THE UNFORGIVABLE SIN when Jesus said there is an offence that will not be pardoned in this world or in the afterlife
Christians brought up in a biblical atmosphere are often horrified to learn that
Christ said that there was a sin that could not be forgiven in this world or in
the world to come, an eternal sin. They wonder what it is and find their clergy
cagey on the subject. And then they begin to wonder if they have – horror of
horrors - committed it! But he who invented the eternal sin becomes guilty of
the infinite malice of it. It is vindictive wishful thinking – if you want
somebody to be unlimitedly evil by committing a sin then that says how evil you
are. It is pure evil to accuse people of such a sin. Jesus Christ was evil.
Jesus was supposedly casting demons out and the Jews said he was doing it by the
Devil’s power. Jesus “refuted” the accusation that his exorcisms were done by
the Devil’s power. He said that Satan will not put Satan out or he will have no
kingdom left. Then Jesus said that the alleged absurdity of the accusation was
the reason why those who insulted the Holy Spirit, who did his miracles, by
attributing his works to the Devil, would never be forgiven – ever (Matthew
12:22-37). He claimed that they would not be forgiven in this world or in the
world to come. This implies they will be condemned forever perhaps in the
everlasting torment of Hell that Christians believe in.
Did Jesus say that the people who alleged that the healings and miracles he did
were empowered by Satan committed the unforgiveable sin? Yes. And imagine what
it is like if you say the big miracle of Jesus' resurrection was a satanic
trick! And it is one way or another for even if Jesus was alive in some
unexplained or unknown way after being reportedly crucified that does not amount
to a resurrection. Satan inspired the Christian lie that it does! It is very
harsh and bullying for somebody to say such a strong thing just because the true
origin of their healings and miracles was questioned.
The same account in the Mark Gospel simply says that whoever says Jesus casts
out demons by the Devil which insults the Holy Spirit will never have
forgiveness but is guilty of an eternal sin. Jesus had not revealed Hell by
then. Some thinkers say that nobody is forced to go to Hell and stay there. They
simply go there because they refuse to repent and will never change. Hell is
based on the idea of the damned person being unable to repent - whether by
choice or by force. So his hearers would have assumed that he meant a sin that
was committed in this life and which couldn’t be gotten rid of whether attempts
were made to get forgiven or not. The sin would be beyond forgiveness. By
implication, if you survive death you will still not be free of the sin and are
stuck with it eternally. All that is what he meant, for to interpret you must
put yourself in the hearer’s shoes. Certainly Matthew interpreted Jesus that way
when he felt he could clarify Mark’s wording by stressing the sin would never be
pardoned in this life or the next.
When Jesus was so desperate to scare his critics into silence and into
acceptance of his powers as having a divine origin with that ridiculous threat
it shows that he was manipulative and wanted to stop people thinking straight.
He was cruel and hard and deceitful. He was a clone of the Satan he pretended to
hate for he didn’t want the people to consider the issue of the origin of the
miracles objectively which meant that he believed himself that God had nothing
to do with them. An honest man does not need to terrorize but an insecure fraud
or Satanist does. It is absolutely certain that Jesus believed in forced
conversion for it was his aim to force these people to see him as the infallible
Son of God. What makes it worse is that the Jews knew and Jesus knew that just
because it looked like he was casting demons out that it didn’t mean he was
really doing so! Failed exorcisms or people who relapsed into possession were
But anyway what is this eternal sin?
Christians say that it is stubborn hatred of God. It won’t be repented which is
why it cannot be forgiven for God forgives all who harbour genuine contrition.
The text does not actually mention ingrained hate or ingrained anything.
It just speaks of saying something against the Holy Spirit. The text does
not say whether or not the people saying that knew Jesus really came from God.
So nobody can be sure that they had set their hearts against God. All
hypocrites in religion cannot be complete fakes - you have to have a little
sincerity in some things. The lover fooling her or his victim has to have
some affection for the victim otherwise it cannot be done.
