The Mass is the Roman Catholic rite in which bread and wine are believed to be turned into the body and blood of Jesus Christ on the altar by the priest.  Jesus during his last supper said over bread, "Take and eat . This is my body given up for you." And over wine, "Take and drink. This is my blood shed for the pardon of sins. Do this in memory of me." The priest re-enacts this during Mass thus causing the alleged transformation of bread and wine into Jesus who is presumed to be God in human flesh.

The Mass however is considered to be principally a sacrifice. The death of Jesus for sinners so that they might be forgiven is supposedly made present at Mass when the bread first and then the wine are changed. It is made present for the priest and the congregation to offer it to God.  Christians are paying for their salvation with the blood of Jesus. They are paying for it by his murder and agony.  It is striking how fanatical and extreme and barbaric and evil this doctrine is.

Church teaching is clear that if the Mass is interrupted before the priest changes the wine into Jesus' blood then there is no real Mass. No sacrifice is present.

The Mass sacrifice is compared to the Old Testament image of the lamb without blemish.  It has been noted that Jesus indicated in the gospel of Luke in reference to the saying, "physician heal thyself", could apply to him.  He is thought to have had a limp.  Plus Jesus despite accusations of being mentally ill did not refute them.  The Mass offers a false sacrifice if Jesus was indeed blemished and he was not a lamb either for he was violent with his tongue and fought in the Temple.  To pray to a man like that is to sow the seeds in yourself that make you like this man idol of yours.  Claims that Jesus was blemished for he was hit and thrashed before the crucifixion can be ignored for that is demanding too much precision.  The torments were part of the crucifixion process and can be dismissed.  The main point is that a blemished lamb is a blasphemous sacrifice.  Regardless of Christian lies about how nice God is, he does not have real compassion for invalids or injured individuals.  That is the real blasphemy of the Mass - a blasphemy against the innocent.
The Church says that Jesus proved his love in giving us his body and blood in the Mass. But as the Church teaches this does not affect Jesus' body then big deal! Eating Jesus how the Church understands it is like taking chewing gum. He is not absorbed by the body. I could give my body and blood in a Mass like he does and I won't find any difference. The great love in the Mass is just religious romanticism. And in the gospel of John's account of the last supper, there is no bread and wine ceremony mentioned. It is even said that Jesus showed his perfect love by washing his disciples feet. No mention there of him showing his love by giving his body and blood as communion! For John, the footwashing is what proved the love. It is a denial that Jesus used the last supper to offer his body and blood to God for sinners!
The Bible never says that the Mass is a real sacrifice. The Catholic Church goes into desperation mode to try and make out that it does. It scares the Church that such a major doctrine might be absent from its pages and even worse contradicted by them!
The function of a priest is to offer sacrifice. So accordingly, the reason why the Catholic Church calls its ministers priests is that they are thought to have the power to offer Jesus’ sacrifice by saying Mass. They make it present again to offer it to God. So God goes to the trouble of a useless miracle just so that the Catholic Church can call its ministers priests. The Sacrifice doesn’t need to be made present to be offered. If this doctrine of the Mass being sacrifice is untrue then priests are not priests at all.
The Catholic Bible (which the Church says men wrote but which God somehow wrote as well with the result that they only wrote what he wanted) speaks against the Sacrifice of the Mass.
Catholics allege that the words Jesus said at the Last Supper imply that his sacrifice was present then. This is an outright lie. Jesus at no point indicates, "To be at this rite is the same as being at Calvary during my death from crucifixion." The apostles would not have understood the concept of timelessness and eternity for they were ordinary men not philosophers or physicists. And we have to interpret Jesus according to how they would have understood him.
The Catholics say that as Jesus said the bread was his body sacrificed to God for many and the blood shed for the divine pardon of their sins that to celebrate the ritual is to offer Jesus crucified to God. Equally untrue. The words are symbolic. The words imply that he offered himself to God for others - yes. But he asks for the rite to be celebrated in his memory but does not say, “Say these words that the bread is my body and the wine is my blood in memory of me”. Also, some theologians say this rite could have been a drama that we are meant to copy. Then the use of the words by a minister don’t imply that he is offering Christ. And even if the rite looked back to the sacrifice of Jesus and offered that sacrifice that does require it to make the sacrifice present!! Offering a sacrifice is not necessarily the same thing as making a sacrifice.
Revelation 5:6 speaks of a lamb standing as if it were slain. Incredibly that is taken as proof that the book validates the offering of Mass. The lamb represents Jesus Christ who is understood as the Lamb of God. The problem is that Revelation is full of symbolic visions. Revelation does not claim that the lamb represents the perpetuation of Jesus' sacrifice.
Catholics hold that Psalm 110 says that Jesus would be a priest according to the order of Melchizidek. Since this man offered bread and wine to God it is reasoned that Jesus would do the same. But the Bible never says that Mel did that (Genesis 14:18) so the argument is wrong. The lie about Mel pops up in the First Eucharistic Prayer where God is asked to accept the sacrifice as he accepted the bread and wine of Melchizidek. Some Bible versions have it that Mel brought these things for he was a priest and others say he brought them and he was a priest. For and can have the same force in Greek but not necessarily here or all the time (Catholicism and Fundamentalism, page 253).
In Malachi 1:10-11, God says that among the Gentiles one perfect sacrifice will be offered all the time. Catholics say that this predicts the Mass for it speaks of one sacrifice being offered in many rites in many places. But perhaps Malachi is thinking of many animal sacrifices as a whole. All offerings to God are one in the sense that they are offered to honour him by a fellowship and in a spirit of union. But Malachi we must remember gave no hint that he meant blood sacrifice so it could be the sacrifice of lives offered to God – unbloody sacrifices or sacrifices of love not the cessation of life.

