The Bible says that God is judge of all the earth and will judge everybody at the end of time.  Jesus then if he is God is also judge.

In John 9:39, Jesus says he came into the world to judge it. Elsewhere, we read the contrary. See John 12:47.

In Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible, Haley “explains” that Jesus came into the world to judge it in the sense of determining the fate of mankind, be to reward or punishment, by preaching his saving gospel and that is what John 9.39 means. Jesus does not judge the world now in the sense of holding a trial to work out the due punishment or blessing (page 120) so that solves John 12.47. The solution is that he has different types of judging in mind.

But if so, then 9:39 has nothing judicial – it is just people being sent on their fate to everlasting life or everlasting condemnation according to how they respond to the gospel. That is not judging. That is people deciding their own fate. The verse must speak of real judging and be in contradiction of John 12:47.

Both verses speak in the context of the preaching of the gospel. So there is a contradiction. They speak of people being judged by the gospel.

And also, would Jesus really mean that if anybody does not believe him he will not put him on trial the judicial way when it is plain that he has not tried anybody and also that when he claimed to be the Son of God he would not need to? Of course not!

John 12 verse 48 says his teaching will judge in the judicial way. So he does not mean judge in the 9:39 verse the way Haley says. His teaching passes judicial sentence. So the contradiction stands.

This is a very serious contradiction. If Jesus was not the judge he couldn’t have been God for God is the judge.

So John 12.47 says that Jesus didn’t come into the world to judge the world judicially. But if Jesus were God he would have judged the world judicially even before he came into the world. God is outside time.

The Bible says that the kingdom of Jesus will last forever (Daniel 7:14; Luke 1:23; Hebrews 1:8). Paul said that Jesus’ kingdom will end and he reigns only until he triumphs over his enemies (1 Corinthians 15:24-28).

Haley (page 139) offers several solutions to the contradiction.

a) Jesus will not need to be king anymore when he has made us all perfect for perfect beings don’t need a ruler. If so then the prophecies promise that we will never be sinless for they say he will reign forever.

b) Paul means that Jesus will stop reigning as mediator and start reigning as God. Paul never said that he meant the mediator reign would cease. Jesus reigned as God if he was God and even if he was mediator. When Jesus is ruling to get rid of his enemies mediation is the last thing on his mind.

c) Jesus’ kingdom has two departments, the kingdom over the saints and the kingdom over the enemies. Paul meant that the latter would end. But Paul did not say he will reign over his enemies until he ends the reign. He meant the whole kingdom.

d) The end of the kingdom is the kingdom in the world. This will be ended merely by transferring the domain to the land of Heaven. But that is not ending the kingdom but changing it. And Paul did not say that he meant the earthy kingdom alone so he also meant the Heavenly one. Jesus could not reign over earth until he destroys all his enemies for you do not rule those who loathe and ignore your authority.

God incarnate cannot stop being ruler for he is God the Ruler. Jesus was not God.


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