Moving on means you can stop being so hurt by some betrayal without even without forgiving it. Forgiveness is framed as moving on but it is not the same thing at all. Forgiveness is just agreeing to be fair and kind to the person who did not act that way to you. The stress put on forgiving does not truly care about the injured person. Help people to move on and mind your own business about their forgiving. It is about people wanting to preach. Forgiveness as a requirement belongs to religion. Only a God can command it.
Believers duck the horrible task of going to another to ask for forgiveness and to express repentance by asking God, "God forgive me for what I did to her or him or them." They do this instead of asking God to help them to face the other person and be honest. It is selfish. It is pious hypocrisy. Its abandonment of how if you were really all about God you would have no problem honouring his child by visiting his child in a spirit of peace and love to say you should not have hurt them. For every offended party the believer goes to express repentance to, twenty are standing by that she or he would never go near.
Only morality can forgive a person. But clearly morality is bigger than God. Religion says that this is an error - God is morality. But if you could have one without the other you would want morality so in that way morality matters and God does not. God and people forgiving means they are following a social construct. Morality might not even authorise the forgiveness for all we know if it could. That makes it real but only in the minds of those who forgive and are forgiven. The reality could be totally different. Only the person who has suffered the pain can consider absolving and forgive. This does not mean others should trust the forgiven or agree with the absolution.
God is the being who made all things from nothing just so that there could be creatures who can have a loving mutual relationship with him. Creatures with free will can sin so God has to be able to forgive them so that the broken relationship can be restored.
Morality essentially means being fair and loving. Morality flows from duty and responsibility. Nobody can make it fair to forgive. It is fair when it is fair and that is nobody's choice. Choosing to forgive cannot make it the moral choice. Forgiving then is not necessarily fair. You cannot make forgiveness fair. Not even God can do that. He cannot do that any more than he can make love be a form of sunlight.
You need not read on if you want a disproof of God. God is not only nonsense and contradictory but also evil. It is evil the way he abuses mercy to turn it into justice.
Forgiveness is defined as leaving what the person has done in the past in order to be good for them and to them.
God is said to be good for you and good to you anyway - so if there is harm you are doing it to yourself. Not only do you insult him by rejecting him, you insult him by using the good he does for you to harm yourself with it. The person who gets drunk on purpose is abusing both God and God's gift of alcohol. This shows how much faith is victim-blaming and shows how passive-aggressive belief in God and believers are. They are trying to inflict moral injury on you either directly or by getting you to do it to yourself or both.
# Justice says a person has become bad. So forgiveness is needed. Forgiveness is judgement though it is nice judgement. It judges the person as bad but refuses to let the bad define the person. So it offers the gift of letting it go.
# Forgiveness that is earned is not forgiveness at all.
# Forgiveness is a gift that is meant to allow you a fresh start so you can do good where you did bad.
# Forgiveness only helps the person trying to change if the person is really trying - contrite and willing to make amends. It helps those who are associated with the person too for no person is an island.
So it is a gift but must be given for loving reasons and out of concern for justice.
Religious people say the person with a dark soul thinks they are not affected and can be happy. They are supposed to be damaged at their core and the not realising is part of the damage. This dreadful argument implies that the child molested by a rapist has no deep and profound damage inside - their "soul" is okay. It is the soul of the attacker that is in question. The attacker is the one worse off. This seems to mean that you need good values to be a true human being and if you choose to push them out of your soul you are less than a person. Your dignity and potential are damaged.
Nobody is able to show that this damage is real or important. It is cruel to use something so vague as if the bad person matters more than the victim and as if the harm done to the victim means nothing in comparison to what has happened to the bad person's soul. It is really an excuse for evoking sympathy for the Devil and passive aggressively attacking the victim.
There is more trouble. It is that you cannot know if you are acting from the damage or too influenced by the damage to know your request to change your ways is sincere or as deep as what you think. Unless your commitment to being a forgiven person is as deep as the damage or deeper you are fooling yourself and that is an attempt to fool God and/or others.
If there is deep hard to find damage then instant forgiveness fixes nothing. An instant antibiotic for pneumonia leaves the person dead for the disease needs gradual healing. The damage is done by the evil act and what it has made you into and as it is so deep-seated a long and painful process of healing is needed. You are never sure how it is progressing.
What is this fast and rapid and instant forgiveness that God gives? All forgiveness if real involves changing your mind about the person. You will see the person as good now and as trying to change. It is offering, where necessary and appropriate, practical and spiritual help to help the person keep on that path.
God changing his attitude to sinners is no good if they have corrupted their core - their inner personhood. Changing the attitude does not change the person.
So power must be involved. He acts on you so that you are now not person sin but person forgiven.
Given what we have learned about being damaged at your core and damage leads to some blindness his help must be met with scepticism. It is exactly what you would expect such blindness to make you think - that you have been changed.
Forgiveness needs to be not something instant like what you get from saying a prayer of repentance or going to get God's forgiveness from the priest in confession. It needs to be a process. Human nature treats it as a process and God should too and even more so. Instant pardon and the quest for it show that the deception we are talking about is in fact at play.