The letter to the Hebrews says that unbloody sacrifice is useless against sin.  The Church says the Mass is indeed unbloody but its case is different for the priest does not shed the victim's blood but connects you to Jesus who is doing just that.  So it is an unbloody sacrifice that makes a bloody one present.  But the letter sees the blood sacrifices of the Bible is reaching out to Jesus's bloody sacrifice so they do the same thing.  So the Mass is useless against sin and indeed helps sin by pretending to fix it.  The letter stresses that repeated sacrifices are no good and that is the main point for God fixes sin decisively with the once for all and all sufficient sacrificial death of Jesus.  The sacrifices of the Law were no good despite being connections to Jesus just because they were repeated!
The New Testament never says that there are sacrificing priests in the Christian Church. The word translated priest in fraudulent Bibles is presbyter which simply means elder.

The Sacrifice of the Mass is a heresy and a blasphemy. It is pagan idolatry and to be utterly rejected. It is enough to prove that Roman Catholicism is not Christian. It shows that the Catholics WANT to be present at the murderous death of Jesus. That is why they believe the Mass is a Sacrifice and love that twisted belief. There is no need to be present. People may hate to do evil directly but they like doing it indirectly (by letting it happen, by enabling) and enjoy it when "bad" people thump people they don't like. That way people are hurt but they have a smug glow for their hands are clean. It is more rewarding than actually thumping them themselves.
ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS CATHOLICS ARE ASKING Tony Coffey, Harvest House, Eugene, Oregon, 2006
Apologetics and Catholic Doctrine, Book 2, Most Rev M Sheehan DD, MH Gill & Son, Dublin, 1954
Apologetics for the Pulpit, Aloysius Roche, Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd, London, 1950
Apologia, Catholic Answers to Today’s Questions, Fr Marcus Holden and Fr Andrew Pinsent, CTS, London, 2010
Born-Again Catholics and the Mass, William C Standridge Independent Faith Mission, North Carolina, 1980
Catholicism and Fundamentalism, Karl Keating, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1988
Christian Order Vol 36 8-9 and Christian Order Vol 36 Number 4 53 Penerley Road, Catford, London 1995
Confession of a Roman Catholic, Paul Whitcomb, TAN, Illinois, 1985
Critiques of God, Edited by Peter A Angeles (Religion and Reason Section), Prometheus Books, New York, 1995
Documents of the Christian Church, edited by Henry Bettenson, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1979
Encyclopedia of Theology, Edited by Karl Rahner, Burns and Oates, London, 1977
Eucharist, Centre of Christian Life, Rod Kissinger SJ, Liguori Publications, Missouri, 1970
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Fr Charles Chiniquy, Chick Publications, Chino, 1985
Is Jesus Really Present in the Eucharist? Michael Evans, Catholic Truth Society, London, 1986
Handbook to the Controversy with Rome, Vol 2, Karl Von Hase MD, The Religious Tract Society, London, 1906
Living in Christ, A Dreze SJ, Geoffrey Chapman, London-Melbourne, 1969
Martin Luther, Richard Marius, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1999
Papal Sin, Structures of Deceit, Garry Wills, Darton Longman and Todd, London, 2000
Radio Replies, Vol 2, Frs Rumble and Carty, Radio Replies Press, St Paul, Minnesota, 1940
Roman Catholic Claims, Charles Gore, MA, Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1894
Salvation, The Bible and Roman Catholicism, William Webster, Banner of Truth, Edinburgh, 1990
Secrets of Romanism, Joseph Zaccello, Loizeaux Brothers, New Jersey, 1984
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Veritas, Dublin, 1995
The Early Church, Henry Chadwick, Pelican, Middlesex, 1987
The Mass, Sacrifice and Sacrament, William F Dunphy, CSSR, Liguori Publications, Missouri, 1986
The Primitive Faith and Roman Catholic Developments, Rev John A Gregg, APCK, Dublin, 1928
The Student’s Catholic Doctrine, Rev Charles Hart BA, Burns & Oates, London, 1961
This is My Body, This is My Blood, Bob and Penny Lord, Journeys of Faith, California, 1986
Why Does God…? Domenico Grasso SJ, St Pauls, Bucks, 1970
The Web
Transubstantiation, Is it a True Doctrine?
The Amplified Bible


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