We might be told by some that the Mosiac Law, composed by God and contained in the first five books of the Bible, was always and only for the Jews and that non-Jews weren’t bound to keep it then and certainly aren’t now. It is untrue that the New Testament teaches that God meant the Law for the Jews and that Christians are exempt from it as are Jews that convert.
Jesus said that not a dot of the law would pass away meaning none of its laws would be abolished. Jesus claimed to fulfil the law not abolish it. There is nothing in the New Testament saying that he abolished the laws about stoning people to death. Christians just guess that he did but as Jesus said the Jewish law will stand forever they generally assume he will have his own way of executing them.
In Acts 15 the apostles had a debate over getting non-Jews to follow the
Jewish law. This alone says that Jesus did not clearly abolish it.
They considered four rules from the law but we must remember that the law
provided for people who were not Jews to become Jews as in religion. The
four rules in question such as the ban on eating blood were required before
admission. The apostles of course upheld the rules and thus affirmed the
validity of the Jewish law. Circumcision was a problem so they said it was
okay as long as it was not seen as necessary for entry into Heaven. They
merely clarified the laws teaching on this subject for it never made
circumcision a condition for being with God in eternal life.
Nothing in the Law itself says that it is meant only for the people of Israel in
Many Christians hold that when Jesus returns he will return to a world or many
nations that will be mainly Christian and which will be run by the Old Testament
Law. The parts of the Law that have been changed and fulfilled by Jesus will of
course be excluded. Reconstructionists will maintain that we have to pave the
way for the second coming by persuading governments to adopt the Old Testament
Law now. They want to reconstruct the political world in accordance with the
Mosiac Law which is why it is called Reconstructionism. Reconstructionism is
often called Dominion Theology. Its big leaders are in the USA. David Chilton,
Greg Bahnsen and Gary North are three of them.
Paul at Romans 3:19, 20 states that everything the Law of Moses states is stated
to those who are under its authority and that therefore the whole world stands
convicted of sin before God for nobody in the world is justified by obeying the
Law for all it does is point out sin. This clearly states that the authority of
the Law applies to the whole world. Even those such as children who know only a
little Law cannot be saved by obeying it. He also indicates that the Law is
supported by right reason and by divine inspiration which is why even those who
don’t have the written Law of Moses are still bound by it and condemned by it.
He says in Romans 2:12-16 that the Gentiles who have never been educated in the
Law of Moses are in fact aware of its teaching for it is written by God in their
instincts and in their consciences. So it is clear. The rule that if you catch a
man in bed with another man you should drag them out and stone them to death is
regarded as what a conscience that isn’t twisted and perverted by sin will see
as correct. By implication, you will see that homosexuality is wrong. If you
don’t you must be guilty of grave sin and are blinding yourself to the light of
the Holy Spirit.
St Paul wrote that people who were circumcised were bound to keep the entire law
of Moses and he gave no hint that he meant this applied to only Jews. He wrote
this in Galatians 5:2,3. If the people he had been writing to had all been Jews
they would have been circumcised before he came along. So clearly Paul was
acknowledging that the Jewish law was for all for if it wasn’t then even
circumcision couldn’t bind the Galatians to keep the law. Abraham circumcised
all his slaves, people of a different race (Genesis 17). He was putting them
into the covenant at God’s behest as Genesis 17:23 tells us.
It is stated that the Bible never promises that the Law will be restored. If it
is silent on this problem it is safer to assume that it will be. The bits of Old
Testament prophecy that say that the world will obey the Lord are taken to mean
the period after Jesus comes back. By obey these prophecies meant the Law and so
Christians should not be teaching that Jesus has done away with the Law and
certainly will not be restoring in when he comes again.
Many of the things the people of Israel were not allowed to do by the Law were
things the Law permitted non-Israelites to do. This is supposed to disprove
Reconstructionism. The Hebrews could not eat an animal that died naturally but
could give it to an alien to eat it (Deuteronomy 14:21). The Hebrews could not
eat the animal that died by itself in case it was infected. It did not matter to
them as much if its meat sickened or killed an outsider. Christians would argue
that it is better for the person who is pleasing to God to be alive and well
than for a sinner to be. The Law interprets itself and it is said that Israel
was a chosen and holy nation so that was the logic behind the precept. The Law
is saying that the holy and enlightened come first. The Law forbidding the meat
to Israelites really means: “Don’t poison the holy” or “Don’t eat an animal that
died by itself as a reminder that you are holy to me”, and it just singles out
the Israelites because they were the only sanctified people at that time. The
rule does not disprove Reconstructionism. In fact when the Hebrews were allowed
to lead the non-Jews into defilement though it must be bad for the non-Jews in
some way it shows that God’s law allows harm to be done to non-Jews. The Law was
pronouncing them inferior in such a way that it could only do it if it had
authority over them or moral legal authority if not actual legal authority.
Leviticus 17:12 has God banning his Hebrew people from eating
blood and specifies that if there is foreigner living with them the
rule applies to them too!
