The Roman Catholic Church says that we have inherited a bias towards sin from Adam.  More liberal religionists say we are born sinners somehow but they don't know how.  The true Protestants say that we sin all the time unless we are saved by faith.

So, when a person does good for you it is more than half likely to be an attempt to manipulate you for their selfish ulterior motive. When a person tells you something it is most likely to be a lie.

And the Churches are the very people who ask for our trust. They say that it is a sin to be too suspicious but yet they imply that you can’t be too suspicious. When everybody turns cynical they will make themselves and others unhappy and this will lead to scheming and fighting. People will not care what they do, for each individual will think that they must get everybody else before they get them. It is most likely that the religious people only fake it when they seem to trust other people. If they do trust then they are not really religious. They would not promote the doctrine of preferring sinfulness or support cults that do it if they really trusted others. They can’t trust others when they tell lies and have them doing the same. They cannot trust themselves so how could their trust for others be genuine?

It is blasphemy of the highest order to believe in God and what he has done when you have to rely on treacherous men to hear the word of God and when they interpret the word for you. Then you are really seeing God as the men want you to see him and that is putting them first and blaspheming God and espousing evil doctrine and opposing the truth that God wants all to know. The blasphemy is a most serious sin indeed.

And the believers condemn gossip. If we are that bad does it really matter what people say about us? They can say we stole this or that and even if it is not true that does not matter for we would have done something as bad sometime. Everybody gossips and the religious notion of original sin certainly makes sure that they will when they dare to. It is clever how much religion condemns evils and then persuades people that doctrines which will draw them to commit them are true. That way it can look like the enemy of evil while it sneakily tricks people into doing it. What is happening is that people end up acting terribly because they believe they are terrible anyway so doing more evil will make no difference.

Religion says that the gravity of a sin is reduced by the amount of evil that is in the victim. For example, it is very evil to hit a saint but not as evil to hit a killer. If we are all evil then the person who beats us up and nearly kills us is unjustly maligned by society. He is bad but his crime is a small one and when society likes small crimes it should not deplore this one. When a person believes in such doctrines his or her resistance to the temptation to commit sick acts will gradually wear down. When they are caught and punished they will not be sorry because they will see themselves as victims of society. It will make them worse.

The law of the land would have to be revised to make it soft or evil if we are that bad. Religion could say that life and freedom are punishment enough.

Doctrines like this throw a damper on everything in life and make you feel guilty all the time. God is unlimited love so he hates unlove or sin infinitely. And the fact that sin would therefore be infinitely evil means we should feel like we poisoned the whole world. Religion likes inducing guilt because it makes us more malleable and it can use us better.


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