The book, Fatima In Lucia’s own words, is a must for the person who ventures to expose Fatima for what it really is. The book was edited by Fr. Louis Kondor and published by the Postulation Centre of Fatima, Portugal. Approval for the book was given by the Bishop of Leira in 1976.
Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta were the visionaries of Our Lady of Fatima.
These three children claimed they saw Mary on a number of occasions in 1917.
Francisco and Jacinta died.
She reported having had visions of angels before that.
Lucia became a nun in 1921. The whole Fatima story comes to us through Lucia and
she was not a trustworthy source and the Bible itself says that God wanted all
things established by three reliable witnesses.
Lucia claimed that everything to do with the apparitions of the Virgin was clear in her head and unforgettable to her (page 13, page 99). This point is very important.
Page 5 tells us that the book is made up of the original manuscripts in which Lucia recorded her alleged experiences.
She wrote her memoirs years after the event and had an interesting way of
telling how her imagined memories could be separated from the "real" ones: "I
must thank God for the assistance of the Holy Spirit, which I can feel
suggesting to me what I should say or write. If sometimes my own imagination or
my own understanding suggest something to me, I sense immediately that it is
lacking the divine unction, and I stop my work until I am sure, in the deepest
recess of my soul, of what God wants me to say in His place." Such gross
The children agreed to be discreet about the first apparition. However, Jacinta
broke this promise (page 29). Lucia tries to convince us that it was because her
joy was so intense that she could not restrain herself from telling. The reason
for silence would have been in case they were stopped from seeing the Lady again
by the grown-ups so Lucia lied about Jacinta’s motives. Jacinta was not such an
innocent child after all for she would not have put telling before risking not
seeing the Virgin unless she saw no Lady at all.
Lucia and Francisco contradicted each other over whether or not the Lady had
gold edges on her dress. Lucia said it was a trick of the light that make him
think there were gold edges on it (page 175). She said it was caused by the
glowing of the dress. That cannot be true for she would have thought there were
lines too if the boy saw them. And the trick of the light would not have had the
same effect on everything the Lady wore. When the Lady moved it would have been
evident that the gold edges were not there.
How could something that God causes and which is not like natural light lead to
tricks of the light? God causing miraculous tricks of the light? No that is too
Lucia contradicted herself about the Virgin’s earrings (page 175). She said that
she had said the Lady was wearing ones because of a momentary illusion caused by
the light bathing the Lady. Is that really believable? You don’t say a brown
coat is green because the light made it go green for a second.
Lucia forbade Jacinta to even say that the Lady asked them to make sacrifices
for sinners for people would then ask what kind of sacrifices they were making
(page 34). This stuff about the need for reparation is a late addition to the
story and this is merely an excuse for it being unheard of in the early days.
The children knew they could have refused to answer. And when people knew they
were seeing the Virgin they would have expected a request from her to the
children to do penance for that was commonly requested in apparitions. The
children hypocritically told one another their sacrifices (page 42). In Catholic
theology that would be the sin of boasting.
Jacinta knew that dirty water which clothes were even washed in could make her
very ill yet she drank it as a penance (page 86). She could have imagined her
Lady when she was that fanatical. She wasn’t thinking about the people who would
have to look after her.
Lucia was a good teller of religious stories (page 24). She could have invented
her experiences. Lucia did actually decide to say that the story of the
apparitions was a lie (page 69). This is as destructive of her evidence as it
would be if she had lied. She could not have thought that the lie would make her
life easier for it would not and would in fact get her into bigger trouble and
the other two would contradict her were the retraction a lie. Her parents would
have warned her what would happen to her and them if she lied. Mark this well,
here is a child who would lie no matter how much bother or scandal it would stir
up. Even Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who was practically the real pope during the
reign of John Paul II and is now Benedict XVI declared on June 29th 2000 that
Lucia might have read too many devotional books and these led her imagination
astray and coloured the reports of her vision. Lucia has been guilty of driving
people into savage and terrible penance through letting them think that the
Third Secret was about an apocalypse that only the penitent could escape. A
friar who knows her well said that she suffered from religious hallucinations
and false memories. His name is Mario de Oliveira.
Jacinta and Francisco could not have seen a Lady at all when they believed that
Lucia would be killed (page 72, 77) even though Lucia later claimed that the
Lady had promised them that she would outlive them. Lucia thought her end was
nigh on one occasion though the other pair were alive (page 79, 89).
The idea to make the people see the sun spinning would have been suggested to
Lucia by the fact that over a month before that miracle many people were
claiming to have spotted signs in the sun (page 76). The child knew that some
would insist they had seen the sun spin if she prompted them just before the
famous miracle of the sun of October 13.
Lucia admitted that there were things about the Lady and her sayings that she
never revealed until 1941. The idea of a girl claiming that she seen the Virgin
and keeping things back during the investigation directed by the Church some
years previous which resulted in the visions being accepted by the Church as
authentic is strange unless she is lying. It was deceit for everything has to be
looked at to see if the vision was real or not. What else did she lie about?
There was nothing in her visions that should have been hidden until then.
Lucia says she was mistaken when she said that the Lady promised that the war
would end on the day of the solar miracle, October 13th. That was the very first
thing she said on the matter and it is more likely to be what she was told than
what she now says: that the Lady did not say that. The only reason it is denied
now is because it turned out to be wrong. Lucia said she was trying hard to
remember what the Lady said about graces so that she forgot what was actually
said about the war (page 170). Yet she boasts of her memory – in the next line!
(as well as on page 99. She says that supernatural events cannot be forgotten
and it is no wonder – forgetful visionaries of Medjugorje take note!) – and how
could she forget something that is more interesting than promises about grace?
And worse, what the Lady said that day about grace and reparation was brief and
repeated the content of the earlier messages. Lucia is certainly telling a big
lie. The visions of Fatima were not supernatural or even if they were how
reliable is the entity that was speaking to them?