Secularism and its implied criticism of religion

To be a secularist, that is a person who advocates that religious doctrine be kept out of political decision making, is to challenge and criticise religion at least indirectly. Each religion claims to be set up by God to help people reach their zenith. Thus if the state does not endorse that religion it is doing harm indirectly.
Christians and secularists are at war. The reason for the war all comes down to something very simple. Christians say God's wishes come first and secularism ignores God.
Christians claim that God created them and revealed their religion. Secularists claim that Christians created their version of God and their religion. The Christians say that they are right for God told them what is right and he knows best. The secularists are saying that Christians are inventing their faith and should not be permitted to enforce their religious ideas on society not even legally.
Secularism should listen to religion but as one thing among many things that should be given a hearing. Secularism is not perfect and nobody should claim that it is. But to try and judge what should be allowed or not allowed without the input of religious prejudices and taboos is better than letting religions rule the day with all their different rules and lies and infighting and confusion. For example, if a secularist has to work out if contraception is good or bad or neutral, he or she should do it on earthly grounds and not be worrying about the command of a God or religion requiring her or him to forbid contraception simply on the basis of authority. Nothing will get done if we start complicating things with religion. It is not intolerance but necessity that requires the secular voice to be the loud voice and the voice that is heard. We need to forget about God and religious taboos and work out what is best for society. We need to challenge and criticise them. We need to advance secularism.


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