The Whore of Babylon features in the Bible. Despite attempts to paint her as Jerusalem she is actually Rome understood as the spiritual empire of the world.
Is she the Roman Catholic Church? Did the author of Revelation hear
that the ideas that formed this Church were appearing in Rome? Is that how
his prediction turned out more plausible than you would expect?
The Book of Revelation sees the whore as an occult power that uses witchcraft to
fool the nations – so she evidently seems nicer than she really is. In 18:23 it
reads “by your magic spells and poisonous charm all nations were led astray”.
This tells us the reason the whore can be behind everything evil, it has magical
powers with which to delude the world. Some believe the Church is behind
everything evil in the sense that it works with the Devil and increases his
power and influence in the world. This is true too of the whore as described in
Revelation but it also has occult power. The whore would naturally do all it
could to deceive people all over the world so that they think they are in touch
with God while it is the Devil who they are really in touch with. The whore
would have to be the largest religion in the world to do this. The evil it does
lives on after it is done and infects other religions and pollutes the rulers of
the world forever which is how it has so much power to do evil. This indicates
then that the whore has been the whore for a long time. It would need to have
been in order to defile the world meaning nearly everybody has tasted and been
polluted by its power. Jesus said we must expect him back at any moment
therefore he is telling us that Catholicism is the whore and has been for a long
long time.
Read the verse again. It says the whore is charming. So is the Roman Church and
the pope certainly fools people with his smiles and his lies and gets respect
despite the fact that the evidence that he is really the infallible head of the
Church is so bad and at best ambiguous that he must have deliberately stolen his
office. The charm that beguiles the world indicates that the Church pretends to
be nice but does lots of evil behind the scenes and gets away with it. The
excessive cruelty in Church institutions and priests raping children would be
the tip of the iceberg if that is true.
Only the Catholic Church could be the whore. Its doctrines alone would be enough
to prove it. It’s paganism and lies and magic tricks with miracles and priests
make it the modern day manifestation of ancient Babylon with its paganism and
Babylon has to give us a god who is not the true God. Catholicism does that with
the communion bread believed to be Jesus Christ. Babylon has to give us many
gods. Catholicism does that for the saints are more powerful than God. God is
their subject because they influence God which means they are stronger. Nothing
can influence an all-wise and all-powerful perfect being unless it is wiser and
more powerful than it. The Church says it believes in salvation by the blood of
Jesus. But its Jesus has little value compared with the saints so his blood
cannot save. Babylon has to prevent the word of God speaking for itself. Roman
Catholicism does that with its doctrine that the pope and the Church and
tradition are the interpretators of scripture. It is an interpretation that is
believed in not the scriptures for interpretations are like clouds in front of
the moon.
The Catholic Church seeks guidance from angels and saints in prayer. It also
agrees with people meeting up with saints in visions. There is no biblical
warrant for accepting messages from the dead. It is spiritualism. The Roman
Church is an occult sect. It will say that the beings are holy and love God and
are sent from God but spiritualists say the same about the beings they
encounter. The God of Rome is worse than the Devil because he causes sin for he
prevented Mary from ever sinning and will not grant the rest of us the same
favour. Nearly every Roman Catholic doctrine implies that God is Satan and worse
for Satan tempts but God goes a step further! Revelation ends with a warning
that nobody has the right to change a single word in it because it contains
warnings for tough times in the future when the Church has to deal with the
coming of the whore and all that. It curses anybody that tries to tamper. Pope
Sixtus V produced a messy Bible and ordered the whole Church to accept it on
pain of excommunication. Can a Protestant see this as coincidence?
We know that the saints Catholicism prays to are really neo-pagan gods and they
deny that God is really supreme or really God.
The Virgin Mary is the goddess in Catholicism that corresponds to the goddess
Semiramus in Babylon. Her Jesus is the Nimrod of Babylon for he is an idol for
the Church worships a wafer as Jesus and cannot honour God because it cannot
cleanse from sin.
We know that Jesus Christ was not God so the Jesus the Church adores as God the
Son is a mocking idol of Jesus. The Church then offers one of the other Jesuses
the apostle Paul warned us about that couldn’t save.
We know that the Church says it can make babies children of God and wash their
souls of sin by baptism which contradicts the Bible where Jesus says that only
happens at the behest of the spirit which like the wind is unpredictable. The
result is that the Church consists of fake children of God and is a fake
Christian Church.
