Jesus was clear that death could lead to passing over to a state so terrible that you are better off not being born.  He spoke of how he would send people to eternal punishment and bring others in contrast to eternal life.  He is clear that there is no second chance.  He said to fear not those who  torture you to death but him who can destroy your body and soul in Gehenna.  Don't think that destroy and annihilate mean the same thing.  They do not.  And the Bible speaks of destroyed people as still alive.

Some Christians say God does give you your own way and that is punishment but as he loves you this is not to be understood as perpetual punishing.  He simply sentences you out of his presence.  The other things happen as a natural consequence and it is not his fault.  There are doctrines that tie in with their teaching that show this attempt to avoid the charge of hate and vindictiveness does not work.

The Church says that whoever rejects God or his Church is in fact rejecting a caricature for they are so wonderful and attractive. It follows then that the damned don't make a choice against God at all but against a caricature of him. Whatever a Christian can say, they cannot say that Hell exists because God respects free will and the freedom of a person to reject him. Christians don't believe that Hell is a doctrine that respects free will at all for they are the ones saying that God is never rejected but only a mockery of him is. They use an excuse to justify Hell that they don't believe in - they are a lot more vindictive than they pretend.

Love the sinner and hate the sin is rubbish for if you hate the sin you must of necessity hate the sinner for the sinner is the cause of the sin. Sin is not something you do. Sin is something that reveals YOU. It cannot be distinct from you. You cannot say that you love black people if you think black skin is evil or makes them bad or untrustworthy. The doctrine of eternal punishment makes this hypocrisy lose all control and drives it to its extreme. No greater hate can one have than to approve of a sinner being abandoned in Hell forever.

Believers say that when you choose Hell by your sin, you are saying you are your sin. That is why you reject God totally which is Hell (Ecumenical Jihad (page 45). In other words, when you get honest and admit that to judge the sin is to judge the sinner you are guaranteed damnation for being honest so this realisation must be the greatest sin of all.

We are all capable of hate and if you don’t hate anybody that is leading others into Hell by sin then you don’t really believe in Hell or care much about the victims. You are more abnormal and depraved than a psychopathic murderer if you don’t care. What makes it even more abnormal is that the Church tells us we are biased towards doing evil. We like evil better so we should be more prone to hating those who draw others into Hell than not. Hate is not a sin if you cannot help it and how could you love anybody that damns souls? Eternal punishing, a beloved dogma of Catholicism, Protestantism and Islam is a doctrine that incites hatred. It proves just how evil Jesus who preached it was. How could you even smile if people are being damned? It would be sick to be happy. The happiness of believers in Hell shows that they are very damaged people.

Hell implies that retribution is the main component of punishment which is vengeful for there are more important things to consider. Punishment is carried out because you deserve it, because it says society does not approve of your crime, because it deters others and because it is hoped that it will make you a better person. With Hell, all that matters is the retribution. But it is certain that it is better to jail a thief for say one year for all the other reasons but not retribution. There is no need to bring retribution into the equation so its introduction means that the penalty is motivated by revenge and the more importance granted to retribution the more vengeful the penalty is. Hell contradicts the Christian ban on revenge. When you accuse them of being vengeful they respond by saying that revenge is wrong and that they are not. But they have no right to condemn the vengeful as long as they support the Hell doctrine. Indeed their condemning them would itself be vindictive and vengeful under those circumstances. The Hell doctrine underlines the hypocrisy of Christianity and its founders. There is no use in the Church blaming the scriptures for the doctrine for it could eliminate the books that teach it from the canon. Just because they want to use the list of books they have people have to suffer and God has to get a bad name. Sick and sad.

Christians today try to avoid the conclusion that Hell is a doctrine of hate by saying that Hell happens only because God respects our free will to abandon him and be abandoned for all eternity. This is a trendy notion and rather untraditional. It contradicts the parable of the prodigal son told by Jesus in which a son finally rejects his father but later changes his mind and is welcomed back. Just because a decision is final doesn't mean it will stay final. It doesn't explain why it is only those who die rejecting God that don't reverse their rejection. A person could reject God finally during life and then at death be softening to him and still go to Hell forever and the Church says it is their free will! How silly! It is a strange kind of free will that allows one to reject God forever many times on earth and then change and go back to him when those who happen to die during a phase in which they want nothing to do with God ever again can't change. Clearly it is not free will that causes Hell but death. Christians are just twisting things about to make their religion look good and kind. It is like an abusive husband beating his wife and saying that the passion of love he feels for her took over his mind and made him do what he didn't really want to do. It is dressing evil up as good.

People who die in sin have to be slandered by Christians. The Christians need to say they ALL turn into stubborn reprobates. Even if some might all wouldn't. It is ridiculous to believe that death would do that to all those people. Few if any could be so bad that they would be beyond hope of changing for the better. You need total proof before you can accuse people of having the power to be that bad. The Christian claim that those who are in Hell have chosen to be there is a lie. They are there because they died in sin according to Christian theology. It is death that put them there not sin because the living person who chooses to go to Hell does not disappear from earth and go there.

All free will decisions are final in the sense that once they are made they are made. When you choose to create evil, the evil you make will have happened no matter what you do in the future to fix it so it is permanent and final in that sense. Free will is about being able to make final decisions and change them later. Christians say God gives us free will so that we might be good people of our own volition. When we accept this gift and we accept it by using it, we make a contract to always use it for good. But we frequently break this contract. The Christians lie that free will needs to make it possible that you will never change.

If we make a final decision against God, we need the power to change and turn to him to be still there. It is because you have the power to change but don't that you can be called stubborn. Without it you would be a puppet not a reprobate.

God should not let a person go to Hell forever just because they have chosen it. That would not be against their free will. They have still decided to abandon God forever and that doesn't change. Whether or not they get what they have decided for, their will is still the same. Christians say the marriage bond ends with death. Mormons say that a man and woman who make the final decision to be wed for time and eternity contract a marriage that will last beyond death and forever. God doesn't go along with the Mormon if Christianity is true. So why should he prefer to go along with the will of somebody who wants to be in agony and loneliness forever.

Most Christians object to the notion that Hell is the place where people freely stay and become evil and create this madhouse for it implies that Hell is not punishment for sin. They point out that if the damned are not getting punished by God but are left to their own evil devices then Hell could be far worse than it would be if it was a place where God in fairness punished the damned and restrained them from being overly cruel to one another.

Many of those who die without believing in or obeying Christ are caring people. Christians are asking us to believe they are reprobates who want to shun God and all that is loved by God and all other people by going to Hell if they die. The solution that free will makes Hell is no solution at all and only serves to make the Hell doctrine more vindictive. Even the most liberal of theologians, even those who say we must believe in the possibility of Hell but not necessarily that there is anybody in it, are being vindictive. They are still saying the Hell treatment would be right.


Christians sometimes hold that when God tells you, you go to Hell forever that is punishment yes. But they deny it is punishing. The idea is that you go there and God would free you but you won’t let him. There you expose yourself to chaos and torment and he is excluded so he cannot help as he respects free will. Now this is really like a judge who says he has to send you to jail and this is punishment but not punishing. That he sends you to the worst one he can find speaks volumes. He knows it is wrong and pretends it is right. He is an abuser and is evil. He abuses us if he forces us and pressures us to say it is not punishing! It is passive aggressive hate on steroids.


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