The Catholic claim that those who commit mortal sin (idolatry, adultery,
homosexuality, schism, heresy, not praying etc) and die choose Hell and
will get what they ask for is a strange one. They choose sin not Hell. You don't
say a burglar who is caught chooses jail by what he has done. You say he has
broken a law and that is the problem.
Talk about "its their choice" is a cover for, "I don't have to do anything about it thank goodness." The fact that we are connected by our common humanity and are not really individuals no matter how hard we try to be is ignored. Choice is not an excuse for saying you can do nothing.
What does believing in Hell say about you?
To believe something is to will it to be true. Belief is caused by evidence. It
makes you see that something seems likely to be true.
Catholics are not only to hold that the teachings of their faith are true or
real. They are to treat and perceive these beliefs as realities. In other words,
if you are a Catholic and you believe in everlasting torment in Hell you are
TRYING to make it a reality for those who you believe should go there. You might
not know who these are but that is not the point. You are still vindictive in
principle. Whoever believes in Hell is not a good person no matter how much
charm or alms they have to give. Jack the Ripper could have been a
philanthropist aside from his dastardly murdering impulse.
The Catholic teachings that we are born in original sin and are obligated to
obey the pope by baptism into the Church and to become saints who have a life of
misery and who will go to Hell forever if we die in unrepented serious sin say
something about the believer. And it is this. The believer wants these horrible
teachings to be true deep down even if he feels revulsion for them. The atheist
does not acquiesce to evil to that degree. Miracles in Christianity no matter
what laudable purpose they seem to have are used to encourage these evil ideas.
To say one is condemned by one's choices is judgemental. To cast a negative
judgment on the deeds and person of others is to try and make yourself feel
superior. If you are really confident and happy with how you are as a person you
will not do that.
A Roman Catholic prayer calls upon St Michael the Archangel to put Satan back in
Hell. That sounds vicious. The Church may say that Satan belongs there and that
we would send him back there not because we are bad but because we are so good
that we give him what he wants. If that is what he wants then why does he have
to be sent back? The Church says that if we go to Hell to suffer forever, it is
what we have asked for and God kindly grants it. This is an obviously absurd
teaching. It shows the Church is actually grateful to God for putting demons and
people in Hell. The Church makes excuses for evil.
Instead of honouring human nature by saying we can't become evil enough to
willingly stay in Hell forever, believers put the fact that the existence of
Hell is stated in their scriptures and Catholic faith first. They prefer to
accuse us of potentially infinite evil than to contradict their scriptures and
religion. God is evil if he asks us to believe and so if Hell exists it is where
he unleashes his vindictiveness.
Christianity preaches innocent until proven guilty and yet without proof it
accuses you of being capable of living forever without God just out of spite!
That is a tremendous accusation. The Church never worried about accusing Judas
Iscariot and the Jews of murdering Jesus without proving it! The accusations
against the forefathers of the Jewish people who died in the Holocaust are an
insult to the dead.
Vindictive in every way
Believing a doctrine can be objectively vindictive or subjectively vindictive or
If I decide you committed a crime just because I felt you were guilty then I am
vindictive. If I decided it because of the evidence then it is completely
different. And so it is with the idea of Hell. Christianity actually wants to
believe in Hell. Some Christians say they don't like it. But when they accept
Hell clearly they must also like it. They like it enough to accept it. You can
dislike and like something at the same time. They like it more than dislike it.
The Christians don't look for evidence that people can be stubborn enough to go
to Hell for all eternity. No. They decide people can be bad enough just
because Jesus Christ or somebody said so. If they started with evidence from
human nature their adopting the belief might not be motivated by
vindictiveness. Indeed evidence itself wouldn't justify belief that human
nature could go to Hell and stay there. Proof would be needed. The less
evidence the more vindictiveness lurks there. It may be stronger subliminally
than consciously. But it is no less real.
Can't call the Church a liar?
No genuinely good person would say that we must be capable of hating everybody
for all eternity just because we can't call Jesus and the Church liars. Yet the
Catholics emphasise and parrot this very idea. If the pope said that paedophiles
want to become demons at death to possess children what would we think of
somebody who argued that we must accept this for we must not call the pope
mistaken or a liar? It shows plenty of concern for defending the doctrine-maker
but none for the slandering of the human person. It is no excuse to say that no
specific person is being accused. To say somebody in a group is a liar and bad
is to put suspicion on all members of the group. There is nothing to be praised
in being unspecific. To say any person could choose to be evil for all eternity
insults us all for you could be speaking about anybody.
Rather you than me!