It is thought that the diet laws show that the Law was intended only for Israel
because when the banned animals were sacred among the surrounding nations that
it would have been too much to expect them to adopt the same taboos. That is
like saying that belief in one God was intended only for Jews for other nations
preferred a crowd of different Gods. It makes no sense. The diet laws were
everlasting so even if the nations stopped having sacred animals the laws could
be retained as a reminder of the evil of idolatry. And it could be that the
animals were banned not just because the neighbours disliked them but because
they really were dirty.
Israelites were prohibited from charging interest on loans given to other
Israelites but were permitted to charge other nations (Deuteronomy 23). This was
a precaution against greed that would divide the people. It did not matter if it
upset aliens. But aliens who joined God’s people so as to become a part of them
would have been excepted. Taking interest in itself is not concerned which is
why it was permitted to take it from outsiders – it is only forbidden for some
other reason.
If another nation made the Law of Moses its own it would merely cease to charge
interest except when it is a foreign nation it is dealing with. Maybe God just
banned charging your own countrymen interest and the reason Israel is mentioned
is because it was the only country hearing the Law.
Israel was not allowed by God to sow two kinds of seed in a field (Deuteronomy
22:9). This is for some symbolic reason. Those who oppose Reconstructionism
claim that the symbolism is that Israel is to have different laws from other
nations. But it could simply mean that God’s people are to be separate from
sinners. Anyway, what has seed got to do with people?
1 Corinthians 10:23 is alleged to oppose Reconstructionism. There it is written
by Paul that all things which are allowed are not necessarily the best. This is
supposed to mean that certain things are not wrong if done by those who are not
God’s people but are wrong if they are. As an example, he says that eating meat
that was consecrated to idols is permitted but is sinful and not beneficial if
it makes those who feel that it is sinful sin. Paul is saying that we must obey
our conscience even if it is wrong and is certainly not saying that certain
kinds of mistakes are not mistakes when done by Gentiles. All he means is that
we should avoid what is permitted if it is a stumbling block to another person.
Romans 2 and especially verse 14 are thrown at those who say that the Laws of
goodness were meant to be observed by all nations as refutation. It just says
that non-Jews don’t have the Law of Moses which is hardly the same as saying
that they aren’t supposed to follow it or that they don’t know it by some sixth
Read Ezekiel 5 in which God complains that the Law of Moses “my statutes” was
kept better by non-Jewish nations than by the Jews. The Amplified Bible says
that these were heathen nations and puts heathen in [ ] and admits in the
Introduction that words in these brackets are not in the original text so don’t
make the mistake of reading pagan into the reference to nations for pagans don’t
keep the Law. Some say that God is being sarcastic and not serious. But the Law
itself says that segments of people from other nations would practice it. These
are the nations Ezekiel’s god means. Even if it meant the Jews in other nations
it would prove that the Law had to be kept everywhere and just wasn’t restricted
to Israel alone.
The Lord revealed that other nations would be envious of the wisdom of his Law
as lived in Israel and would moan that theirs wasn’t as clever (Deuteronomy
4:6,8). If it is wise then they should follow it. God could not criticise
non-Israelites for practicing his Law if it is wise. It is obvious that it was
not for Israelites alone. The pagans would not find it wise if God changed the
Law of right and wrong for them. He would be saying that even if right and wrong
exist they should be put aside for only what he commands should be obeyed.
Aliens who lived among the children of Israel had to live by its laws (Leviticus
24:17-22). It would be hypocrisy to say that they were lucky to be under the Law
and that the Law was not intended to be adopted by other nations. The aliens
could have been confined to ghettoes and put under surveillance so that they
could have been exempt from the Law. But God wanted them to follow it so he
wants the world to do the same.
In Galatians 3, Paul tells the Galatians, this people were Greeks not Jews, that
if they are going to get circumcised and obey the Law they have to obey all of
it. The Law was binding on non-Jews who knew of it and were circumcised. If it
had been cancelled it wouldn’t matter. He said in Galatians 4 that the
non-Jewish Galatians had to be redeemed from the Law by the death of Jesus
meaning that the Law was binding on them despite them not being Jews. By
redeemed he meant that they were delivered from needing to keep the Law for
salvation. Any breaks of the Law were atoned by Jesus and so the believer didn’t
have to worry about them and so the Law was not a burden or a punishment for
him. He was redeemed from it.
Paul wrote in Romans 15:4 that everything that was written in the Old Testament
was written to teach the Church. He was writing to Gentiles as well as converted
Jews in Rome. This tells us that the Law of Moses is still relevant even to
non-Jews and he wanted it taken seriously (page 11, Not Under Law). He had to
for it is the Old Testament and not the New that tells us that going to
spiritual mediums and marrying cousins is wrong (page 11) which is one example
out of many. The implication is that if we want to stone homosexuals and
adulterers to death we should. You can’t say that these laws are irrelevant even
if you say they are not obligatory. Even then you cannot condemn anybody who
carries them out. You can’t condemn Jack the Ripper for slaughtering
prostitutes. The doctrine that the Old Testament is relevant today is called
Theonomy. It has been popularised in the book, Not Under Law and is growing
among Christian fundamentalists and that should give us all much concern. It’s
bad news. We know what the Catholic Church did when it was able to practice
It is hard for some to believe that the Law was meant for all when not all could
get to the Temple to have the prescribed rites of worship and sacrifices for sin
performed. But God says that he understands and will accept the person’s good
intentions instead. Non-Jews had no right to try and establish a line of priests
for God decreed that his only priests were to be the Levites, a Jewish tribe.
