Believe that you own what you own!


The Bible, “But they will be held guilty, they whose strength is their god.”


The idea of God implies God owns all for he makes all. Thus if your people are the people of God what belongs to God belongs to them. 


If God is not real or if he is but all we get are the ideas people have about him then their IDEA owns us.  They indirectly own us!  We can be certain that is what is happening if they cannot put their ideas beyond reasonable doubt.


They cannot.



Ownership is not always a matter of justice or morality or law.  It can be a practical thing.  Say I don't know who owns the crock of gold.  I do a process of elimination and whoever is left gets it even if this is a mistake.  Me being an accident or just an event rather than anything that is designed or planned by some higher intelligence does nothing to detract from me owning myself.  It strengthens it.  I own myself more without a God than with one!


Ownership is the act of ultimate pragmatism. Somebody has to own so you have to take ownership of yourself. That implies aggression against anybody else. If you don’t need to be aggressive or feel it, it does not change the fact that you in fact are doing something aggressive. It is like, “If I am stealing I have to own this for somebody has to own it.” Some aggression can be so sugar-coated that you don't see what it really is.  The aggression naturally should be against God and those who try to tell you their idea of God owns you most. 




If you are a child of God then God gives you the gift of being his child. But this is about all of you and claiming all of you. It is therefore NOT a gift.

God cannot tell me WHAT I own unless what matters is THAT I own. Don’t confuse the two. Thus I just own. The power to own matters more than what I own for I cannot own without it. If a God gives me ownership as in THAT then it's not real. It just a legal fiction that has uses. It is just a regulation. I have to discover that I own. I have to decide for myself. I have to own the idea of owning the principle and the owner.  Ownership affects how I deal with others so I have the right to force them to agree that I own x when I x.


Self-ownership is a candidate for being an argument against God or a proof that there is no God. Religion says it is not for God owns you and thus is able to give you self-ownership so you own yourself.  We have proven that this is false and that God is intrinsically an oppressive doctrine.  Mild oppression is still oppression. Never tolerate it.


For the atheist, there is only your self-made good. This good does not exist if there is a God for it is God's own good and you are merely its channel and instrument.  For the atheist, you own the good for you make it.




You own and you alone own the power to be validated. The only validation you need is from yourself. Or if that seems too individualistic what about modifying it? What about, “The core validation you need is from yourself alone.” That allows for others to be considered. But it is clear who is core here, you not God or others.

Self-affirmation goes with self-ownership. Affirming that you own yourself is a part of ownership. Objections to that include that I am not an island but a social creature and what I do affects others. And that God is the reason you exist at all so your self-ownership is relative to his ownership of you. It is not real. He ultimately owns you no matter if he lets you own your choices and yourself for not. God needs proving then for ownership is a really big thing.


Ignoring claims about God except to criticise them is simply declaring yourself to be a sovereign country.




Owning means you have a right to control or be considered master of property.


What about owning yourself?  You are more than property but that does not mean the property concept is unhelpful in relation to yourself.  People talk about owning their own body.  That is okay as long as you don't think you are some kind of mind inside the body like the body is just a house and is not you.  Being your own property is central to your dignity.  It is what you are gives you ownership.  The brick owns its red colour for it is part of what it is.


The idea of God challenges that.  All depends on him for existence for he is the reason there is anything rather than nothing.  If you believe in God you would have to believe that your wealth is his creation and reflects his power and beauty and love. Who is richer than him if he exists? He made all things so ultimately he owns all things. He has given some of his wealth away to each one of us.


Who says I can own. God. Who says what I own. God. I can't really know if I own.  So I own nothing.  Maybe there is no God to give me ownership and maybe he doesn't give me ownership anyway.  He may give me gifts?  But are they gifts?  Do I own them?  Not really. He owns all he gives so there is no giving. 


Myself and my existence are seen as gifts from a God who made them from nothing.  If God gives me ownership of myself then that makes me a custodian.  I only own at his say so meaning he is the real owner.  It is said that we do not own anything. It is said that we only use what we call possessions for a while and then somebody else will use them. If that is true, then stealing wouldn't be wrong. How could you thank someone for a gift if it isn't theirs or become yours? The concept of God implies that God owns all things and we are only users of what he gives. We are custodians of what he owns and own nothing. To think we do not own things implies that we should not seek them. Owning is a right. If we do not own our rights we own nothing and should seek nothing. The belief that there is no ownership creates poverty and damages mental health. 


I feel I have free will.  I don't have any reason to find the idea of free will plausible for I think I am in my head looking out at the world as if I am the only thing that really exists and everything else is just like a film around me.  When I have that illusion I can have others.  If I am programmed to act free when I actually am not free then if there is a God then it might be said that I only have free will only in spiritual or unspiritual matters. Free will is limited to how I react to God.  Everything else is programmed.  Occam's Razor says that if God gives me free will so I can love him by being loving and just - just is about ownership - then that is what I need to suppose.  It shows then that free will and ownership need not go together.  I can own without God. 


Atheism in its most positive light says, "I own me.  I alone decide what I will do.  It is not about God.  I reject the very idea of God."  I do not own because of God but I own because there is no God.  From When I say No, I Feel Guilty by Manuel J Smith we learn, "The right to be the final judge of yourself is the prime assertive right which allows no one to manipulate you."  That is another way of looking at the value of self-ownership.

Some say owning yourself is necessarily bad in principle.  If there are bad consequences of self-ownership these do not prove I don’t own myself.

Independence means that you must not love as in be dependent on anybody else not even God. Love is what you work on after you have become self-sufficient emotionally and in other ways. Love is not dependent on passion or virtue or God but on you. 

Our strength is not a real god but it is the only god we need...


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