Catholics do not believe in a God who will punish them. They don’t like that
concept. They don’t mind the thought of a God who will punish other people as
much. Fervent believers in Hell clearly do not think they are going to go there
but that other people will. The Bible says we are all sinners and if I am a
sinner and feel Hell is something for others to worry about going to not me then
I am smug and arrogant. I insult those people by worshipping my perception of a
God who has it in for them and not me. I glorify my own arrogance in my "humble"
If we are all sinners as they say, and if we sin many times every day as the
Bible teaches, then clearly we should see the doctrines of a punishing God and
everlasting punishment as mainly motivated by a vindictive desire to see people
suffer. If you think you should be punished, you may want to see others punished
with you. It helps you. We find being punished more bearable if others are
punished with us. But while religious people talk about all people being sinners
they usually are thinking more of others being sinful than themselves. Also, if
you see others as deserving punishment you may feel less bad about hurting them.
Jeremiah spoke of Jewish righteousness as being filthy rags. Jesus said that a
sincere Pharisee who did good works and thanked God for helping him to do them
was still rejected and his good works did nothing for him. Those teachers are
saying that even in the midst of doing good works we might still be actually
evil. The good we do is motivated by the desire to conceal the evil inside and
so it is evil in reality.
The Satan doctrine fuels the fire
The Devil, according to Christian conspiracy theory, is behind so many events in
the world. He influences people and pulls their strings to get what he wants. If
you believe in a being as impossible to love as the Devil, you will believe that
sinners are opening their hearts and indeed have opened them to his influence
and are hence co-conspirators with him. How could you love sinners if you
believe in the Devil and that they are part of something even worse than the
sins they commit?
Some say that you can hate the sinner by loving them to sin and loving their sin
for their sin degrades them and will eventually, if unrepented, destroy them in
Hell. They are perfectly right if there is a Hell. Now do you understand why
Christians believe the Devil is a charming individual? He needs to be in order
to lure people to such a horrendous fate and especially if they have been
Christians believe that the demons and lost people in Hell want us to be tempted
to sin and indeed try to tempt us so that we may be damned with them. That
reminds you that there were times that you would have liked or like people to go
to Hell yourself. You believe that it is spite against God that essentially puts
people in Hell. If you are able to believe that people can be bad enough to
endure the agony of everlasting despair in Hell over petty spite then does that
not draw suspicion on you? And what about others? These doctrines are not the
kind of doctrines conducive to human wellbeing.
The doctrine of Hell does no good. It does not deter many from sin. Teenagers
and young people do not feel they can die so it will hold no fear for them. Also
you can repent on your deathbed anyway to dodge Hell. To accept such a horrible
but useless doctrine is to indulge in nasty wishful thinking. When a harmful
doctrine does no good it is held for vindictive reasons.
Belief keeps you in Hell
Christians often teach, "Damned people feel they are right and that is why they
stay in Hell. The unforgivable sin mentioned by Jesus is actually people
believing they know better than God. They are too arrogant to repent. The damned
in Hell sincerely believe that God is wrong. They are so sure of it that they
refuse to turn to him despite their suffering." That would unsettle anybody. You
can think you are good and be sure you are sincere and still be committing this
Slippery slope
If you can justify God sending people to Hell to sin and suffer for all eternity
you can justify anything. This point alone shows that spite is a motivation for
the doctrine. If that is not spite then nothing is. If a person sweetly said
that Anna should be encouraged to stay with her brutal rapist husband we would
see that person as vindictive. So why do we not see authentic Christians as
vindictive for encouraging us to believe in Hell?
Cooling the fires
Trendy liberal Christians tend to lie that Hell is not a torture chamber. But
that is not the point. All agree that being cut off from God forever is the
worst thing about Hell and that any physical pain would be nothing compared to
that. The liberals cool the fires of Hell or say they are a symbol. They comfort
people with that. That is manipulation for they still think the fires represent
something far worse than the torment of fire. And the liberals ignore the fact
that being cut off from God does not mean he cannot put them into some kind of
paradise. They whitewash the doctrine of Hell.
The Liberals smile sweetly and may tell you that if you take drugs and commit
suicide or have forbidden sex you cannot go to Hell for God understands. They
give the impression they think nobody is bad enough to go to Hell or to be put
in it. Mention Hitler to them ...
God has no right to judge
There is no need for God to judge us. He is almighty and ultimately in control
of all things. Why punish people just for the sake of punishing? A God of
judgment is a God of hate.
If virtue it's own reward then vice is its own punishment. So there is no need
for God. His Hell is vindictive.
Last minute conversion
All Christians believe that you can get a free pass into Heaven. You can live a
life of sin and still go there if you repent and receive Jesus’ forgiveness at
the end. The repentance might be weak enough but Jesus takes it as enough and
wipes your sins away.
