The Bible is clear that sinner or saint cannot boast before God.  Our good works are really fruits of his grace. We ask him to change us and that is where the goodness comes from.  Grace means God's active presence.

Choice these days seems to be hailed just for the sake of choosing as if the purpose of choice does not matter.  People say choice and purpose are inseparable. Choice is for purpose.  It must be admitted that choice in itself leans to nihilism in a sense.  It is virtually a temptation to that.

Back to the purpose?  Whose purpose? For religion it is God's purpose that matters. You make his purpose your own by consent. To make it about you then is abusing choice. To make a choice as a choice means that missing the mark fails to count as a proper choice. It is a motion and an error not a choice.
God then gave us free will so we could make choices for him. It is not like he just gave us freedom and it is us who makes the purpose of it to be about God. If God is to be God then he has to ensure we can be all about him and unite to him completely in love. In reality that does not happen. It cannot. We are condemned as sinful for the way we are, for what we cannot do.

A God is defined as a being who has control over all and on whom all things depend 100%. No human choice happens without God being behind it 100%. We have free will because of him and not in spite of him. Without his supporting power, all things would vanish into literally nothing.
But what if each person is a universe and a God within that universe? If I alone own my actions and if I alone choose then I am God in my space in my cell my unit whatever you may want to call it. Even if I am not God and God is the only real one I feel I am God and that does not change. Wealth that you control is what you need. That matters not owning it. You will still feel it is yours even if you forged a will to get it meaning it is not really yours.
I am God of my will and where my will is concerned. It does not matter where the will comes from or who gives it to me. What matters is that I use it. I just want a God who is not me and who is outside of me to confirm my own nature as God of my will. I get confirmation and validation from the all-knowing all-wonderful God! So when I bend the knee to God nobody should understand that as real humility! It is anything but!
If there is a God then I am not truly independent of God. The idea is that evil is just a flaw on good and so I cannot be truly evil or avoid fitting into God's good plan and even my sins further it. The problem with sin is that it lies to me that I am independent of God. So my feeling of freedom then is a lie. Only truth makes room for freedom. There is no real proper choice unless there is enough accurate information. Lies are about taking away our freedom by leading us down the path we don't really want to be on.
God does all things and all I do is consent. I may claim that my good deeds are really just his work but that does not make me humble. No. Ought implies can which means I am morally speaking as good as him for simply consenting. So the humble idea, "I don't see my good deeds as my work but the work of his grace" is only a cover. Consent is a work in itself. And if I can only consent to good though not really able to do it unless he takes over that means the consent to save the world from famine is of the same moral value as if I physically and on my own without God saved it. I am rewarded for what I can do even if that is only a yes.
Pride is a form of idolatry and even when I do good for God it is there. It is the real God for me. You may say that if you recognise that there must be a God and then make an idol of yourself then that is stronger idolatry than any person sacrificing chickens to fallen meteorites in 20 AD. It is daring and breathtaking in its arrogance.

We see that it is arrogant to think that God should owe you anything for doing good.  Believers get around that by saying, "We are humble for we see that we are literally nothing without God and God is so generous that he rewards our good works but we must not lose sight of the fact that they are not really ours but his.  We merely consent to let him work with us."  It does not work for choice is a a work in itself and needs a reward.  And if it is not your fault that you need God to do the good and all you do is ask for the grace then the asking is as much a good work as doing it all yourself.  Ought implies can.

Lying about it and fooling themselves the way religion does - remember this is people fooling themselves as a group and it is no private matter - is further proof that the humility is faked and that choice goes with atheism not God.

There is no denying that choice is a form of self-righteousness and will make it worse.

It is not the purpose of this page to see if we have the responsibility for our actions that comes from having a real free will. We reject the notion of free will as in, “It's all about doing the will of God or not.  God gives us the faculty so it is inherently dependent on God.  God asks us to use the faculty so its direction is to be used for God.  It is about God in what it is and in what it is meant to be for."  The language of the eyes is not to see God so sight is for us. The language of the will is not about God. That we have to make it about him at times shows it is not inherently about God.  Free will is a declaration that if there is no God I am my God and especially if there is no God I am my God.


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