Religion says that Jesus had to obey the entire Law of God to make up for our
disobedience to the Law. Jesus esteemed the Law greatly when he did that meaning
we ought to do likewise and obey it in thanksgiving. If Jesus was God then we
have God obeying his own Law - a sure sign of how permanent and essential he
considers it. Jesus was after all to be the demonstration of the perfect man.
The Church says that Jesus had made full atonement when still a child the first
time he obeyed the Law for one act of Jesus’ is reckoned to have infinite value
and therefore merits our redemption from sin for he is God. That means we should
obey the Law ourselves. If as the Church claims, Jesus atoned by obeying more
than he needed to then that accentuates that we should keep the Law despite
being non-Jews for he obeyed it for us. If we are saved we should obey it not
because we are bound to but because we want to.
Deuteronomy 31:12: “Assemble the people – men, women, and children, and the
stranger and the sojourner within your towns – that they may hear and learn
[reverently] to fear the Lord your God and be watchful to do all the words of
this law.” Even alien visitors or strangers had to be commanded to keep the Law.
They could have been told to respect the Law without being asked to keep all of
it. It could just have been just like a pagan being asked to not interfere with
the Christians in a Christian country but allowed to do what they liked in
private. But God wanted pagans to obey the Law entirely and to believe what it
said should be believed.
The Law permitted the chosen people to buy other members of their nation as
slaves and to buy slaves from other nations. The former had an easier time
legally than the latter. The latter were not as well protected. This seems to
imply that the Law is not for all. But the slaves had to believe in the Hebrew
religion first before they could be bought for Yahweh was afraid that the
Israelites would find the pagan influence irresistible. If a law authorises
racism that does not mean that the law claims no authority over the hated race.
The Law of Moses proved it thought it had authority over other nations when it
dictated them what to believe.
Some Christians believe that the Saturday Sabbath was a sign between God and
Israel (Exodus 31) so Gentiles cannot be bound to keep it. It can be asked that
since the discussion was between God and Israel here what would he mention
Gentiles for when there were none there? But I say there were some there who
were made part of Israel too. Gentiles are bound to keep the Law. It is also
thought that since the Lord told Israel that they should keep the Sabbath
because he brought them up out of Egypt (Deuteronomy 5:15) that this was the
purpose of the Sabbath and since Gentiles were not saved from Egypt they cannot
have a duty to keep the Sabbath. But the verse could not mean that when the Jews
believed God rested on the seventh day of creation to sanctify the seventh day.
What it means is that the day God hallowed by rest is to be hallowed by them in
gratitude for his rescuing them from Egypt. The Sabbath was always to be
respected even though God could only reveal this as a duty to Israel at the time
of Moses. This is the explanation for Deuteronomy 5:2-12 which says that the
Sabbath law was not given to the fathers of Israel. It shows that this text
cannot be used to establish a case for the Sabbath being a temporary and
non-essential law.
There is no biblical evidence that the ethical or religious rules of the Law
were for the people of Israel alone. Incidentally, the ceremonies of the Law are
ethical laws for God would not make these demands unless they were the best.
The fact that the Law says all pagan nations and other races will find it
sagacious and that God wants all to be use proves that God would be evil if he
didn’t want all to accept its code of ethics. The Law is for enforcing morality
for it can’t very well enforce immorality can it?
Civil law decrees that nobody has the right to command murder for murder is a
great and intolerable wrong. Jesus, repeating what God decreed through Moses,
said that the greatest commandment was not the one to avoid murder. The greatest
commandment was the one to love God alone and do it with all your heart and soul
and mind. So nobody has the right to say there is no God or to criticise this
commandment of absolute love for God meaning the law should not tolerate it. The
Law of Moses was perfectly logical in trying to set up a religious dictatorship
in which religion and civil law were fused. This commandment was the reason why
Moses’ law ruled Palestine and to say God’s law today should not control the
state is to oppose the commandment. God says that all people whatever their race
have a duty to love him alone so the Law is for all. To stone a homosexual to
death is to love God alone and that is what he wants. When God wanted that done
to Israelite homosexuals he would have wanted it done to pagan ones too for they
were worse and had gay sex in honour of false gods.
The Bible has it that the Mosiac Law is valid today and needs to be obeyed by
everyone. It might be added that the Law is brutal and declares that religious
faith comes before all. If you hope it at least makes the Law optional you need
to discard that hope. It is obligatory and even if it were optional that would
mean the Churches have to let people stone "sinners" to death in accordance with
the Law.