God is a licence to interfere in business of others

You can want a licence just because you can have it or because you are going to act on it.  Either way the God-licence says something about you.


Sin is an offence against God or to put it another way, it is breaking the law of God. It is a crime not against the civil law of the land but the civil law of God. Crime is that which cannot be tolerated. Thus Christians worthy of the name will not tolerate sin. They will vote so that the law of the land does not tolerate it either.

If God exists then his people on earth have to do the speaking and acting for him. That makes it their business what everybody else does and thinks. The religionist is free to stick her or his nose wherever it is not wanted. God is strict because love is strict so he wants his Church and its members to be as strict as him and let anybody who does wrong know about it. If God is strict then he wants us to exercise strict discipline. If I want to see you in Heaven it is my business what you do for I should want to see you there. 
The Roman Church says that our most secret sins somehow supernaturally harm other people. This makes your sins everybody else’s business. This is why it teaches about penance and indulgences, blessings that the saints have earned for you and which take away all or some of the punishment due to your sin. It thinks you can do good in another's place and they get the credit for it.
You can ask the woman next door if she uses contraception or if she has committed adultery or if her husband was a fornicator and she is obliged to tell you. People then have a duty to expose themselves warts and all to you when their actions affect you.

If a person won’t tell you that they harmed you, then is that a sin? You have a right to know and if you take it too badly that is your problem so it is a sin for them not to tell. When you believe it is good to be able to decide who to trust it follows that people have to tell you.
People should tell you what they believe in religion so that you might correct them.
If people should interfere in our business, then religion gives them loads more to interfere about. Consider the following Catholic sins - sin not to love God with all your being. Sin to miss Mass on a Holyday of Obligation. Sin to dissent from the pope. Sin to believe that the Virgin Mary may have committed sins. Sin to masturbate. Sin to break canon law. The list is as long as wet century.
What ought to concern you is not what others think of you but how they treat you. The fact that what everybody thinks and does and feels is their own business only proves that religion deserves to collapse in humiliation. It tells them that it is God’s business and since religion represents God it must be religion’s business too for religion is the tool of God.
Religion worries more about what is in the heart than in your actions which is completely deranged in a world that could perish in a nuclear war.
Even if religion does not interfere much, it in principle stands for the notion that it should. If principle matters and it does religion can still be condemned for legitimising interference.
Religion is meant to be a spy-network that is determined to condition all to be slaves to its ogre that has been made a Santa Claus for adults. It might not do it but it is meant to.

A religion should be judged on what it means to do even if it never does it. A religion with evil theology which does loads of good is still to be condemned. 
Religion and Gossip
Religion forbids gossip except when it is for the good of someone else that makes it worth it. But if it gives immense pleasure it must be justified. What would be the difference between telling somebody to watch a person who is a secret thief and spreading gossip that gives that person much pleasure? The pleasure amounts to the same. And if you should not gossip because we all have faults then we should not tell even if we can bring a lot of good from it. We did not warn others about ourselves when we did wrong. If gossip is bad for we do not want others to talk about our own misdeeds then we should make gossip good by willing that we be talked about and dealing with it. Christianity says that sin is the worst evil then it lets us force people to sin in talking about us. People should not hate us for doing wrong if all do wrong. There should be no shame.
Imagine you have to report somebody's fault to all and sundry to warn them if there is a big enough risk that the person will hurt them. That is reasonable enough. But religion has a bizarre understanding of hurt that it adds to the mix. For Catholics, you hurt yourself if you believe the wrong thing about Catholic doctrine. It harms you to think that Mary was not assumed body and soul into Heaven. It is harmful to do a harmless act of masturbation. So for religion, something harmless is harmful just because it says so. Such an attitude allows detraction and wrecking the reputation of another far more than an unbeliever could accept it. It gives us extra things to pick on others about. It is good for the unbeliever to say we must not damage the reputation of another except for the good of persons. But religion will go further with it for it has a strange concept of the good of persons. Religion is just a cover for gossip and scandal.

The Humanist attitude to gossip is that it is wrong for we cannot help our wrongdoing and should be ashamed of it to stop us going wrong again. Religion says that the love of God and not shame should be our motive for amending our lives. Again, we see the supremacy of rational Atheism over religion. Shame is needed for social control.


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