An infinite line can have no beginning and no end.  It is not everything.  And there may be an infinite blue line and an infinite yellow one.  The infinite does not take in everything.  But there is another kind of infinite.  It does take in everything. 

God is the power without beginning and without end.  There is no other power.  All that exists comes from him totally.

Yet Christianity says God makes what is not God at all without using anything.  This is creation.  Creating means making from nothing.

But an infinite God is the creation. He does not make.  He transforms into the universe. In mathematical terms he is a set.  Any new set can only appear within him so it is not separate from him.  The pebble on the beach is God.

Infinite power alone can bring something into existence from nothing for the distance between it and nothing is infinite. When God causes himself or is the necessary being he would have to be infinite because he sustains himself and causes himself.

God is infinite. There is no power that is not God’s. God is spirit. God is his power. All things are made of God’s power. Therefore all things are God. Creation didn’t happen. GOD A GUIDE FOR THE PERPLEXED Keith Ward, OneWorld, Oxford, 2003 page 161 recognises that if God is really infinite he will have to include the universe or it is a part of him. If God makes something that is not him then he is not infinite anymore. There is power outside him.
To state that God is infinite is to say he is all things and that we are God is to state a fact.  All religion can do is contradict it, "God's power is indeed unlimited. But that does not mean he has all the power there is or can be. We have power and though God allows that power to exist it is not his power."  But that is not an argument. It is like looking at a door and saying there is a door there and being told no.
The proofs for God's existence from Thomas Aquinas - the proofs from causality, necessity and motion all presuppose that God is infinite. He too said it takes infinite power to bring something out of nothing for the distance between something and nothing is infinite. It takes infinite power to bring motion from non-motion for the distance is infinite. The proofs of Aquinas are refuted by experience for they would demand a pantheistic God. Even if they could not be refuted we would have to hold that there has to be something so difficult that we cannot grasp it that explains how the proofs can be true and yet disproved by experience. Experience would come first in this for I know I exist and I know I am not almighty or all-knowing or God.

It is telling that the Handbook of Christian Apologetics (page 105) when answering the view that creation is impossible does not deal with the problem of a God of infinite power who is his power making all things from nothing and being distinct from what he makes. Christians habitually ignore any problems they cannot deal with and like to give half the truth. It replies to the Greek philosophical view that creation cannot happen for nothing can come from nothing. It agrees with it that nothing can come from nothing but claims that this is only a natural law and God is the maker of nature and can go against it. The reason it gives is that God has infinite power to bring something from nothing for the distance from something to nothing is infinite. Then it says that the idea of a creator God is not irrational because it does not say that anything or even God just popped into existence without a cause.
The Church says that what is infinite cannot become what is finite (page 138 or Question 650, Radio Replies, Volume 1, Fathers Rumble and Carty, Radio Replies Press, St Paul Minnesota, 1938). This is its response to those who say the infinite God mutated into all things. This would be a doctrine of mutation of spirit into matter rather than a doctrine of matter coming from nothing. Surely it would be easier for spirit to turn into matter than for nothing to turn into matter? At least spirit would be something and not nothing. There are problems with spirit turning into matter. But are they as bad as the problems of nothing becoming matter? Certainly not!
What is infinite cannot become what is finite because that contradicts the rule that the whole is greater than the part. The infinite is like the whole and the finite is like the part.
When you look at a stone you see something that is finite in the sense that it does not fill all space to infinity.  So how can it be the infinite God?  It can be if it is a manifestation of God.  It only looks finite but is infinite because it is the power that has become it is.  When you look down a well you see the surface of water but you don't see how much water is there.  The whole not being greater than the part kind of thinking says it is as sane to worship a grain of sand as it is to worship Jesus Christ.  All is just God.

Some talk of maya or illusion.  But others talk of a screen or curtain.  They say that is why it looks as if a grain is just a grain. 

Pantheism is in fact taught by Christianity though it ardently opposes it at the same time.  It is taught in a very dishonest and deceptive way.  But it is taught.


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