When you sincerely do great evil...

Himmler believed he should inflict horrors on innocent people because his leader persuaded him it was best for Germany. This does not excuse what he did (page 14, Ethics: The Fundamentals, Julia Driver, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2007) or anybody who approves of what he did. Islam and Christianity with their doctrine that certain sinners such as heretics or homosexuals will suffer in Hell forever without any hope of release just make a caricature of that principle. They approve of the horrors these sinners may face. And they manage to make fools consider this not only excusable but laudable.
The Christians would do what God does if they were God. Worship involves adoring God and wishing one was as like him as possible. They would damn you to Hell if they could become God.
Christians say you can’t blame God if you get a heart attack for you should have gone easy on the fries and the beer. It is only right that if anybody is to be blamed it should be God. The person should get the benefit of the doubt. After all many people eat bad diets and have a long lifespan. The Christians use God as an excuse for condemning somebody who cannot change the past. They have to blame to justify or soft-soap God's cruelty.
Himmler had no rational grounds for his appalling belief. The believer in God need not worry about rational grounds. He can say that God makes it best and therefore right for him to eliminate innocent people. The believer then should be less rational and more dangerous than Himmler. Himmler was not behaving like an unbeliever in God. We all know we live in an insecure world and that the thought that we are wholly in control is a delusion. If Himmler felt he could do things that made his own existence highly unsafe, he must have felt that he would be protected from the dangers. He might not articulate this as devotion to God. Not all belief in God and devotion to him and trust in him needs to be explicit. But he was clearly acting as a religious person. The atheist monster may not be as atheist as we are encouraged to think.
The view that if somebody has harmful religious beliefs that it is none of our business as long as they are sincere is wrong. If it would be our business if they were insincere then the fact that they are sincere makes them more dangerous. It is even more our business then! At least if they are insincere they know they are wrong and on the side of wrong. The whole point of it being our business is stopping the harm. It is not about interfering with their intentions as intentions for we can't change anybody's intentions for them. Belief in God endangers morality and our sense of right and wrong. If you suppose that the belief has no relevance to morality then it follows that emphasising God like religionists do is bad. The more you emphasise, the worse it is. You cannot be truly good if you dwell on God more than on what is going to motivate you to live a better life.


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