumpkin into a carriage. Thus it is
far more occult and far more magical to turn nothing into something. So God is
the biggest witch there is. People worry about the occult and consider it
intrinsically bad while their religions are occult.
We deceive ourselves only so that we can deceive others. Our love is set up to
border on a transformation into rabid hate.
Any religion such as Catholicism that puts bias and irrational thinking habits
into people is advocating violence. Violence and irrationality go together. The
violent person rationalises or makes excuses for violence. It is governments and
dictators being unreasonable that draws them to persecute and foment wars. You
don't need religion to train them in irrationality but religion does give them
that dubious and dangerous training.
If a Communist nation threatened to attack your Christian nation unless you
refused to indoctrinate children, the Church would say that we must not do it.
Reason says it is better to betray religion and do it. If it was an atheist
nation being asked to burn all atheist books and eradiate atheism from the
schools we would do it. We value our lives more than our worldviews.
A Law that does not punish is not a law at all. It is only a law in name only.
The Law of the Land cannot forbid every evil or it would be unable to function
and it would lead to society being strangled by fear all the time. So it has to
be selective. If something is considered wrong or harmful, then it can be made
illegal. For example, the Law has the right to forbid the sale of cigarettes.
Some legal systems do that. Other systems settle for keeping the price of
cigarettes high to dissuade people from buying them. On the worldly level, we
consider actions good or bad. Religion comes along with reasons to go further
than that. If nobody believed in God we would have no problem blaspheming and
mocking God in theatres or television etc. But the Christian religion insists
God should be respected. This can lead to the law forbidding blasphemy and
punishing it. So religion gives rise to more laws.
Religion must never ever put us at a disadvantage. If religion makes life
slightly harder for us it must be dropped. Faith must be approached as if it was
made for us and not a case of us made for faith.
Blaise Pascal correctly said that there is nothing better at getting good people
to do evil than religious conviction. The belief that God is with you and behind
you and supporting your cause can lead you to harm people, especially those of a
different religious persuasion. I would add that God and Christianity have
sinister and dangerous implications and are corrupting. They are subliminal
poison. They are essential fanaticism. The only thing stopping this fanaticism
from bearing fruit in violence is the cowardice and laziness and doubts of the