All the Jews uttering the blasphemy couldn’t have been that stubborn. The sin
cannot be the sin of obstinacy. Obstinacy involves blasphemy but it is not
blasphemy. Jesus said the sin was blasphemy, insulting God verbally and
sincerely by calling him evil. Also that is the sin that started him talking
about all this so the context supports this. The blasphemy may be caused by
hardness of heart but it is the blasphemy that is called unforgivable. He is not
on about hardness of heart at all.
The interpretation that Jesus just meant a free and permanent rejection of God
is absurd for you don’t say even of a stubborn sinner that they are guilty of an
eternal sin!
In Matthew 12, where he speaks of the unforgivable blasphemy against the Holy
Spirit, Jesus tells the Pharisees to declare a tree rotten and its fruit rotten
or declare a tree good and its fruit good one or the other. He then says to them
that they cannot say anything good for they are evil inside and are a brood of
vipers. He tells them they are wholly evil. That in itself would not mean they
cannot change.
Jesus said that whoever insults the Son of Man will be forgiven but whoever
insults the Holy Spirit will not. So if the word insult meant insult until death
without remitting then why did he say that those who blaspheme the Son of Man
will be forgiven? If you stubbornly blaspheme the Son of Man forever you will
not be saved either. He meant that you could be left outside salvation forever
just for saying something about the Holy Spirit in a moment of anger even if you
relent the next minute.
Don't forget that Jesus never said that the accusers were that stubborn and a
person can mock the Holy Spirit without being incorrigible and he would have
accepted the doctrine of the prophet Ezekiel that God could melt the most
hardened heart. His meaning is that all who commit the sin are destined for
everlasting perdition in Hades. We dismiss the view that the sin against the
Holy Spirit is stubborn lifelong impenitence for it is sheer speculation. There
is no justification for it in the text.
Others say that it is final impenitence, the sin of choosing to go to Hell as
one dies. This sin cannot be pardoned for there is said to be no repentance
beyond the grave for one who dies in hatred of God.
None of those people were dying. Dying isn’t mentioned. Again, Jesus said the
sin was blasphemy, insulting God verbally and sincerely by calling him evil.
Impenitence wouldn’t be described as blasphemy for that is too unclear.
Luke 12:10 merely has Jesus saying without qualification that whoever speaks
against him will be forgiven but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will
never be forgiven. He says it to his disciples not the Pharisees or scribes.
There is no mention of him dealing with those accusing him of using Satan's
power to do exorcisms in Luke. He says it clearly and simply. He meant what he
said despite the efforts of liars in the Church to twist the meaning. No
rational person would take him to mean anything other than the straightforward
Against this some state that Jesus never said his hearers committed the
unforgiveable sin. He is said to have indicated that they were merely in danger
of it. But the text as given in Mark 3:20-30 says they said his works were from
the devil and he said that anybody who says that cannot be forgiven and the text
says he said this BECAUSE they said he uses the devil to do his works. Read
verse 30. The statement is an attempt to get around the text. Plus he spoke of
people saying his works were from the Devil. He passes no comment on whether he
thinks they meant it or not. Blasphemy means using speech against God. The sin
was blasphemy pure and simple.
Another point, he said, "I give you my word." In other words, "What I am saying
is not obvious so take my word for it." Then he went on to say that all
blasphemies men utter will be pardoned but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit
carries the guilt of this sin forever and will never be forgiven. It is obvious
that a person who will not repent cannot have a relationship with God. So
that is not what he is thinking of. He is asking us to trust him that
those who insult the work of the Holy Spirit will not be saved.
He asks us to take his solemn word for it like it were an oath - that is how
strong this is. He is emphasising that what he is about to say is to be taken on
faith. It would be obvious that you cannot enjoy a relationship with God if you
hate him. You would need somebody to tell you if a sin cannot be forgiven such
as a particular form of blasphemy. That is what Jesus is doing.
How could the sin be final impenitence when Jesus says it will not be remitted
in this world? There is no point in saying that when you are talking about a
person who has just breathed the last breath. It would be nonsense to say final
impenitence cannot be pardoned in this world if it only happens as you leave it.
Jesus never mentioned deathbeds. It is the insult not the stubbornness he has a
go at. It would be absurd to say that the sin of final impenitence will not be
forgiven in this world for it is a sin that is only committed on the brink of
leaving it and it is not forgiven for you die and it is too late then to change.
