Arians and Jehovah's Witnesses are famous deniers that Jesus was God. They say he was God's most powerful creation and who became man.
They seem to purposely misunderstand the Bible at John chapter 1.
The opening line in this chapter says, "In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God" and later"...The word became flesh." This seems to say that Jesus Christ as the incarnate Word is actually God.
The definite article THE is missing where you expect to see it. So you get "In the beginning was the Word and the word was with THE God and the word was God". THE God is God but the word is described as God but is not THE God. That is poetry. What is the text saying? It is saying that you can describe Jesus as God but you cannot identify him as God. It is not talking about identity. The son can be descriptive of his father but not his father.
The idea is that Jesus is not God but is so saturated with God that they virtually are the same!
The term word is interesting. It is not a personal
term. It means Word or Message. In Bible theology, God is love and
justice and the truth. That is very abstract but it refers to how God is
not like any being or person you can imagine. So the text does not say
there was a person called the Word who became Jesus. It says God is the
Message and the Message is Jesus. The idea is that God used Jesus to
express and show himself. It is like how an actor has to become the
JOHN 1:18: This verse says that nobody ever seen God and that it is therefore
God the only Son ever at the side of God who revealed him.
The New American Bible notes say that many manuscripts from ancient times do not
call the Son God here. So there is a case to be made for saying that the verse
never called the Son God. Now the verse says that nobody ever seen God so he
needs somebody to reveal him to us – that is somebody apart from himself. That
means somebody that is not God. Thus the rendering of the verse as saying that
the Son of God is God is undoubtedly wrong.
The verse clearly proves that the author never meant that Jesus is actually God
when he wrote that the word was God and the word became flesh in Jesus.
JOHN 5:18. Jesus “was speaking of God as being [in a special sense] His own
Father, making Himself equal [putting himself on a level] with God”.
John says Jesus claimed to be equal with God. We don’t know what sense he meant
this in. But we know he may not have meant that he is the same as God in
everything because Jesus said immediately afterwards, “The Son is able to do
nothing of himself (of His own accord); but He is able to do only what He sees
the Father doing”. If there are persons in God these persons do all the same
things for God is a spirit that is an undivided immaterial substance. God would
have an inferior part if he could be a Son that needed to learn from him.
Christians say that Jesus was simply saying that though he was God he was also
man and the man part needed to learn from the God part. They may be right but
who can be sure if they are? As long as there is uncertainty we cannot be sure
the citation proves that Jesus is considered God by the Gospel. This is why what
Jesus said later about God wanting people to honour Jesus as much as him (v23)
cannot be definitely understood as literally true. He may have meant that God
wanted him to be honoured by prayers and love as much as him in some things.
Statements that are general are to be interpreted in the light of their obvious
CS Lewis said in his book, Miracles, that Jesus was a Jew and Jews frowned on
pantheism so he did not claim to be a pantheistic God. That is like saying that
Martin Luther was a Catholic and would not have decided that the pope was the
antichrist. Lewis in his dishonesty wants us to surmise that Jesus calling
himself Yahweh would be worse in Jewish eyes than Jesus claiming to be a
pantheist deity. Indeed the person who claims to be almighty God is blaspheming
Judaism more than a person who concurs with Pantheists that God is nature and
therefore we are all God is. Most Hindus think they are God because they believe
that God is nature. Some Hindus believe that to worship God in idols though he
is the idol is wrong for you must experience and worship only the pure spiritual
form of God, the thing that is the foundation of reality and the real thing
behind the material illusions. So it is simplistic to say that Jesus could not
have been a pantheist. Many Jews were and that is where the Kabballah came from.
Not once did Jesus say that Pantheism is wrong. Maybe others said he did but
when they don’t quote him we don’t know if they interpreted him right or not.
But there is nobody in the New Testament who gives any testimony that Jesus was
against Pantheism. The Law of Economy requires that if anybody reasonably sane
claims to be God then he means a Pantheist God and is not claiming to be
consciously running the universe like a madman might.