In 1940, Pope Pius XI denied the constant tradition of the Church by teaching
that sexual pleasure is not a sin and that it is not wrong to seek it in
The Church teaches that sex is mainly for reproduction and secondly for love. It
if were honest it would teach that it is only for reproduction because it is
God’s will that babies be created to serve him. So it is just for God’s will.
If sex is mainly for babies then love as we want it to be does not matter.
However love as God wants it to be is self-sacrifice and is painful and it seeks
to make others make the same sacrifices of pain. If sex is for this kind of cold
love then it follows that it is imperfect and not altruistic if it is not
engaged in just for a baby. It is more altruistic to have sex for a baby than it
is not to. To refuse to be as altruistic as possible is to refuse to love and
the act that falls short of what you could do is really a product of the ego.
This implies that contraceptive sex and gay sex are selfish and are not loving
at all. The huge majority of women cannot have an orgasm through sexual
intercourse and need the help of masturbation which shows how anti-women the
Church and its ranting about procreation and “natural” are.
Falling in love would be a sin for it means wanting a person and not just a
The Church condemns excess drinking for it reduces your freedom and blesses the
sex-drive though it is not better. Falling in love involves wanting a person
sexually because of desire and not because of the person for you can’t turn your
feelings on and off for the affection is involuntary. It must be a sin for holy
love is unemotional and sacrificing and wants to make babies for God instead of
wanting the desire for a person not the person. It is not on when the Church
which forbids wilful sex desire outside marriage approves of it underhandedly.
For people who are careful with contraception, their sex lives will be very
good. The lack of contraception puts a limit on the amount of sex you dare to
have. The Catholic Church teaches that artificial birth control is always
immoral even when it is to prevent a husband infecting his wife with the AIDS
virus. The idea that contraception is bad has more to do with hatred of
sexuality and the desire to see it punished by having unwanted babies than with
any real concern for the people who use it or need it. Contraception must be the
worst sin possible when it is better if you are having sex to risk your life and
bringing sick babies into the world to suffer by neglecting contraception.
Nothing is that bad that it can be banned under all circumstances. The Church
allows killing in self-defence for heaven’s sake!
Most Christians fall in love, practice contraception and have sex. This is in
spite of the Church and not because of it.
A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, Catholic Truth Society, Westminster, 1985
A Teenager’s Answer to “Shall I Go to the Prom?” Sherry Burgess, Guardian of
Truth Publications, Kentucky
A Work of the Flesh: Sexualism, Weldon E Warnock, Guardian of Truth
Publications, Kentucky
Believing in God, PJ McGrath, Wolfhound Press, Dublin, 1995
Biblical Dictionary and Concordance of the New American Bible, Confraternity of
Christian Doctrine, Washington DC, 1971
Contraception and Chastity, Elizabeth Anscombe, Catholic Truth Society, London
Contraception, John T Noonan, Jr., A Mentor-Omega Book, New American Library,
New York, 1965
Courtship and the Dangers of Petting, John R Rice, Sword of the Lord,
Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 1943
Divorce, John R Rice, Sword of the Lord, Murfreesboro, 1946
God Is Not Great, The Case Against Religion, Christopher Hitchens, Atlantic
Books, London, 2007
Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven, Uta Ranke Heinmann, Penguin, London, 1991
Moral Questions, Bishops Conference, Catholic Truth Society, London, 1971
New Catholic Encyclopedia, The Catholic University of America and the
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., Washington, District of Columbia, 1967
Pornography – A Psychiatrist’s Verdict, Melvin Anchell MD, Liguori Publications,
Preparing for a Mixed Marriage, Irish Episcopal Conference, Veritas, Dublin,
Rediscovering Gay History, John Boswell, Gay Christian Movement, UK, 1982
Rome has Spoken, A Guide to Forgotten Papal Statements and How They Have Changed
Through the Centuries, Maureen Fiedler and Linda Rabben (Editors), Crossroad
Publishing, New York, 1998
Scattered Vows, Exodus From the Priesthood, David Rice, Blackstaff Press,
Belfast, 1990
Sex & Marriage A Catholic Perspective, John M Hamrogue C SS R, Liguori,
Illinois, 1987
Shall We Dance? Dick Blackford, Guardian of Truth Publications, Kentucky
Son of Joseph, The Parentage of Jesus, Geoffrey Parrinder, T&T Clark, Edinburgh,
The Emancipation of a Freethinker, Herbert Ellsworth Cory, The Bruce Publishing
Company, Milwaukee, 1947
“The Lord Hateth Putting Away!” and Reflections on Marriage and Divorce The
Committee of the Christadelphian, Birmingham, 1985
The Pope and Contraception, Brenda Maddox, Counterblasts 18, Chatto & Windus,
London 1991
Vicars of Christ, Peter de Rosa, Corgi, London, 1993