The Christian God has left a stream of wrecked lives. Many hurt themselves terribly for the love of him with the collusion of the Church.  For example, St Polycarp, St Mary Magdelena da Pazzi and Padre Pio.

We may talk about sacrificing ourselves but do we?  We do what we want to do under the circumstances and we know that defying ourselves toughens us up so that we might be happy even when things go wrong.  Psychology has revealed that self-interest lurks under all we do.
If love is sacrifice and you can’t commit a sacrifice for another person you have to get into asceticism, doing penance like whipping yourself until you cry with pain for that is the closest you can get to the kind of sacrifice that helps others. Penance helps God and others too when it is offered for them.
All self-sacrifice is unreasonable when you are most sure you exist and so don’t say only reasonable sacrifices should be made. You can still live if you give away every penny. Altruism, if it is consistent, forbids the person helped to take pleasure in your kindness say you give them every penny. It demands that the person must give the money all away to somebody else. So you only seek help to give it away. That exposes self-sacrifice as slavery and meaningless activity.
We know that self-sacrifice is not necessary anyway. To help others to get something out of it for yourself such as a good feeling about yourself is better and is what we advocate as egoists.
When I am more sure I exist than that God does or my neighbour it follows that I should practice rational egoism. But God, even if he wants only a little altruistic love from me is telling me to degrade myself and do wrong which would imply I should suffer to the extreme if he is right. If it is right to degrade oneself by an act of will then the more will it takes to degrade yourself the better morally.
Christianity denies that our good works deserve infinite blessing though it says our bad works deserve infinite rejection by God in Hell which means that this cult is more concerned about our sins than our goodness. When sin is infinitely bad and when good works cannot atone for it for God does not look on them as infinitely valuable as Christianity says, then it is better to make up for sin than to do good works. We must do our best out of pure generosity even if Jesus has atoned. What is this best - helping others? No - extreme penance. This shows the hypocrisy of the Catholic confessional which gives three Hail Marys for sins as penance!
Altruism commands that if I injure a person I should make it up to them and they should accept this compensation even if they do not want it. It may not be wanted but it is needed for all evil has to be replaced by good. When I have injured others by leading them into infinite sin it follows that I owe infinite good to that person to make up for it. So nobody can say that any sacrifice is unreasonable. Carrying them on your back so that they may get to the shop without walking is reasonable. It is their duty to accept your help for you choose to atone and it is altruistic of them to accept. I will only believe in infinite sin if I believe in God so God means I believe or should believe that I should let others walk all over me and even kill myself by doing good for them.
When God offers me the choice between living in terrible agony for the rest of my life in order to donate some organs to my sick child and letting the child die, he wants to see if I will sacrifice myself for him or do the right thing no matter how terrible it is. Would it be fair for some to have to make this choice and not others? God of course would want the child to live and you to suffer for it. The incident testifies that extreme sacrifice must be practiced in all things by all people for God wants the best from all of us so when he asks some for extreme sacrifice he asks all. God comes before any child so we should seek out extreme sacrifice.
Evil can only be explained as a punishment from a God who wants us to sin so he can punish us for he makes obeying him so damn unpleasant.
Catholics say you can go to Heaven after a life of sin by making a sincere act of perfect contrition on your deathbed. Protestants say that to be with God forever in Heaven all you have to do is to receive Jesus by prayer and you are saved forever without good works. When that is enough what is the use of sacrifice? They still demand it which makes their philosophies extremely cruel. They are travesties of godly morality.
God would want us to sin if he does not want sacrifice or altruism or if he would settle for what these Christians say is enough. A quick act of repentance costs nothing and does not deserve to be called altruism for it can be reversed when one is tired of being good. It cannot suffice. If we are to be saved we have to express and prove our sorrow by performing great sacrifices. We would not be using the sacrifices to earn forgiveness but we would be using them to express repentance. Repentance would be better expressed and more real and deeper this way. So you can’t mock God by expressing repentance in prayer or by going to confession but you express it by making extreme sacrifice your prayer of, and expression of, repentance. You communicate your repentance to God through actions not words. Except you sacrifice to the extreme, the repentance cannot win forgiveness for it would be saying, “God I repent but I refuse to repent better and prove it though it is a sin.” Deathbed conversions would be futile. Jesus was driving at all these teachings when he said that we must not try to please God without undoing the harm we have done first (Matthew 5:24).
God forgives which means he takes all your sins away and gives you Heaven and saves you from the endless Hell your sins deserve. So repentance brings you something infinitely valuable. Only undergoing extreme sacrifice and using it as a prayer for repentance, for actions can ask for things too, could be the proper and genuine repentance. If you want something infinitely valuable merely asking for it makes it very easy and cheap and cheapens the benefits. If you really want something you will prove your appreciation of it and desire for it. Asking easy for something isn’t as much asking for it as would asking for it with extreme difficulty. Asking through severe penance would be taking repentance and sin very seriously.
It is blasphemy to say that sin is very seriously offensive to God and then to say that a few words of sorrow can reverse it. If you want your sin of murder forgotten by God then you should say it by a huge sacrifice. You would if you were not just after the feeling that you are not so bad anymore though you are. You would if you were not trying to steal a blessing you are not entitled to namely inner peace. I bet God would rather have us Atheists. Christian forgiveness deepens sin and nothing else. Christians and religionists condition people to accept an artificial morality which they want to follow even though its flaws are obvious. Some become clergy and missionaries to make sure the sickness is passed on. It is not about God it is about themselves. They are egotists not egoists.
A God who made us for extreme sacrifice should not have made us at all. To love him and tell people to love him would be to encourage evil and would not be love. He is unworthy of worship and religion is essential fanaticism even if not in practice.
If you believe that selfless love is the only real love as Christians state, then if you need pleasure as a bait to get you to do your duties then what praise do you deserve? Are you really any different from the person who has to be willed his dying father’s money before he will attend to his father’s sickbed?
If pleasure just happens to get us to do our duty then that shows that pleasure should never be an end in itself. When you take a drink you should do it to make you nicer to other people and not for the pleasure. That implies that enjoying yourself is wrong and that pleasure is an evil, a necessary evil maybe but an evil nonetheless. That means the less attachment you have to pleasure the better. Anyway, Christianity turns out to be a religion of killjoy after all. If the Bible did not intend us to be miserable sods it would not have contained so many rules. All it would have to do if it wanted us to be happy would be to tell us to increase the happiness of the majority as much as possible. If you believe in God the duties on your plate increase. If you believe in philanthropy you have only people to worry about.
Some would think that it would be better for God to make duties easier than to have hard duties which you will only perform with the help of pleasure. At least then it is all your own work and there were no desires being fulfilled to manipulate you and help you along. If they are right, then that is the way God should have arranged things. But the easy duty will involve pleasure which is why it is easy anyway so there is no difference.
God's doctrine that sin should be punished leads to the justification of extreme asceticism. God says anything I do to another person I do to him. If I stick out my tongue behind somebody’s back I do not hurt that person. But I offend God who sees it. If there were no God I would deserve very little retribution but because there is a God for me to offend I deserve more. He wants me to wish that there was a God, even though it is worse for me if there is, so God implies that extreme sacrifice is a duty for he wants to see us suffering. His wanting me to believe in him implies the same thing.

The Church may have it that you must love your neighbour as yourself but in practice what the Church believes in is just loving your neighbour. It is official Church teaching that the really good person doesn’t want to be loved and respected but should love and respect others instead. Then the problem is, how can you really respect others if you don’t want them to respect you? You don’t want them to be virtuous. The love then is totally artificial. You have to want to be loved and respected to love and respect others. People want us to expect good of them.


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