religion offers you a moral and spiritual treadmill not solutions and so is to blame for the evil you do so it is not an individual matter!

Religion is simply an excuse for extraordinary narcissism, paranoia, and barely repressed rage. Marty Klein PhD
That the holiest church should produce the greatest sinners is but the natural application of the principle that the corruption of the best is the worst. Father Ronald Knox

Isaiah 64:5-7 - You come to the help of those who gladly do right, who remember your ways. But when we continued to sin against them, you were angry. How then can we be saved? All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us and have given us over to our sins.

Luke 17:7-10 (ESV) - 7 Jesus said, "Will any one of you who has a servant ploughing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and recline at table’? 8 Will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink’? 9 Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? 10 So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’”

Paul says faith in the Lord Jesus is stupid and worthless if he has not returned from the dead. That implies that sincerity alone does not please God. It reminds us of how James 1:26-27 says that religion is in vain if you are a gossip. He says you incorrectly think you are religious. Thus a man-made religion or a religion based on a lie deserves no devotion. James and Paul will not stand for the argument that if religion is false it is useful enough and that is what matters.

Romans 5:20 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE) - Law came in, to increase the trespass; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.

Evil doctrine and false teaching cannot be tolerated in the Church for it spreads as does gangrene 2 Tim. 2:17. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump according to 1 Corinthians 5:6 and Galatians 5:9. These are warnings not to be confident that a Church can be trusted. Constant assessment is needed.

Slippery Slope
A hundred people go on the slippery slope to becoming suicide bombers who kill for God. Only one goes all the way. The others haven't done it. But that is nothing to boast about. They could have. That is what this is about. That is why the slippery slope is so terrible and is not to be enabled or tolerated. The suicide bomber starts off by thinking that God gives him knowledge and this knowledge is right no matter what evidence says it is wrong. If you don't suicide bomb, you are still standing on the suicide bomber foundation.
Christianity teaches that “sin and wicked behaviour can never be satisfied.” One example of this is how the thief starts off taking little things and then soon she or he is robbing the most vulnerable in our society.
Christians believe in more sins than the unbeliever does. For the Christian, it is a sin to deny that Jesus was perfect while the unbeliever will have no problem.
Something that encourages people to think they are worse than they are if evil feeds on evil is not good. If we are prone to going on the slippery slope, that only makes us more likely to go on it.
And if a religion allows murder under certain circumstances and you want to murder the rich old maid, then it is hardly a big deal if you do. That is why the Catholic Church cannot complain if a man errs and thinks Jesus still wants him to stone gay people to death!
People like to be thought good even when they are not!
People like to be thought good. Thus if you make out that doing good is also serving God that is an additional reason to be hypocritical.
We find that non-religious people and people of every religion are as good as each other. The reason is because they are human. Every religious person - unless very mentally disturbed - has enough humanity in them to be part of society. It is trying to fit in enough that unites us all.
We see then that though it is true that the religious and non-religious are as good as each other, this point does nothing to justify the existence of religion. In fact it demands that people drop religion and be better as humans.
If we have original sin, we will not want to give it up. The Bible says sin enslaves you for you get attached to it and you let it capture you. It gets a grip on you and you get a grip on it. It is wise to assume that we will create religions that give false cures for the problem. It makes us look good while doing nothing about the sickness of original sin.
The Treadmill
Religion is like a treadmill where the members fall every day and start again. Often they do as much damage or more than those who do not start again. And the temptation to pretend to be starting again will be great. They have given up inside because they are always falling. And when they die they are replaced by new people as bad as themselves and sometimes worse. A treadmill religion is not helping with the problem of human evil. Saying, “We are all sinners” can be an excuse for giving up sin for a few days and then resuming again. It nearly always is. It is arrogant and immature and irresponsible to think that a religion that keeps you starting again is a good one. It is like thinking a hospital is good for releasing you every day and re-admitting you the next day.
When religious doctrine tries to blame the members!

A religion is both a social structure an organisation and a system of spirituality. That is why if priests suddenly start sacrificing babies on altars and even the pope does it, some say that it is not an act of the Church but an act of the members of the Church. When does it become an act of the Church? If some scripture it has says it does right even if it never obeyed it before then it is an act of the Church. Or if the Church uses a procedure to make it part of its required and defining doctrine such as by putting it in the official catechism then it is an act of the Church. If it is an act of what the Church worships as God then it is an act of the Church as well even if the Church won't tell us. If the Church is fake and a false religion it is to blame for evil even if it does not endorse it. A sugar pill sold as an anticoagulant is responsible for strokes and heart attacks. Same idea. And the Church by rejecting the suggestion only makes itself despicable. There is a difference between a religion not being to blame for what members might do and the religion using those people as scapegoats to take the blame for its flaws as a religion.

A religion cannot function if all its members are sacrificing babies against its teaching. It cannot be a religion. The reality is that joining a church has a lot to do with the kind of people in the Church. A religion cannot be wholly detached from the kind of people who compose it. Nobody accepts a religion as good when it is full of bad people even if the teaching is good. You can use good to make people bad so good in that sense is not everything.

If you have to wait until a religion uses a doctrinal procedure to make evil an act of religion then until then you must consider it POTENTIALLY an act of the Church or religion. That alone is enough reason to look for the exit door. If people walk away then it will never get to the stage where it can implement the procedure for it will have disbanded before that. If you stay you give it the chance. Many people stayed in religions before until it was too late and because of their support they ended up part of the problem.

If a religion is man-made, then because man has no authority to bind people to believe x or y or z, then it only matters what the believers do not what catechisms or statements of belief it can put evil into. The evil is an act of the religion whether it is official or required doctrine or not. Thus to say that the man-made religion of x is not in some way to blame for what its suicide bombers or child molesting clergy do is to insult the victims and put religious ideology over that.

Notice how at the start we saw that religion is a system of people and a system of what people are to believe or do (spiritual). For a religion not to be to blame for what people do it would need to be solely an organisation of people. People who organise themselves into village x are not all to blame when one person sprays grafitti. They are to blame if they claim the village has magical properties or spiritual forces that heal the evil side of human nature. Notice how religion would admit it is both systems and manipulate you to ignore the fact that its spiritual treatments for sin do not work and thus it is to blame for the harm that follows.

Be fair!

Religious community is based on solidarity. Solidarity means you can't just be one with people in trouble. That is selective. Fairness means you share their responsibility for harm even if it's just about group repentance. If you are only interested in being lumped with your religion when it is good then that shows you know fine well that the evil done by other members though not your direct responsibility is in some indirect way your responsibility as well as part of a shared system.

There is such a thing as a religion being understandably brought into shame and disrepute by the actions of one or a few. All it takes is somebody to do something. Religion admits this and so does society. So why are opportunistic people and politicians saying religion is just good?

Catholic Chesterton: "If something is worth doing, it is worth doing badly." Religion has an unspoken doctrine that bad religion is better than none! So that makes it a liar if it presents itself as all about being good. Religion claims that as it is about God and the way he approves worship that it of all things is the one thing that is worth doing badly if, hypothetically, nothing else is.

The Bible preaches bad harmful violent religion as a good and oddly enough complains a lot about bad religion. Even its Jesus complains. The Bible is evidence and proof that religion can be inherently violent. Acts 23 for example plainly teaches that theological differences can on their own be a source of violence. People who know or suspect Christianity is false will not leave it even though Jesus said that religion needs to be a black or white issue. Christ said it should be either or.


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