Subconscious and subliminal magic or magical thinking
Magic teaches that thoughts and rites and wishes and objects have power to do changes in the world. For example, a pink quartz can attract love into your life that you will not get without it or some similar attractant. Christianity defines magic as that which gives things a power they do not have.
We can regard something as superstition and laugh at it and not realise we are superstitious and engage in magical thinking and inclinations ourselves. We may hide this from ourselves.
If you think your evil thoughts about an enemy can do them harm that is magic even if you think of it as something else.
Religion teaches a magical doctrine of free will. In that scheme, a cause has an effect and the cause causes other things. So there is a causal chain of events that causes any particular event. Free will is the power to transcend or overrule that causal chain. It implies that a person who is always the cause of good could suddenly just change. A monk could be saintly in life and turn against God at the moment of death and still end up in Hell forever according to Catholic doctrine. Only magical power can undo a good character to do evil or undo an evil one to have an overnight conversion. Free will is a core doctrine of religion and for most people meaning magic is a core doctrine. Anything that is able to override and overcome how physical or whatever laws cause each new event to follow directly from earlier conditions is magic. The biggest magic is turning from bad to good when you have been bad all your life or turning from good to bad when you have been good all your life. That is overcoming the programming that is part of being human. There is more magic in that than a poor witch casting a spell and finding a cave filled with gold.
Not surprisingly when our core unspoken doctrine is that magic is true and
facilitates free will that it will lead to magical ideas in things apart from
free will.
Imagine a trusted friend steals from us and that friend now is an enemy.
We are angry. We hold on to anger for though it does nothing to fix a situation
we still feel it can. We engage in the magical thinking that it can either
make us feel better when it does not and cannot. Anger that cannot change
anything is pointless and only hurts yourself. We will know that and
because of our magical mentality it will not sink in. It is as if we feel
that our anger and nasty thoughts about the person have the magic power to bring
back the money stolen from us, protect us from the enemy or hurt the enemy.
We hold on to anger as if it were a magic spell and we even feed it and nurture it. The notion that we can do magic or is behind this just like it is behind prayer. It is not a good notion. To use it for good is a problem because it has a dark side. Why not drop the magic and do good instead? The wish to believe in magic is about the dark side. You show magical thinking with bad deeds but not with good ones. Even if the impulse seems to result in good the impulse is bad and the good is dangerous in the sense that it seems to validate and encourage the impossible which remains dangerous and bad.
Believers hold on to faith in God or religion as if mere belief had the magical power to make God and religion real and true. And then we wonder why when people take religion seriously enough and it asks to be taken very seriously they set out to force their belief on others particularly their children or manipulate others to believe. Believers are more belief in belief in God than belief in God. Proof that Christianity is pseudo-godly not godly is clear in how Christianity says that if you hate a person you do not love God but every Christian hates somebody and who would stand up and say they love Satan? Yet the Christian acts with love towards God - and act is the right word!! It's a charade. We should be offended at how the faith exists as a placebo for we could be at the receiving end of Christian "love". You would need to be a magic worker of incredible power to get God to think you love him when you hate a person he has made.
Some Christians forgive because they think the forgiveness protects them magically from the pain the other may do to them. That is not forgiveness and you know Christians who joyfully forgive are thinking magically. How could you be joyful when you forgive somebody who might hurt you again unless you think forgiveness is a magic potion that will change them?
Magic is basically the belief that there is power in objects and prayers and rites and thoughts and feelings that is not there but which you think can be used to control people or events in some unknown and supernatural way.
Though Catholicism condemns magic the following religious activities are magic.
People think that believing in God or something religious is tuning into the magical power of belief. They think belief in itself has magical power.
They feel good after praying because they think there is power in the words.
In a sense, if a Catholic wants to be good then the most important magic to him or her if magic exists will be the magical power to overcome the nastiness that is built into his or her human nature. Magic does not have to be about winning prizes or curing the incurable. In fact if our tendency to be bad is the biggest problem then there is more magic needed to fix that than there is needed to win millions in a draw.
The Catholic doctrine that a wafer is turned by priests into the body and blood of Jesus is shamelessly occult and magical. It is presented as spiritual food. But if your soul needs help to overcome the desire to rebel against God's law and the love of God eating somebody's body and blood CANNOT help. And Jesus only stays in you for ten minutes until the wafer is digested. So does he only feed you for a while? Why are Catholics not eating a piece of wafer four or five times every hour or on a drip or something that gets it in around the clock? If it is God's grace that changes you into a better person then what do you need the body and blood for? It is emphasised rather than the grace. Catholic magic is hypocritical and immoral and the Church should take responsibility if somebody is depending on communion to change them and nothing happens. The Mass is high occult and if you believe in magic maybe it is just a magic means of stopping God from really changing you?
So people are fond of magic and often disguise it as something else. Often they do that on purpose too!!