Jesus and his hypocrisy about prayer 

One would expect the Son of God and his supreme revelation to know what he was talking about when he is discussing prayer.

Jesus changed his teaching on prayer like changing clothes.

Jesus said that one prayer is as good as many (Matthew 6:7) which it would be if there is one almighty God. He condemned the pagan notion that lots of prayers ensured an answer from Heaven. But Jesus said lots of prayers over and over again himself. He was a Jew and chanted the Psalms. He told the apostles to pray the Our Father. The Church replies that he only meant that we should not use prayer as a means of forcing God to act. But even pagans know you cannot do that. The pagans knew that trying to force the gods did not always work and the gods had supernatural power so they are not really forced for you cannot let yourself be forced when you don’t have to be. Jesus is not talking about trying to force. He is making it a sin to pray a lot which exposes him for the vicious fraud that he was. This is the sign of one who is afraid that people will prefer God to him. Jesus was hooked on power. He was a first century Jim Jones.

Jesus said that some demons cannot be cast out except by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). But if one sincere prayer is powerful then there is no need for the fasting. God would be evil if he promised to hear prayer and made such an arrangement. Jesus wanted to recommend fasting for it breaks down the critical faculties of the mind and facilitates brainwashing.  Also, demons are reported to cause anorexia so his message was irresponsible.  He must have known of girls who died of self-starvation when demons were blamed.  The victim of a so-called possession was expected to pray and fast too. Please understand the fanaticism and extremism here. Anorexia was blamed on demons and Jesus comes up with evil advice like that?

Jesus prayed to God to raise Lazarus from the dead (John 11).

Jesus went up the mountain to pray all night the night he seemed to have walked on water (Mark 6:46).

Jesus made the Lord’s Prayer.

Jesus prayed to be spared from the crucifixion in the Garden just prior to his arrest.

All of this was to be an example to his disciples.

He had to have been capable of evil when he did that. He was pompous and proud and liked condemning people for trying he did himself as if he were pure as the snow on a mountain top.

If the amount of prayer really mattered to God then what was Jesus doing at parties distracting people from their duty to pray as much as they could? Jesus would have said, “We owe God love and prayer is essentially love”. He didn’t want his hosts to love God.

Jesus said that prayer will only be answered if it is the prayer of trust in God (Matthew 21:22). This lie shows that he despised people who could not trust God. If you cannot trust you are doing your best to trust and so the prayer would be answered by a decent God. Trust is a sincere thing and so is distrust so Jesus wanted people to be punished for being sincere. He was a snob putting success above effort. A God that would cut the graces for a better life off a person who cannot trust is perfectly capable of damning a person for all eternity.

Prayer is a wicked act. When you pray you are asking God to do what you will. But one event in this world affects the others. It is all one big domino effect. So, when you ask God for a new bike or for the grace to love him more you are telling him to kill and maim just so that things will be arranged for you to get the result. Prayer is murder. Piety is for monsters disguised as lambs.
Even if we have free will, our actions are caused by our thoughts and feelings. God can control both so that we will only or largely choose to do what he wants us to do. Our thoughts come into our minds as if from nowhere. Prayer repudiates these truths. How can you genuinely trust in a God that is controlling you when you do bad things? How can it be good to honour a being that makes you the source of harm for others?

Jesus said that only those who asked with faith would be heard by God and said anybody who doubted could expect no answer. So faith here is more than trust. It is belief in God and trust in God. Even the atheist can trust in God without believing he exists. The attitude is, “If there is a God he will do right and I trust him.” Jesus says that prayer can only be heard if you have the opportunity and intelligence to believe in God and that is sectarianism and can only lead to others forms of sectarianism.

Christians say that “Jesus telling the blind man to sin no more in case something worse happens to him agrees with his rule that God alone is to be cared about. The man is being told to take care for God wants him to and just to please God.” But Jesus hadn’t explained that God alone is to be loved to him and when the man was a sinner he didn’t care much for religion to find out. And how could something worse happen to him because of sin when there was mercy? Jesus was contradicting the need to love God alone and if prayer is good it has to express love for God alone. So you shouldn’t pray, “God give me healing so I can do your will”. You shouldn’t think, “I will avoid sin to avoid some punishment from God for the punishment will stop me loving God better.”  He contradicted his teaching on prayer.
Jesus said that if a judge will not help a person, he will if the person persists and keeps asking. He said it was the same with God. The Church lies that he only advocated persistence in prayer and was not saying you should pester God to give you what you want until he gives in. But that clearly contradicts what Jesus said. He advocated a blasphemous method of prayer that was intended to bully God. He implied that God can be railroaded into doing your will. If Jesus meant what the Church says he meant, then he would have simply said, "It is up to God to answer our prayers or not. But we must keep praying." He didn't even need the illustration of the judge. He advocated the kind of black magic that seeks to manipulate and degrade God.
Jesus said according to the gospel of Luke chapter 10 that his seventy-two disciples are to say, “Peace to this house”, when they enter a house and if there is a man of peace there it will rest on him and if there isn’t it will come back to them. This is not prayer he is advocating here. If you say a prayer for somebody it is left up to God to administer it and God does not promise peace to everybody. The saints welcomed horrific depressions as sent from God to them. So the idea of you sending peace to somebody and it coming back to you if you reject it is clearly magical. A prayer does not go and give peace to anybody and it does not come back to the praying person like it was some kind of energy. Prayer is asking God to help if he wishes and you cannot make God give peace. But magic is sending power out which may return to the sender. In occult tradition, the bottle spell was one method used to send bad energy back to the person attacking somebody magically. The scriptures Jesus followed condemned magic as evil and sinful and so heinous that persecuting and killing magicians on the orders of God was better than letting them live. Clearly then Jesus’ occultism showed he was in cahoots with Satan for he believed in Satan as a real being with magical powers. The seventy two came back to Jesus boasting that the devils come out of people when they use Jesus’ name but he said to them that he seen Satan falling from Heaven and that he gave them power to trample on scorpions and serpents and prevent them from coming to any harm. Then he told them that they must not rejoice that they can cast out demons but rather that their names are written in Heaven. The mere fact that Jesus let this crew go and treat mentally ill people and depressed people as possessed is proof enough that he was in league with the Devil and that Satan would have been well pleased with these dangerous exorcisms. Even the Church today doesn’t approve of such activity and yet refuses to comment on what Jesus did! To suggest that people should be happy about having their names written in some unseen heaven and nothing else and not even in the power to save people from demons takes ones breath away in its arrogance and how it requires people to put faith before people. Even if the faith requires helping people it is only done for the faith requires it and not for the sake of the people.
Moreover, the strange commands Jesus gave these seventy two men to go around telling people that the kingdom of God was near and not having a purse or anything but depending on the people to look after them and to wipe the dust off their feet if they rejected them suggests that he was himself the one that needed demons cast out! He was mad. It is undoubted among the honest scholars that when Jesus said that any town that didn’t welcome these men with the message about the kingdom being close that Sodom would have an easier judgment he thought the end of the world was close and when that would happen the kingdom would take its place. Why else would it have been so serious to reject the message? Why else would rejecting it have such bad consequences? Why else would Jesus be so sure that the town would have a fate worse than Sodom had? He was sure it wouldn’t repent and escape the fate because it was too late. Jesus knew as much about the future as he did about prayer. He was a fake prophet.


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