The Mass offers bread and wine pretended to be flesh and blood and pretends to offer Jesus as a sacrifice to God.

Genesis however tells us, "Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering,  but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.  Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”  Now Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.” While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him."

The moral is that the person who does not offer blood sacrifice to God offends him as a person and the offering offends too.  Cain's implied rejection of God led him to murder and evil.  God does not like peaceful sacrifices so the warning is that religious evil is a guard against worst evil.  This implies a lot of terrible things about the Mass - it is the modern Cain sacrifice.

Rev John O’Brien, The Faith of Millions,

When the priest pronounces the tremendous words of consecration, he reaches up into the heavens, brings Christ down from His throne, and places Him upon our altar to be offered up again as the Victim for the sins of man. It is a power greater than that of monarchs and emperors: it is greater than that of saints and angels, greater than that of Seraphim and Cherubim. Indeed it is greater even than the power of the Virgin Mary. While the Blessed Virgin was the human agency by which Christ became incarnate a single time, the priest brings Christ down from heaven, and renders Him present on our altar as the eternal Victim for the sins of man—not once but a thousand times! The priest speaks and lo! Christ, the eternal and omnipotent God, bows His head in humble obedience to the priest’s command.


God told Cyrus that though he was a sincere worshipper of Marduk that he did not know the true God (Isaiah 45:5,6). And there wasn’t much to know then for it was simple: there was one God and he authored the Torah.  There has been a lot more to learn and know since!

Paul told the Athenians that when they worshiped what they called the unknown God they were adoring his God implying that when they honoured the other gods that they didn’t contact him (Acts 17:23).  The Bible says that the Israelites did what was evil in God’s sight and they worshipped the Baals and abandoned him. This text denies that the worship of other gods is somehow the worship of the real God.  It is not indirect or implicit or confused worship of God.  It is not worship of God full stop.

The honour given to false gods and idols belongs to Satan (1 Corinthians 10:19, 20). To adore the Eucharist is to adore the Devil.

Jesus said that the abomination of desolation mentioned in Daniel was yet to come.  The Mass could be this abomination.  Nothing else fits.


The Roman Catholic Church says that God can turn bread and wine into his son so that they are not bread and wine at all any more but Jesus. This doctrine is called transubstantiation. God performs this change when the Catholic priest blesses bread and wine on the altar at Mass. The food and drink are taken as communion - something that really and truly unites people together and to God.
The Catholic Mass is a good proof of the power of self-deception. The communion wafer has none of the characteristics of living things. It doesn't excrete or breath etc. Yet it is alive according to the Church. The Mass makes nonsense of science. The believer knows it's not alive but that does not stop him worshipping it. It's idolatry pure and simple.
If the Catholic communion wafers are not God then the worship cannot go to God even if the Catholic wants the worship to if he or she happens to be wrong about the wafers being God.  With Catholic communion it is claimed that we are what we eat.  Catholics consume Jesus to become him.  So if it is mere bread then it is idolatry of the worst kind.  It is better to worship a frogs backside as God than to depend on consuming as God in human flesh that which is not God.

