Asserting Atheist Rights

Atheism might look to be about discarding and even rejecting God but in fact it is very positive.  It is declaring you decide what your needs are and it is about you being your own authority.

We affirm that atheism is about asserting yourself fully.

You learn something but do not forget that other things you think you have learned can destroy your learning. These things must be “unlearned.”

We expect and demand an apology from believers for promoting violent scriptures.

Your human virtue is greater than any danger within you or without you.

Keep trying – even if a little is fine if it is all you can do. Resolving to do this for yourself and as an example for others is what gives your life meaning and is the one essential. Even in the worst moments good is present in you and new good can be created by you.
Never complain that somebody disrespects your beliefs. Belief does not deserve respect but the holder if the belief does.

The most important thing for each person is to find a way at the deepest level to cope with and struggle through whatever disaster happens and enjoy whatever good comes.

I have the fundamental human right to be looked after without wondering if the person is just doing it for approval from God or a reward.

I have the fundamental human right to be looked after without wondering if the person is just helping me for God or mainly for God.

I have the fundamental human right to talk to other people in the knowledge that we all care about truth.

I have the fundamental human right for people around me to decide things that affect me and to decide on a purely natural basis.

I have the fundamental human right not to be prayed for as I don’t want people feeling that God may have to hurt me or let harm be done to me for one of his purposes.

I have the fundamental human right to be part of a society that gives no approval of any kind to the evil things that happen – no ideas about God being right to let things happen please!

Challenging religion is self-defence for the atheist.


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