"Visionaries" during an apparition looking in different directions...

Since 1981, apparitions of Jesus' mother to a few witnesses at Medjugorje have been reported.  The vision has given countless messages.  The apparitions are controversial and not recognised by the Church.  Endless trouble and distress was brought to the bishops who were responsible for the area.  They faced slander and threats and open disobedience for holding the apparitions were not genuine.  Catholic teaching is that anything from God brings order.  Paul commanded obedience to authority in Romans 13.

On Medjugorje, "We would like to say nothing about the doubtful or even bad fruits. But the truth obliges us to say that they exist. Let us quote, as examples, the calling into question, even to the point of defamation, of the Local Ordinary as well as the disobedience with regard to his legitimate authority; the exacerbation of the Herzegovina 'question' following the words attributed to "the Gospel", words in favour of the Franciscans and against the Bishop."  Henri Brincard, Bishop of Puy-en-Velay.

The claim that because of the bishop's opposition that the Vatican decided to take over the investigation is untrue. 

"Bishop Zanic did not solicit the intervention of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. However, he well fulfilled the obligations incumbent on him, as this same Congregation affirmed that it "appreciated the work accomplished by the diocesan commission, under the responsibility of Bishop Zanic."  Moreover, let us recall that on 2nd June 1982, Bishop Zanic submits a first report to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and, on 26th April 1986, he delivers to Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation, a plan of negative judgement, as the conclusions of the commission of investigation appear to be going in this sense. The Cardinal thus asks him to defer the publication of a definitive judgement.  On 2nd May 1986, the commission of investigation votes, in a secret ballot, by 11 votes to 4, against the recognition of the supernatural character of the events: non constat de supernaturalitate. At the same time, having concluded its work, it accepts its own dissolution, the affair being from then on in the hands of Rome.

On 15th May 1986, Bishop Zanic transmits to the Congregation the negative finding of the commission.  It is therefore not correct to state that Bishop Zanic was relieved of the dossier."
This was the second letter sent. The first was sent 27 February 2013 and was in all essentials the same. Yet Ivan Dragicevic was poised to travelling in the USA to have apparitions in spite of the 27 February 2013 letter. When the above letter was made public, he cancelled his intended trip in the USA. So Mary then was ready to disobey the Church by appearing! She encouraged disobedience. 


This priest has been dogged with accusations of molesting female pilgrims sexually.  He was in jail but thanks to the Virgin he was able to appear with her in her visions to the children.  This was a number of times. 

According to the Virgin: “He is a saint; I’ve said that to you already” her message of October 21, 1981.


If she appears with unruly people like that and makes them saints what does that say about her? 



Sister Emmanuel is probably Medjugorje's best promoter.

Some Medjugorje supporters speak of how the Vatican approved the order The Community of the Beatitudes in 2002. They describe it as Sister Emmanuel's community implying that this approval means approval of her. She is not recognised as a real nun by her diocese. And the Community is regarded as a cult by competent authorities and there has been scandals involving prolific sexual abuse. A brother admitted to having abused 50 children. There is an abnormally high rate of teen suicides. The founder was guilty of sexual exploitation of the members. Emmanuel had to have known about all this. She has made no comment on any of it and pro-Medjugorje websites ignore the scandals.


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