God simply will not pardon the sin of speaking against the Holy Spirit whether
or not it is repented.
The sin cannot be final impenitence or an incorrigible stubbornness so it must
be the sin of simply saying God's work is nothing more than the work of Satan.
Jesus said that any insult could be pardoned except the blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit. He didn’t mean, “If you stubbornly refuse pardon and refuse to
repent you will not be pardoned”. That is as strange as saying, “If you take the
plane to Spain you will not get there by plane without the plane”. The sin was
distinct from impenitence.
Though Jesus is not on about incurable hate for God, what if you commit this sin
and God prevents repentance in the person who commits it? That is a
different subject. It is the difference between becoming stubborn and God
making you stubborn.
Christianity teaches that God only accepts repentance that is supernatural in
motive and cause and origin. All the repentance in the world will make no
difference unless it is this kind. The sinner could believe that he or she has
really repented for insulting the Spirit and get a surprise on judgement day and
learn that the sense of peace with God was an illusion. The Bible warns that
feelings and beliefs are worthless and that the only light is the word of God.
It is the final arbiter.
We cannot give God the repentance he accepts for forgiving sin unless he helps
us. If the sin is unpardonable only for the stubborn then Jesus would have said
so but he didn’t. So God refuses to give the grace of the repentance that he
accepts to the person who blasphemes the Holy Spirit.
Jesus and Paul believed that there was nothing a human being in its natural
state could do that was not tainted by sin so even the good works are full of
spite against God. This is absolute proof that the eternal sin was simply heresy
and heresy is the blasphemy of accusing the truth of God of being hellish in
origin. Once you committed the heresy of ascribing evil to what was really
divine you would be excluded from Heaven and not even God himself would change
Jesus has made it an unforgivable sin to knowingly speak ill of the Holy Spirit.
God either ignores those who repent it or he deprives them of the grace they
need to repent it. Christians have to accept the latter view for they hold that
there is no real goodness in life without divine assistance.
This interpretation has the support of tradition. The earliest tradition is in
the Didache an early record of the apostles teaching. This book claims to be
without error. 6:1 See that no one leads you astray from the way of this
teaching, since all other teachings train you without God.
It is clear that the sin against the Spirit is not just about offences against
Jesus but against anybody who speaks for the Spirit and who is dismissed without
Here is the data from the Didache regarding how it is an eternal sin to insult the
Holy Spirit.
11:4 Let every apostle who comes to you be received as the Lord.
11:5 But he must not remain more than one day, or two, if there's a need. If he
stays three days, he is a false prophet.
11:6 And when the apostle goes away, let him take nothing but bread to last him
until his next night of lodging. If he asks for money, he is a false prophet.
11:7 In addition, if any prophet speaks in the Spirit, you shall not try or
judge him; for every sin will be forgiven, but this sin cannot be forgiven.
11:8 But not everyone who speaks in the Spirit is a prophet; only he is a
prophet who has the ways of the Lord about him. By their ways will the false
prophet and the prophet be known.
11:9 Any prophet who orders a meal in the Spirit does not eat it; if he does, he
is indeed a false prophet.
11:10 And any prophet who teaches the truth, but does not do what he teaches, is
a false prophet.
11:11 When a prophet, proved true, works for the mystery of the church in the
world but does not teach others to do what he himself does, he will not be
judged among you, for his judgment is already before God. The ancient prophets
acted in this way, also.
11:12 But whoever says in the Spirit, "Give me money," or something else like
this, you must not listen to him. But if he tells you to give for the sake of
others who are in need, let no one judge him.
The idea here is that judging helps a person reform but with that sin there
is no point.,
CONCLUSION: Jesus said that saying the works of the Holy Spirit come from evil
is an unpardonable sin for God simply will not forgive it or grant the grace of
repentance to the one who commits it. The Church agrees that he was saying that
those who say this suffer a basic evil in themselves (see the note in the NAB
for Matthew 12:33-37). He incites hatred against them. He says they are
basically evil as persons.