Deluded Visionary "Blessed" Alexandrina Da Costa

In 1832, the shape of a cross appeared in the ground at Balasar.  It just looked like it was made of soil.  Today we have people who are mightily impressed by crop circles.  Back then, the people of Balasar decided that the cross made on the ground was a miracle. It did not bother them that nobody saw the cross appearing and that its origin might not have been miraculous.  Despite being miraculous, it could not look after itself so they had to build a church over it to preserve it.  They put a boundary and a railing around the edges of the cross.  No wonder it still exists today.

Report by Parish Priest, August 1832 to the bishop,

Your Most Excellent and Reverend Lordship, I write to advise you of an inexplicable occurrence in this Parish of Saint Eulalia of Balasar. Last Corpus Christi, while the people coming to morning Mass were passing the road which crosses the little hill of Calvary, they noticed a cross laid out on the ground. The earth which formed this cross was of a lighter colour than the surrounding soil. Dew had fallen all around, except on the cross. I myself went to brush away the dust and loose earth that formed the cross, but the design reappeared in the same place. I then ordered a considerable quantity of water to be poured over it and on the surrounding ground. But after this had drained away, the cross reappeared once more and has remained there since. The staff of this cross measures fifteen hands and the traverse measures eight hands. On rainy days the cross can be clearly seen at any hour and during good weather the cross is perfectly visible from early morning until nine o’clock, and in the afternoon, when the
Sun is sinking in the west. During the daylight hours it is not so easy to discern.

He does not tell us how he knew that dew didn't fall on the cross. Some forms of soil do indeed easily feel dry. He tells us he got rid of the cross. It came back. He does not say when the cross reappeared. Probably, it was simply just made again by the hoaxers.

The testimony is the pathetic proof that the cross is really a miracle.

5 December 1947, Alexandrina reported that Jesus said, "You are my victim, to you I have entrusted the highest mission. And as proof of this, listen carefully to what I say so that you will how to repeat it.  Almost a century ago I sent to this privileged parish the cross as a sign of your crucifixion.  I did not send a cross of roses, because the cross didn’t grow roses, only thorns; nor was it of gold, because your virtues and your heroism would be the precious stones that would decorate it.  The cross was of earth, because it was from the earth that the cross grew.  The cross was prepared; it lacked the victim, but already in the divine mind it had been chosen; that victim was you.  Evil has increased, the wave of sin has reached its high point, the victim must be immolated; you came, the world’s sacrificial lamb.  And now you will leave earth for Heaven, but the cross will remain until the end of the world, and it will always be mine.  It was human perversity that prepared mine, and it was the same human perversity that prepared yours.  Oh, how admirable are the designs of the Lord!  How great and admirable they are!  How many delights they have!"

21 January 1955, Jesus said, "More than a century ago I showed a cross to this beloved land, a cross awaiting a victim.  Everything is proof of love!  Oh, Balasar, if you do not respond to me...   Cross of earth for the victim who was taken from nothing, the victim chosen by God and who always existed in the eyes of God!  The victim of the world, but so enriched with heavenly graces, who has given all for Heaven and who, for love of souls, accepts all!  Trust, believe, my daughter!  I am here.  Repeat your "Credo!"  Trust!"


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