The Catholic Church teaches lots of untrue doctrines. It has Catholics taking
fake forgiveness of sins from priests who cannot forgive sins. The book, By
Faith Alone, RC Sproul, (Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1995) proves that
Protestantism is true Christianity because it teaches that salvation is by faith
alone without sacraments which contradicts the Catholic view that you need
sacraments. The Church of Rome objects that this means that you are your own
Church. This is hypocrisy for they know that the Bible advises a Christian to
join a Church but doesn’t however state that it is necessary for salvation or a
sin not to bother. The Christian is put into a family when he converts and is
expected to join a Church that teaches the Bible for fellowship and the
Christian if he loves God will not be his own Church but will obey the voice of
God in the Bible. Even the Church of Rome teaches that the sacraments are no
good unless you open your heart up to God for salvation so if this is not being
your own Church they should not be saying Protestants are guilty of that for
there is no difference.
The Catholic Church keeps people away from God just as much as God says idolatry
The Church corrupts people by making them depend on sacraments that do not work
to make them better people. . A faith that fails to do more good than bad with
its powers is to blame for anything evil that its people do. But there is
nothing a good Catholic does that cannot be explained by just the goodness in
human nature. The Church commands people to go to Mass and to pay money to the
priests when it should be commanding people as strongly to help the poor. It has
put these rules into its well-known commandments of the Church. It condemns
somebody who prefers to help the poor on a Sunday than go to Mass as a grave
We know that the communion bread and wine that Rome worships is not Jesus
Christ. So Roman Catholicism commits the greatest sin of all according to the
Bible, idolatry. Rome says that it worships Jesus in the Eucharist but that is
not the point. If the Eucharist is not Jesus then it is bread and wine that are
adored. Rome lies knowing fine well that the Law of Moses forbade the worship of
images of God such as the golden calf. Nobody adores a statue just because it is
a statue but because it is thought to be a link to the God but Rome goes further
by claiming that the wafer is Jesus.
We know that the Roman Church opposes the gospel of salvation by faith alone
which is the Bible gospel. The Bible says that you are saved by faith and that
is not of yourself and isn’t your work so that you cannot boast and you are
chosen to do good works (Ephesians 2:8,10). Catholics claim that faith is not
infused by God like this and isn’t enough to mark you out as saved – you need to
make your own input so you can boast.
The Church arbitrarily distinguishes between sin that does not deserve an
eternity in Hell and sin that does which contradicts reason and the Bible which
say all does and means people are dying in sin they think will not take them to
Hell which actually does. Thus the Church prepares people for death who are not
prepared to meet God at all though they think they are.
The Church says that you never know 100% that you are saved from Hell. Even if
you are on your deathbed and know 100% that there is a Heaven you cannot be as
sure that you will get in one day. The Church says that in Hell you cannot help
yourself. If you go to Purgatory you cannot help yourself either. You just have
to suffer there until you are considered pure enough for Heaven. And the Church
is clear that the pains of purgatory and the sense that you are not with God all
match the torments and loneliness of Hell. And you could be in purgatory a long
time. What if purgatory is a scam for getting you into Hell and keeping you
there? What if it is Hell you end up in and you think you are in purgatory?
The Catholic Church held more Jubilee years when it was having money
difficulties to attract more tourists to Rome to get and indulgence, a remission
of the punishment for sin, it’s a gospel that can be used commercially (page 38,
By Faith Alone).
The ideal in Catholicism is to obey the pope without question as the Vicar of
Christ. We can’t see if Jesus gets any benefit from this so this is no different
at all from the pope actually claiming to be God or Jesus. Practically, where it
counts there is no difference.
There are countless other reasons why the Catholic Church is not the Church of
Christ but a counterfeit.
If Catholicism is not the whore then the Book of Revelation is not divinely
inspired for it is full of useless predictions about a universal whore Church
that nobody can make sense of. But the book says it can be understood for how
could we be blessed in learning what it says (Revelation 1:3) when we cannot
understand it to learn?
The whore will fool the world so she must make herself appear loving and caring
above all other organisations so her charity work and spirituality will seem to
be outstanding but are really part of her kiss of death. The prophecy is no good
if it will be fulfilled privately or in a way that nobody can see easily. That
means if it could mean Rome it must mean Rome. Therefore only those who
are not superficial and who take God’s word for it will see the whore for what
she is and only because of what God says for there are many whores. Revelation
identifies the whore and says she is a whore no matter how beautiful and
attractive she makes herself.