The Bible warns about religious leaders and how clever they can be when doing Satan’s work which aims to destroy and corrupt God’s truth. In the Bible way, you must only follow human leaders when you are sure they really stand for the word of God. But the Catholic Church says that we must by obligation attend Mass once a week at least for Jesus is physically present at Mass. This rule makes corruption of the people so much easier for they don’t want to be looked down on for not attending and they have to listen to the sermon. The rule is dangerous therefore Jesus did not institute the Mass. It would be a sin to go to a Church where there was no Mass if you are a Catholic for it’s Mass you should be going to. Moreover we see that the Mass gains respect for the priest. And we are sure of that but we have no reason to be as sure that Jesus really gets anything from it. So it benefits the Church leadership mostly for that very reason. It is a power tool.
God would ask us to serve him in our neighbour and go no further with that for his burden has to be as light as he can make it for simplicity is a virtue especially in a busy world. But the Mass creates a whole pile of new rules, go to Mass every Sunday, don’t treat communion wafers with disrespect, receive once a year at least, pray to the Blessed Sacrament and visit it. Anything that does that encourages sin because it gives us more to sin about. The gospel Jesus had very little time for rules. He said things about himself in the synagogue that were considered sacrilegious for it was a holy meeting house and did it at the start of his ministry when he had given no evidence that the things he was saying were true.
Assuming that the Catholic dogma is true that you have to have the right intention to ordain a priest or to turn bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ then it will happen that times this fails to take place through a defect of intention. The Church annuls a lot of marriages on the grounds that the marriage was not entered into with genuine freedom. It would be the same with many ordinations to the priesthood. Many enter it because they feel they are gay or because their families coerce them. Some want to pretend to help people while feeding them religion that they secretly believe is insidious poison. The latter was my reason. Some priests are really atheists and never intended to be validly ordained. In other words, ordinations should be annulled as well as marriages. The result is that if Jesus put the Eucharist of transubstantiation into the hands of the priests he would have been exposing the people to the danger of adoring a Eucharist that was not his body and blood at all. Considering the absolute horror with which the Bible consistently regards the crime of idolatry it is improbable that this risk would have been taken. Either Jesus will consecrate the bread and wine himself without needing a priest or we will not receive the true Eucharist until after the resurrection.
The Bible says that man is totally depraved and hates God though he fakes service and love to him (Romans 1, 3) and that is why trying to earn salvation through the Law of Moses as the Jews do is so futile. How then could God expect us to trust priests to turn bread and wine into Jesus? Evil men like others to be as bad as themselves so they would be eager to fake the transformation so that their flock would be deprived of divine aid and fall into vice. A God with intense aversion to idolatry would hardly set up such a scheme.

Religion says that God being a man of flesh and blood, Jesus Christ, means that when you worship his bodily presence in holy communion you worship God. To worship the blood or his body is to worship God. But that may be okay in theory but it is not very clear. It is not practical.  Nobody understands it and nobody pretends to. If a man can think he loves his wife when he actually loves her beauty and charm how much more likely is it to mean to worship body and blood as in idolatry. The concept of worshipping the body of God does not mean you can or intend to worship God.  It may be possible but that does not mean anybody has done it yet.
The Apostle Paul told his hearers that if he himself or any Church teacher or even an angel taught a different gospel to what he was teaching then, then that one is to be accursed (Galatians 1:8). This suggests that he feared apostasy was about to happen in a horrendous and large-scale way.

He also said he wanted to go to Jesus but this desire conflicted with his desire to be with his people in the flesh to teach them. He described this as being necessary for them. He speaks as if he can’t be done without (Philippians 1:22). This does not indicate confidence in the Church to keep to the gospel.

The First Epistle of John says that whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ is an antichrist. It declares as well that those who deny that that he came in the flesh is Antichrist.
Antichrist means in the place of Christ. The antichrist is only against Christ in the sense that whoever tries to stand in Jesus’ place without his authorisation is disobeying him. The disobedience must do serious harm so by implication antichrist means a teacher whose doctrines will draw you to Hell and keep y you away form the saving power of Jesus.
The Catholic priesthood claims to act in the person of Christ. It gives no genuine evidence of any biblical authority for that at all. That is enough to mark it as antichrist.

The Church claims that the bread and wine of the Eucharist becomes the body and blood of Christ. This is a physical change but the Church says no physical change will be found. So this is a change that isn’t a change.

The Church is really saying that Jesus is not a body. Thus it is antichrist.
There's more! The Roman Catholic Church agrees with the New Testament which says that Christians experience the risen Jesus within their hearts and so are witnesses to his resurrection. Does Jesus then somewhere physically dwell in our hearts? Our hearts are really symbols of our spiritual soul which we supposedly have. The Eucharist is no good unless Jesus goes into our souls. But what need would the soul have for his body and blood? It cannot ingest them! Again is the Church indicating that Jesus’ body and blood are not physical but spiritual - in other words, not real flesh and blood.

There is less idolatry in a Hindu worshipping a statue believing that his God inhabits it than in a Catholic worshipping the communion wafer that undergoes a non-change into the body of Christ! Some idolaters think that the image only seems to be of stone or wood or whatever and these are illusions for its true nature is as a living magical being. If they are still considered worshippers of a stone or wood what does that make of the Catholics? They worship bread and wine and call them Jesus. But it is still bread and wine they worship. This is quite deliberate for they only pretend they are Jesus. We can mistake pretending for believing. Try this with the door stop. Pretend it's alive and you will see that it soon feels like believing.

