Real love does not turn into hate. Christianity by saying that doing serious evil is an almighty insult against such a wonderful God, that it deserves everlasting torment in Hell and that it gives others a bad example that could draw them to Hell is making it hard for love not to turn into hate. It would be a betrayal of your friends and loved ones to embrace a religious faith like Christianity. The love will make you suffer. Love shouldn't do that. It should make you happy to help the other person when the other person is going astray or in trouble. Christianity preaches love but then puts barriers in its path. It encourages hypocritical love not real love.
Even if you could hate the sin and love the sinner, you are deluding yourself to manage it. You are demeaning yourself. If you demean yourself you can't think much of those who love you or of other people. You are also offering love based on lies and pretence to the sinner. It is not the real thing. Its true colours will show. Outright hatred would do less harm in the long run.
Some say you have to hate a person sometimes to do the best thing for them. Sometimes parents say they detested and hurt their drug-addict sons and daughters and this fuelled their efforts to help them so that they could be lovable to them again. They hated them and wanted to help them in order to stop hating them and to start loving them again. These parents do not hide behind the love the sinner and hate the sin goody goody hypocrisy. Those who say they do are trying to stop hating their sons and daughters. They are lying about loving them.
For a Christian to condemn the sin of hating sinners for their sins would be rank hypocrisy and would actually show a preference for hating the hater of sin than hating the sinner hated.
The Church says that to sin you must consent to the sin. If the feeling of hate takes you over and you maim and kill people, this is not a sin. If it is not a sin then it must be something good under the circumstances that deserves a reward! You deserve a reward for doing your best even if it turned out terrible.
The teaching of everlasting torture in Hell will be used to scare young people into thinking that if they commit some sins, for example have gay relationships or abandon attendance at Mass, they can go to Hell forever or will go if they do not repent. The Church thinks that they should go to Hell forever. It will hypocritically answer, "We don't want anybody to go to Hell." But what good is that? The point is that they say a person under certain circumstances should be sent to Hell and belongs there. To say such a thing is an act of hate. Hate is not necessarily a feeling that you want somebody to suffer. It is the will to see somebody suffer. Suppose a person feels great hatred for you but does not act on it and can't help it. Then suppose that person does good for you willingly and not begrudgingly then that person loves you in spite of feeling the hate. The person who hurts you is hating you in the real sense: hate is trying to bring pain on another. Real hate is not a feeling. It is not hate to feel a great dislike or a vindictive dislike. It is hate to foment it or to do nothing good to weaken it. It is hate to neglect to try to get rid of it.
Religion says that evil and sin in a sense are not real. Religion says that they are not powers but they are simply goodness that is lacking its full potential. For example, hate is falling short of love. Suffering is falling short of happiness. So hate and suffering are good after all! Religion claims that God cannot make evil if evil is a power for that would make God evil. So it argues that he makes all things good and evil is just good in the wrong place. So it would be the case that hating evil if it is not real but a lack should not be as strong as hating it if it is not a lack but a power in its own right. No revulsion would be too much. Suppose religion is right to see evil not as a reality but as a negation of good. In terms of emotions, emotions are not and cannot be fully sensible in terms of rational, it follows that your feelings will see hate and sin and suffering as real powers. It will react as if they are not just good that falls short but actual evil forces. No matter what religion says in theory or in its theology, it is still guilty of causing people to feel hate. To even risk that would be hideous.
Religion endorses extreme hatred of evil so what is the point then of saying evil is misplaced good? You may as well say it is an evil force and that evil is a reality. Is the teaching that evil is good in the wrong place merely lip-service? It is how they treat evil that counts. And they treat it as if it were a force. It will only lead to people being forced and threatened into obeying religion.
If evil is not a defect or a falling short but a real power and as real as electricity, then nobody can say you must love the sinner and hate the sin. If you believe that water should be destroyed with relish then it follows that you are saying people should be destroyed with relish for they are composed of a high percentage of water. Get the idea?
If you love the sinner and hate the sin you are denying that there is evil power in the sinner. You are denying that evil is a real entity or force. Even believers in the rule say it is rubbish if evil is as real as good and is a power and not to be understood as good in the wrong place. Then the person would be evil. But religion never clarifies this to people. It is only in dusty tomes that nobody reads. Thus religion is forcing people to hate sinners with the sin all the while as it refuses to take any responsibility.
Also, there is the fact that hate really is a power - an emotional power. It is real. Pretending it is just a good emotion that is put in the wrong direction makes no sense. Thus religion is failing to admit that to hate the sin is to hate the sinner. If Hitler was not an evil man but just a saint who fell short of what he could have become, then if you cannot see into somebody's heart, what right have you to assume he fell short? If you don't know how far he fell short in his heart and intentions, then maybe he did his best and didn't wilfully fall short? Who are you to judge?

If you oppose evil, you must be a good person. Whoever does not oppose evil but who lives a good life is not really good. He or she has a bad dark heart.

Religion agrees. It says that is why it is necessary to hate sin in yourself and others. Hating sin is not very nice or happiness inducing. Moreover, if somebody's sinning upsets you, it will lead to more upset in time. You will fear being upset again. It accumulates. Hating sin would be evil for hate means that if sin were able to suffer you would make it suffer. It is personal ill-feeling in a hypothetical but real sense. It seems fake to direct ill-feeling and rancour away from the sinner to the sin. It's artificial and self-righteous. But religion might keep maintaining that it is a necessary evil for the alternative is worse. But then religion should stop pretending to be so safe and goody goody. It needs to tell us the risks of being religious. It should certainly not be influencing and conditioning and imposing membership on children and on the unwary.

Belief in goodness is more important than goodness for there can be no real goodness without it. To really intend something to be good you must have reasonable grounds for thinking it will produce more good than bad. If you do something without knowing what you intend it to be, you intend both bad and good. Neutral means you intend both bad and good for to intend neither is to intend both! The believer has to have more ill feelings towards the sinner who is a sceptic about religion and many ethical teachings than a sinful believer who steals or rapes or whatever.

The teaching that we must hate the sin makes it easy to hate sinners. Our feelings are not rational and not always controllable. love sinner hate sin will affect emotions and they have a mind of their own.  To feel vindictive towards a sin means you are vindictive to the sinner. The person who hates sinners and admits it is better than the person who uses, "Love sinners and hate sins", to disguise his hate-filled hypocrisy.


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