This proves that the doctrine of Hell is not about helping to make the world a
better place at all. There can only be one conclusion. The doctrine is
Why do people fall for the belief?
The notion of Hell becomes popularised when people hear of it and start to fear
that it might be true. Fear leads to hate. There is enough to fear without Hell.
Few Catholics can give reasons to justify belief in Hell and that it is an
ethical idea. Most Catholics just accept it out of habit or because they are
expected to. This certainly shows they care more about what they want to believe
than what they should believe. They say they believe when they really mean that
they feel there is a Hell. To base such a gruesome doctrine on feeling is
vindictive. To condone it because you feel it is true is vindictive in the
If we are sinners and need religion and the state to curb our behaviour and
thinking, then Hell not worth the risk of making some vindictive. We all know
believers who relish the doctrine and hope their enemies will burn in Hell. Even
if there is a Hell, the fact remains that the doctrine has spawned more
spiritual poison than any other. The hatred of Christian fundamentalists towards
members of non-Christian religions and towards atheists is well documented in
America. They will be told outright that they are going to Hell.
If I were an evil person but didn’t have the guts to hurt people, I would have
to comfort myself with the thought that there is a Hell for them to suffer in
forever. The smile which they think is a mark of friendship is really a smirk as
I revel in the thought of them being damned. The doctrine is just what an evil
person would invent.
Sometimes the Christian likes to be smug and think he is too great to go to Hell
and that it only happens to other people especially people like Trampy Tina the
local whore down the road. That is horrible. Indeed the doctrine is so scary and
hideous that if you are not scared then you clearly think it is for others and
not you. Everything I do is protective of myself and my feelings. For example, I
know it is dangerous for me to hurt others and punish them so I satisfy myself by
the thought of them getting damned. I protect myself by giving the
responsibility for their torment to God. I protect myself from the anger that
wishes to see them hurt.
If I decide you committed a crime just because I felt you were guilty then I am
vindictive. If I decided it because of the evidence then it is completely
different. And so it is with the idea of Hell.
Christianity actually wants to believe in Hell. The Christians don't look for
evidence that people can be stubborn enough to go to Hell for all eternity. No.
They decide people can be bad enough just because Jesus Christ or somebody said
so. If they started with evidence from human nature their adopting the belief
might not be motivated by vindictiveness. Indeed evidence itself wouldn't
justify belief that human nature could go to Hell and stay there. Proof would be
needed. The less evidence the more vindictiveness lurks there. It may be
stronger subliminally than consciously.
Everlasting punishment is such a terrible and dangerous doctrine that we are
entitled to assume that Christians believe it out of a desire to hurt
themselves, or more likely, to see others hurt. If we are entitled to assume
anything at all, we would certainly be entitled to assume that.
Can you be smug about Hell?
Christians admit that all sin is rooted in pride and when they say that they are
all sinners let us take their word for it that pride motivates their preaching
about Hell for a heart given to pride cannot issue humble acts but only acts
that superficially appear humble. The response given is that all preachers must
realise that it could happen to them. But anybody who takes precautions can
afford to be self-righteous. Born again Christians are self-righteous for they
say they have chosen Jesus which is a righteous act in their opinion and that
those who do not do as they have done are going to rot in Hell forever and ever.
Their claim that God does all the work but they cannot mean that. It is obvious
they have to take responsibility for it.
Christians say it is humble to insist that God did your good deeds not you. The
implication is that it is arrogance and pride to say they are all down to you.
But if I take all the credit for painting a beautiful picture and that is
arrogance then imagine how arrogant it is to claim that God used me to do it? I
am claiming I know that and have experienced that. But I cannot know what and
have not experienced anything like some being doing it through me. I am parading
my alleged humility and claiming that my human acts are divine acts. There is no
bigger boast than claiming that your paltry deeds are divine!
Catholics who go to confession and communion often are taking all the best
precautions and can be fairly confident that they will go to Heaven. When they
warn about Hell they think themselves to be more sensible and righteous than
those who need that warning more than they do. They think that they have more
right to walk the earth than them. Christians know fine well that self-righteous
people cannot be made as humble as they ought to be by the thought that they
could be damned so their saying that preachers knowing they could be damned
means they are not self-righteous when they preach to sinners is utter nonsense.
It’s a desperate cover-up but it fails to mask how vicious and self-righteous
and pompous the Hell doctrine is.
Human nature is very contradictory. The tongue that praises one person can ruin
another. Do not let the charm of some Christians make you feel that their
reverence for Hell is tolerable and worthy of respect. Remember that we are
social creatures and will abandon morality and our principles to fit in. It
might be a struggle to do it but we will at least try. The person who venerates
Hell for vindictive reasons will turn on the charm for she is programmed by her
social nature to bluff.