The pope considers himself to be the head of the Church. His major doctrine is that he is the boss and that his Church turns bread and wine into Jesus. Those are major points in the Roman Catholic gospel. The pope with his bishops demand that even if the apostles themselves came back to life, they would be obliged to be subject to them and would have no authority to teach unless they gave them a mandate to. And Peter, the alleged first pope, would be subject as well for the Church says he ceased to be pope at his death. The apostles declared that should they themselves or an angel from Heaven change anything in the gospel they taught then they must be anathema - utterly cursed (Galatians 1). The Bible says that some angels are really God himself in angelic form. So the apostles were very extreme in the obedience they expected. The pope expects that obedience today - he claims to have their power. So if you die and go to Heaven and you find out from Jesus that the Catholic faith was wrong you are to tell him to f**k off. See the point? The Church has used the anathema to condemn those who disagreed with it in doctrine up to and including Vatican I. This is an affirmation of that very idea that Jesus himself must be opposed rather than admit the Church is wrong. And if you are wrong and go to Jesus with that attitude, it is certain you will be damned for all eternity if he really is the saviour. The Mass then expresses opposition to Jesus if he disapproves of it. It contains implicit hatred.
The Roman Catholic Church has turned the Eucharist into the sign of the Antichrist and the abomination of desolation. 

Apologetics and Catholic Doctrine, Book 2, Most Rev M Sheehan DD, MH Gill & Son, Dublin, 1954
Apologetics for the Pulpit, Aloysius Roche, Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd, London, 1950
Born-Again Catholics and the Mass, William C Standridge Independent Faith Mission, North Carolina, 1980
Catholicism and Fundamentalism, Karl Keating, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1988
Christian Order Vol 36 8-9 and Christian Order Vol 36 Number 4 53 Penerley Road, Catford, London 1995
Confession of a Roman Catholic, Paul Whitcomb, TAN, Illinois, 1985
Critiques of God, Edited by Peter A Angeles (Religion and Reason Section), Prometheus Books, New York, 1995
Documents of the Christian Church, edited by Henry Bettenson, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1979
Encyclopedia of Theology, Edited by Karl Rahner, Burns and Oates, London, 1977
Eucharist, Centre of Christian Life, Rod Kissinger SJ, Liguori Publications, Missouri, 1970
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, Fr Charles Chiniquy, Chick Publications, Chino, 1985
Is Jesus Really Present in the Eucharist? Michael Evans, Catholic Truth Society, London, 1986
Handbook to the Controversy with Rome, Vol 2, Karl Von Hase MD, The Religious Tract Society, London, 1906
Hard Sayings, FF Bruce, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1983
Living in Christ, A Dreze SJ, Geoffrey Chapman, London-Melbourne, 1969
Martin Luther, Richard Marius, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1999
Papal Sin, Structures of Deceit, Garry Wills, Darton Longman and Todd, London, 2000
Radio Replies, Vol 2, Frs Rumble and Carty, Radio Replies Press, St Paul, Minnesota, 1940
Roman Catholic Claims, Charles Gore, MA, Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1894
Salvation, The Bible and Roman Catholicism, William Webster, Banner of Truth, Edinburgh, 1990
Secrets of Romanism, Joseph Zaccello, Loizeaux Brothers, New Jersey, 1984
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Veritas, Dublin, 1995
The Early Church, Henry Chadwick, Pelican, Middlesex, 1987
The Mass, Sacrifice and Sacrament, William F Dunphy, CSSR, Liguori Publications, Missouri, 1986
The Primitive Faith and Roman Catholic Developments, Rev John A Gregg, APCK, Dublin, 1928
The Student’s Catholic Doctrine, Rev Charles Hart BA, Burns & Oates, London, 1961
This is My Body, This is My Blood, Bob and Penny Lord, Journeys of Faith, California, 1986
Why Does God…? Domenico Grasso SJ, St Pauls, Bucks, 1970
The Web
Transubstantiation, Is it a True Doctrine?
The Amplified Bible


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