Many foolish people believe that the Virgin Mary has been appearing in Medjugorje to a number of people since 1981 and giving messages. Many of these believers are fanatical and immune to rational argument. The bishops of the area have a lot to suffer for being unbelievers in the visions.
If God really wishes to teach people through sending visions of Mary to them, he would have a standard procedure up and running. The procedure would be that the apparition teaches the visionaries, then the visionaries write down the message and a vision confirms that the message has been written down properly. This is not done at Medjugorje. To believe in any of the alleged apparitions is simply to impute incompetence to God.

A Medjugorje message from the “Virgin Mary” told the visionaries not to pray for themselves but for others. If prayer is about helping others then you ought to do as she says. So prayer must be a form of magic and God may not help the person unless you ask. If prayer is about resolving to be virtuous and just connecting to God in a mutual relationship then you ought not to listen to her. She is asking you to pray for others to be holy not you! She is asking you to pray for others to love God while you will not pray to love him also. That is sinful blasphemy or are you confident that you are so perfect that you do not need to pray?

Mary was very cross on 21 Feb 1985. In a message she said the parish should keep Lent properly and if it did not she would not give it any more messages. In other words, she wasn't going to be very helpful!

Visionary Ivanka Ivankovic said something interesting to Fr. Svetozar:

Ivanka: The Madonna said that religions are separated in the earth, but the people of all religions are accepted by her Son.

Fr. S: Does that mean that all people go to Heaven?

Ivanka: It depends on what they deserve.

Fr. S: Yes, but many have never heard about Jesus.

Ivanka: Jesus knows all about that; I don’t. The Madonna said, basically, religions are similar; but many people have separated themselves, because of
religion, and become enemies of each other.

The error here is the outrageous statement that all religions are similar.  How could a pro-abortion religion really be similar to one that is anti?  That is a subject that has to result in polarising

Here is what "Mary" says about purgatory. "There are many souls in Purgatory. There are also persons who have been consecrated to God – some priests, some religious. Pray for their intentions, at least the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be, seven times each, and the Creed. I recommend it to you. There is a large number of souls who have been in Purgatory a long time because no one prays for them." July 21, 1982. The notion of souls having nobody to pray for them is nonsense for the Church always prays for the soul there the longest. And the Hail Mary supposedly helps get souls nearer release though it is merely asking Mary to ask God to let them out. But what does she need to be asked for? Why isn't she getting the soul out whether she is asked to or not. A Mary who cannot help a soul unless somebody on earth asks her to is nothing more than a figment of a superstitious imagination.
Seer Ivan wrote a nasty letter to the bishop wherein he relayed the message from Mary that the bishop is to convert immediately and believe in the apparitions or else. The letter was checked and Ivan definitely wrote it. The Church says an apparition is supposed to draw attention to the revelation God has already given and is not to threaten or give new revelations. The Church says that revelation we are bound to accept ceased with the death of the last apostle. The Medjugorje vision must think she is the new Bible and the new god.
According to Donal Anthony Foley, the apparition never condemns contraception or homosexuality. This is a sure sign that the vision is unwilling to promote papal teaching. This is a sign of a hoax. A true vision from God would not overlook sin to avoid offending sinners. Or has Mary got politically correct.
Bizarrely, the apparition has never attacked abortion. Is it a Catholic apparition at all?


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